Publications and Conference Papers

2020 – Gringolandia: Migración Norte-Sur y Desigualdad Global (translation) 

Cover of Spanish translation of Dr. Matthew Hayes' book Gringolandia

Una etnografía de la desigualdad entre Norte y Sur a través las experiencias de migrantes Norteamericanos hacia la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador. 

November 2018 — Gringolandia: Lifestyle Migration Under Late Capitalism

Matthew Hayes Book

An ethnography of global inequality in transnational mobility and everyday life, through the lens of “lifestyle migrants” from Canada and the US to the UNESCO World Heritage city of Cuenca, Ecuador.


Hayes, M. (2020) Gringolandia: Migración Norte-Sur y desigualdad global. Quito: Abya-Yala. (Translation from English) 


Hayes, M. (2018) Gringolandia: Lifestyle Migration Under Late Capitalism. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Hayes, M. (2022) ‘Coloniality and Lifestyle Migration to the Global South,’ in Retirement Migration to the Global South, edited by Cornelia Schweppe, pp. 49-69. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 


Hayes, M. (2021) ‘New Brunswick’s Rental Housing Crisis: A Call to Action,’ invited essay in Journal of New Brunswick Studies 13(2): 41-49. 


Hayes, M. (2021) ‘A Global Sociology of Lifestyle Migrations,’ in International Residential Mobilities: From Lifestyle Migration to Tourism Gentrification, Josefina Dominguez-Mujica, Jennifer McGarrigle, and Juan Manuel Parraño-Castellano (eds), pp. 3-18. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 


Hayes, M. (2021) “‘Sometimes you gotta get out of your comfort zone”: Active and Successful Aging in Retirement Migration,’ Ageing and Society 41(6): 1221-1239.  


Hayes, M. (2020) ‘Mobilités et urbanisme patrimonial : les mobilités mode de vie et leurs implications territoriales,’ Anthropologie et sociétés, 44(2): 147-166.  


Hayes, M and Zaban, H. (2020) ‘Transnational Gentrification: the crossroads of mobility and urban research,’ Urban Studies 57(15): 3009-3024. 


Hayes, M. (2020). ‘The Coloniality of UNESCO’s Heritage Urban Landscapes: Heritage Process and Transnational Gentrification in Cuenca, Ecuador.’ Urban Studies 57(15): 3060-3077. 


Hayes, M. (2019) Comercio informal y derecho a la ciudad: Revitalización urbana, desplazamiento informal, y justicia social. Comercio tradicional y ciudades contemporáneas, Mauricio Velasco Ávalos y David Navarrete Escobedo (eds), pp. 37-62. Querétaro, Mexico: Editorial Mandorla. 


Hayes, M. (2018) ‘Mobilités Nord-Sud en contexte de retraites précaires en Amérique du Nord : La crise de 2008 et la mondialisation de la retraite,’ in Entre tourisme et migration, edited by Rémy Tremblay and Olivier Dehoorne, pp. 28-55. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Hayes, M. (2018) ‘The Gringos of Cuenca: How retirement migrants perceive their impact on lower income communities.’ Area, 50(4): 467-475.

Hayes, M and Carlson, J. (2018) ‘Good guests and obnoxious gringos: Cosmopolitan ideals among North American migrants to Cuenca, Ecuador.’ American Journal of Cultural Sociology6(1): 189-211.

Hayes, M. (2017) ‘The Business Cycle and Capitalist Social Regulation: The Origins of Economic Government,’ in Interrogating the Social: A Critical Sociology for the 21st Century edited by Fuyuki Kurasawa, pp. 127-156. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hayes, M and Pérez Gañán, R. (2017) ‘North-South Migrations and the Asymmetric Expulsions of Late Capitalism: Global Inequality, Arbitrage, and New Dynamics of North-South Transnationalism.’ Migration Studies 5(1): 116-135.

Hayes, M and Tello, M. (2016) ‘En la tierra de los hacendados: migración de amenidad y reproducción de desigualdades locales y globales en Vilcabamba, Ecuador.’ PASOS Edita 16: 99-118.


Hayes, M (2015) ‘“It is hard being the different one all the time”: gringos and racialized identity in lifestyle migration to Ecuador.’ Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(6): 943-958.


