STUdent Tallas Munro Releases Second Book of Poetry

English Language and Literature STUdent Tallas Munro recently released his second book of poetry titled Lion.
The Fredericton-based poet and actor said Lion is a “spiritually driven collection of poems.”
"I never start any project with a theme in mind, so I just started writing until I had 300 pages of text to work from, and the theme presented itself: vulnerability," said Munro.
"I finished it two years ago, representing the formative years of my adulthood and the inner life of my twenties. The text speaks on my values and priorities, and I'm so glad it's out."
Munro’s first book Death Before Life was published in 2018 and he says his next book of poetry is on the horizon.
"There's Space for Everyone at STU"
Munro, currently in the last year of his Bachelor of Arts and his second year at STU, chose to study at St. Thomas because of the small, tight-knit campus.
"Education is very personal for me, so I figured a small campus with intimate classes would allow me more one-on-one time with my instructors," said Munro.
He hasn’t been disappointed.
"STU has been a joy. The faculty listen and make it clear that they're here for your benefit, the campus community looks out for each other, and it doesn't matter where you're from, who you are, where you think you're going, or what you're studying—there's space for everyone," said Munro.
"I've made some amazing connections, and I'm consistently humbled by how giving and intelligent my peers are. It's a supportive community that I learn from every day."