How long is an exchange?

1 or 2 semesters (may vary from one university to another).


Do I get to study at the university of my choice?

You can study at any one of our partner universities. We have agreements with 21 universities in 18 different countries. We ask that you indicate your top 3 choices on your application and we do our very best to give you your first choice.


Do I need to know the language of the host country?

The language of instruction in most cases is English.


  • Icrom, France and UQAM, Quebec, require an intermediate level (B2) of French
  • Universidad de Santo Tomas, Chile requires an intermediate level (B2) of Spanish.
  • PUCE, Ecuador requires a B2 in Spanish for Spanish taught courses and have limited English instructed course.  
  • Universidad de Puira, Peru has some English instructed courses, and requires B2 Spanish for Spanish taught courses.
  • FECAP, Brazil has a free language program offered during the summer months to prepare students for living in Brazil and limited English instructed courses.

Most universities offer optional beginner level language courses or have language centres to support language learning.


How many courses am I allowed to take while on exchange?

We recommend that you take the equivalent of 4 courses per semester. However, you can take less or more as long as you have full-time status and it is approved by your host university.


Things to consider:

  • Will this affect scholarship renewal?
  • Will this affect the time it will take to finish my degree?

An Academic Advisor will help you determine if and how an exchange might fit into your degree program. The Advisor will have to sign off on your academic plan before departure.


How will the courses I take through Exchange be reflected on my degree?

Only the credits will be transferred to your degree not the grades.


Where will I live?

Some institutions have a residence system, some require you to participate in Homestay and some will require you to live off-campus.

Partner institutions will provide you with the resources to help you find adequate accommodations.


Do I have to pay international tuition and fees?

No. You pay your tuition and fees to St. Thomas University.

You are responsible for paying your travel, accommodation, immigration and health insurance fees.


Are there any scholarships or bursaries that I can apply for?

Yes. STU offers a financial need based travel bursary that you can apply for.

Some countries offer scholarships like Turkey, South Korea and Japan (not guaranteed and there is an application process)


For further information about the exchange program:

Carrie Monteith-Levesque

International Student Coordinator

Email: cmonteith@stu.ca

Tel: 506-452-9593