Hayes, M (2015) ‘Introduction: The Emerging Lifestyle Migration Industry and Geographies of Transnationalism, Mobility and Displacement in Latin America.’ Journal of Latin American Geography 14(1): 7-18.


Hayes, M (2015) ‘Into the Universe of the Hacienda: Lifestyle Migration, Individualism and Social Dislocation in Vilcabamba, Ecuador.’ Journal of Latin American Geography 14(1): 79-100.


Hayes, M (2015) ‘Negotiating White Privilege: Whiteness and Lifestyle Migration in Cuenca, Ecuador,’ in Practicing the Good Life: Lifestyle Migration in Practices, edited by K. Torkington, I. David and J. Sardinha, pp. 256-271. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.


Hayes, M (2015) ‘Moving South: The Economic Motives and Structural Context of North America's Emigrants in Cuenca, Ecuador.’ Mobilities 10(2): 267-284.

Reprinted as Hayes, M. (2015) ‘Moving South: The Economic Motives and Structural Context of North America’s Emigrants in Cuenca, Ecuador’, in Ole. B Jensen (ed.), Mobilities: Critical Concepts in Built Environment (Abingdon and New York: Routledge), Vol. II, pp. 271-292.


Hayes, M (2014) ‘“We gained a lot over what we would have had”: The Geographic Arbitrage of America's Lifestyle Migrants to Cuenca, Ecuador.’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies40(12): 1953–1971.


Hayes, M (2012) ‘La crise du néolibéralisme : quelle formation sociale après la crise?’ Politique et sociétés 31(1): 77-97.


Hayes, M (2012) ‘Desigualdad, crisis y política de la rabia: La reconfiguración de las clases sociales poscrisis en el Norte-Atlántico’ [Inequality, the crisis and the politics of anger: The reconfiguration of social classes after the crisis in the North Atlantic], Comentario Internacional11: 189-215.


Hayes, M (2011) ‘The Social History of Quantifying Inflation: A Sociological Critique.’ Journal of Economic Issues 45(1): 97-111.


Non Peer-Reviewed Academic Publications

(2022) Assessing the Impact of a Property Tax Cut on Rental Affordability in New Brunswick (translated into French, Évaluation de l’impact d’une réduction d’impôt foncier sur l’abordabilité des logements locatifs au Nouveau-Brunswick) a report for the NB Coalition for Tenants Rights, Fredericton, NB, 8pp. (10pp. in French), published online:, ISBN: pending. 

(2021) REITs in NB – A Critical Look: New Challenges in New Brunswick Housing, (translated into French, Les FPI au N.-B. – un regard critique: Nouveaux défis pour le logement au Nouveau-Brunswick) a report for the NB Coalition for Tenants Rights, Fredericton, NB, 6pp. (7pp. in French), published online:, ISBN: 978-1-7775458-1-9. 


(2020) ‘Dalhousie on a Saturday Night,’ in Dipping in to the North: Living, Working, and Traveling in Sparsely Populated Areas, edited by Linda Lundmark, Dean Carson and Marco Eimermann, pp. 32-34. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. 


(2013) ‘Una nueva migración económica: el arbitraje geográfico de los jubilados estadounidenses hacia los países andinos’ [The New Economic Migration: Geographic Arbitrage and U.S. Retirement Migration to the Andes], AndinaMigrante 15: 2-13.


(2010) ‘The Future of Macroeconomics: Between Mediation and Optimization Functions,’ in 4thHistory of Recent Economics Conference (HISRECO) Papers, Vol. 1, ENS Cachan.


(2009) ‘A Genealogy of Macroeconomics: a sociological perspective’ Papers and Proceedings, ACEA Conference 2009, on-line:


(2007) ‘Academic Democracy: an enjoinder to Fuyuki Kurasawa,’ Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 18: 123-129.


Books Reviewed

Vasquez-Parra, Adeline (2018) Aider les Acadiens? : Bienfaisance et déportations, 1755-1776, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang S.A., 295 pp., for Refuge: Canada’s Journal of Refugees/Revue canadienne sur les réfugiés, 38(1): 158-160.


Dziembowski, Edmond (2018) La guerre de Sept Ans, Paris: Éditions Perrin, 672 pp., for Journal of World Systems Research, 26(2): 428-431. 


