Current Courses

Fall Semester 2024

Course Name


WSGS-2016-A1 Intro Women's & Gender Studies 

M. Campbell 

ANTH-3253. Queer Anthropology 

B. Votour 

CRIM-2403. Criminalizing Women in Canada 

M. Aspinall 

CRIM-3163. Perspectives- Missing Persons 

J. Savarese 

ECON-2303. Gender in the Global South 

F. Solati 

HMRT-3633. 2SLGBTQIA and Human Rights 

A. Ripley 

RELG-2293. Religion & Sexuality 

D. Simon 

SOCI-2013-A:  Research Design & Methods 

A. Jehn 

SOCI-2313-A: Deviance  

D. Philpot 

SOCI-2613. Sociology of Gender 

E. Fredericks 

SOCI-2623:  Gender in the Global South 

F. Solati 

SOCI-3583. Research for Social Change 

G. Caliskan 

Winter Semester 2024

Course Name


WSGS-2016-A2 Intro Women's & Gender Studies 

M. Campbell 

CRIM-2743. Social Protest in Canada 

M. Boudreau 

CRIM-2943-A Victimology 

S. Pidwysocky

CRIM-2943-B Victimology 

J. Savarese

ENGL-2583: Women Writers I 

E. Allen 

HMRT-2233. Gender in the Global South 

F. Solati 

SOCI-2013-B: Research Design & Methods 

A. Jehn

SOCI-2313-B Deviance 

C. Hersey 

SOCI-2633. Sociology of the Family 

C. Hersey 

SOCI-3243. Sociology of Men 

K. Allain