Wallace and Margaret McCain Course Release Award

Deadline: Nov. 12, 2024

Application form

In 1997, the McCain family made a generous donation to St. Thomas University to pay for a course release in support of faculty research. From time to time, the University amends the terms of reference for the award to reflect changes in the broader environment. The University will provide a three-credit-hour course release in alternating years.

Faculty members with major research/scholarly/creative projects well underway are encouraged to apply.


Application Checklist
1. A summary of the project (1500 words max.), discussing:

  • Argument/purpose

  • Contribution to scholarship/field

  • Intended audience

2. A detailed explanation/timeline of how the award would facilitate completion of the project (4 pages max.)

3. Additional relevant documentation if applicable (e.g. contracts/partnerships, editorial/publisher/artistic venue correspondence) (5 pages max.)

4. Copies of Final Reports submitted to the Office of Research Services for any previous research-related course releases awarded to you by the Senate Research Committee and, if applicable, copies of publications/reports facilitatied by the course release(s). This does not include course releases awarded to you as a result of being awarded an external research grant. The Final Report Form is available here.

5. A full curriculum vitae.

(In reviewing the applications, the Senate Research Committee may solicit additional information from applicants.)


Adjudication Grid


Faculty securing internal research grants must complete the Final Report Form on their research activities/outcomes to the ORS within 30 days of the end date of their award.

Applications will be reviewed by the Senate Research Committee and a nomination will be forwarded to the Vice-President (Academic & Research) for consideration.