Hochschild, Arlie (2012) The Outsourced Self: What Happens When We Pay Others to Live Our Lives for Us?, London: Picador, 320 pp., for Canadian Journal of Sociology, 39(1): 127-129. 


Urry, John (2011) Climate Change and Society, Cambridge UK: Polity Press, 217 pp., for the Canadian Journal of Sociology, 36(3): 253-255. 


Newson, Janice and Claire Polster (2010) Academic Callings: The University We Have Had, Now Have, and Could Have, Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, Inc., 264 pp., for CAUT Bulletin, 57(10), December 2010. 


Recent Conference Presentations and Colloquia

Keynote Conference and Symposia Presentations 
“The Coloniality of Contemporary Retirement Migration to the Global South.” International Symposium on Retirement Migration to the “Global South”: Current Insights and Future Perspectives, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz Germany, March 12th, 2020 
“Lifestyle Migration and the Coloniality of Power: transnationalism in the context of global inequality.” Lifestyle Migration Hub Meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 13th, 2016. 
Recent Conference presentations and Colloquia 
“Rethinking Mobility Regimes: North-South Migration and Aging in Global Perspective.” Entgrenzungen: DGfE Kongress. Online conference, Bremen, Germany, March 16th, 2022.  

“Lifestyle Migration: Studying Coloniality in North-South Migration.” American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, online, August 8th, 2021. 

“Those Who Stay and Those Who Leave: NB Rotational Workers Un/Doing Neoliberal Discourse.” Co-author with Tracy Glynn and Kelsey Fawcett, Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, June 2nd, 2021. 

“Coloniality and Global Social Position in the Lifestyle Migration of French and Italian in Morocco.” Lifestyle Migration Hub Meeting: Practicing lifestyle migration in changing political, economic and environmental times, Umeå, Sweden, November 29th, 2019.  

“L’UNESCO, la mondialisation de l’immobilier, et la revalorisation des rentes foncières dans les villes de la périphérie mondiale.” Colloque Internationale de l’Association Canadienne des Sociologues et Anthropologues de Langue Française, Montréal, QC, October 25th, 2019. 

“Spaces of Aging: Lifestyle Migration and the Unequal Appropriation of Urban Areas.” Royal Geographers’ Society-IBG Annual International Conference, London, UK, August 30th, 2019. 

‘“A Complete Life Change’: Lifestyle Migration, Adventure Narratives, and the Offshoring of Retirement,” Trent Aging: Take Back Aging – Power, Critique, Imagination, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, May 29th, 2019. 

“The displacement of informal street vendors in a UNESCO World Heritage City,” Latin American Studies Association, Boston, MA, May 27th, 2019. 

“Travel, Cultural Difference and Active Aging in Transnational Perspective: North American Retirees in Ecuador,” American Association of Geographers, Washington, DC, April 6th, 2019. 

“Rights-based discourse and resistance to gentrification amongst informal vendors in Cuenca, Ecuador,” American Anthropological Association, San José, California, November 15th, 2018. 

“Cosmopolitan Dispositions as Meaning-Making Narratives in Transnational Situations,” International Sociological Association, Toronto, ON, July 20th, 2018. 

“Offshoring Retirement: Lifestyle Migration, Expressive Individualism and the Future of Aging,” International Sociological Association, Toronto, ON, July 18th, 2018. 


“Heritage Gentrification and the Appropriation of Space in Cuenca, Ecuador,” Latin American Studies Association, Barcelona, Spain, May 24th, 2018. 

“Heritage Tourism, Urban Displacement, and Resistance to Gentrification: Notes from Cuenca, Ecuador,” 2nd Annual Colloquium, Pensar el Ecuador desde el exterior, pensar el mundo desde el Ecuador, Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Berlín, Freie Universität, Berlin, April 27th, 2018. 

“Global Inequality and Transnational Gentrification in the Ecuadorian Andes,” International Institute for the Promotion of Political Economy, 8th annual meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 14th, 2017. 

“Globalization and Gentrification: North-South migration and neighbourhood upgrading in Cuenca, Ecuador’s El Centro,” American Sociological Association, Montreal, QC, August 14th, 2017. 

“‘Like America in the 1950s’: Allochronism and Temporal Imaginaries of North Americans in Cuenca, Ecuador,” 7th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Network for Critical Sociology, Maynooth, Ontario, June 7th, 2017. 

“Personal Growth: Gender, aging and the search for adventure amongst North American migrants to Cuenca, Ecuador,” Canadian Sociological Association, Toronto, ON, May 29th, 2017. 

“The UNESCOfication of Cuenca, Ecuador: Heritage, Culture and Transnational Gentrification in an Andean heritage city,” Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, New Orleans, LA, January 4th, 2017. 

“Gender and Active Aging in Lifestyle Migration to Cuenca, Ecuador,” Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual International Conference, London, UK, September 2nd, 2016. 

“Patrimonialization, lifestyle migration and transnational gentrification in Cuenca, Ecuador,” Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual International Conference, London, UK, September 1st, 2016. 

“Colonial Desires: North-South Lifestyle Migration and Encounters with Urban/Rural Gentrification,” Latin American Studies Association, New York, NY, May 27th, 2016. 

With Raúl Lardiés Bosque. “Searching for the good life in Ecuador and Mexico: Cost of Living Narratives and Utilitarian transnationalism in the Americas,” American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 2nd, 2016. 

Select Invited Presentations

“Destination Countries: Symbolic and Economic Geography.” The Re-enchantment of Culture and Flexible Citizenship in a Hardening World: Ideology and Life Strategies in Middle-Class Migration to Europe and Beyond. International Workshop, Centre for Social Sciences and the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, held virtually via Budapest, Hungary, November 26th, 2021. 


“Touristification, Gentrification and Resistance: Lifestyle Migration and Popular Vending in Cuenca, Ecuador,” Open Seminar for PhD Candidates, Instituo Geografico do Ordenamento Territorial, University of Lisbon, Portugal, March 23rd, 2018.

“Migraçao de estilo de vida e gentrificaçao transnacional, [Lifestyle Migration and Transnational Gentrification]” Instituto Geografico do Ordenaento Territorial, University of Lisbon, Portugal, March 22nd, 2018.

“Migración de estilo de vida al Ecuador: Trayectorias y Desafíos,” [Lifestyle Migration to Ecuador: Trajectories and Challenges], invited presentation to a Regional Seminar of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), sponsored by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Human Mobility and FLACSO Ecuador, Movilidad humana en América Latina y Ecuador: Nuevos contextos y desafíos, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador, March 7th, 2018.

“UNESCOfication and Transnational Mobilities: Thoughts on Mobilizing the Past in Cuenca, Ecuador,” invited symposium, Migrant Cartographies: Cities, Circuits and Circulations, Goldsmiths University, London, UK, May 12th, 2017.

“Lifestyle Migration and the Coloniality of Power: transnationalism in the context of global inequality,” keynote lecture, Lifestyle Migration Hub Meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 13th, 2016.


“Envejecimiento, vulnerabilidad y transnacionalismo: las migraciones de estadounidenses hacia América Latina,” Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Valencia, Spain, October 10th, 2016.


“Lifestyle Migrants,” Who is a Migrant? A Panel Discussion, Migration Research Network, Goldsmiths University, London, UK, March 9th, 2016.


“Hacia el mundo de la hacienda: Migración transnacional norte-sur y la gentrificación rural en Ecuador,” [Into the World of the Hacienda: North-South Transnational Migration and Rural Gentrification in Ecuador], Centro Nacional de Estrategías para el Derecho al Territorio (CENEDET), Instituto Altos Estudios Nacionales, Quito, Ecuador, May 7th, 2015.


“Cultural Sociology and Lifestyle Migration,” The Future of Lifestyle Migration Research, Goldsmiths University, London, UK, October 24th, 2014.


“La migración residencial de estadounidenses a Cuenca: estrategias económicas y (des)encuentros culturales,” [US Residential Migration to Cuenca: Economic Strategies and Cultural (mis)Encounters], FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador, June 18th, 2013.


“Between Privilege and Vulnerability: Lifestyle & Retirement Migration to Cuenca, Ecuador,” CERLAC (Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean), York University, Toronto, ON, March 11th, 2013.


‘Climate Justice and Climate Change: Global Context, Local Action,’ Planning Fredericton: A Community Forum on Climate Justice, Fredericton, NB, April 2nd, 2011.