Publications and Conference Papers


McKenzie-Mohr, S., & Lafrance, M.N. (Eds.) (2014).  Women voicing resistance:  Discursive and narrative explorations. East Sussex:  Routledge. 


Lafrance, M.N. (2009). Women and depression: Recovery and resistance.  East Sussex: Routledge.


Guest Editor, Special Issue

Lafrance, M.N. & Marecek, J. (2021). The politics of psychological suffering.  Feminism & Psychology, 31(1). 


Lafrance, M.N. & Wigginton, B. (2019). Doing Critical Feminist Research: A Feminism & Psychology Reader. Feminism & Psychology, 29(4).


Selected Publications

Lafrance, M.N., Gouliquer, L., Poulin, C., Swift, C., Godin, V., McWilliams, L., & Kinney, M. (2023). Revisioning senior care in New Brunswick: What can we learn from informal caregivers? Journal of New Brunswick Studies/ Revue d’études sur le Nouveau-Brunswick.  15(1), 77-101.


Lafrance, M.N., Dreise, E., Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2022).  “We’re not doing it to be nasty”: Caregivers ethical dilemmas in negotiating driving safety with older adults.  Canadian Journal on Aging/ La revue canadienne du veillissement 41(1), 7-14.   


Lafrance, M.N. & Stelzl, M. (2021). “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t”: Women’s accounts of feigning sexual pleasure.  Feminism & Psychology 31(3), 385-403.


Lafrance, M.N. & Wigginton, B. (2019). Doing Critical Feminist Research: A Feminism & Psychology Reader. Feminism & Psychol­­ogy. 29(4) 534-552.


Wigginton, B. & Lafrance, M.N. (2019). Learning Critical Feminist Research:  A brief introduction to feminist epistemologies and methodologies. Published online as a Supplement to Doing Critical Feminist Research: A Feminism & Psychology Reader. Feminism & Psychology. 29(4)


Lafrance, M.N., Stelzl, M., & Bullock, K. (2017).  “I’m not gonna fake it”:  Women’s accounts of resisting the normative practice of faking orgasm.  Psychology of Women Quarterly, 41(2), 210-222. 


McKenzie-Mohr, S. & Lafrance, M.N. (2017).  Narrative resistance in social work research and practice:  Counter-storying in the pursuit of social justice. Qualitative Social Work, 16(2), 189-205.


Thomas, E., Stelzl, M. & Lafrance, M.N. (2017).  Faking to finish:  Women’s accounts of feigning sexual pleasure to end unwanted sex. Sexualities, 20(3), 281-301. 


Wigginton, B., & Lafrance, M.N. (2017). Researching stigma in online and offline spaces: Methodological lessons and challenges. Sage Research Methods Cases: Health.DOI: 10.4135/9781473996618


Wigginton, B., & Lafrance, M.N. (2016).  How do women manage the spoiled identity of the ‘pregnant smoker’?  An analysis of discursive silencing in women’s accounts.  Feminism & Psychology, 26(1), 30-51.  


Wigginton, B., & Lafrance, M. N. (2014). ‘I think he is immune to all the smoke I gave him’:How women account for the harm of smoking during pregnancy. Health, Risk & Society, 16(6) 530-546.


Lafrance, M.N., & McKenzie-Mohr, S. (2013). The DSM and its lure of legitimacy. Feminism & Psychology, 23(1), 119-140.  


Lafrance, M.N. (2011). Reproducing, resisting and transcending discourses of femininity: A discourse analysis of women’s accounts of leisure. Qualitative research in sport, exercise, and health, 3(1), 80-98.


McKenzie-Mohr, S., & Lafrance, M.N. (2011). Telling stories without the words: ‘Tightrope talk’ in women’s accounts of coming to live well after rape or depression.  Feminism & Psychology, 21(1), 49-73


Lafrance, M.N. (2007). A bitter pill: A discursive analysis of women’s medicalised accounts of depression.  Journal of Health Psychology, 12(1), 127-140.


Lafrance, M.N., & Stoppard, J.M. (2006).  Constructing a non-depressed self: Women’s accounts of recovery from depression.  Feminism & Psychology (16)3, 307-325.

Book Chapters

Lafrance, M.N., & McKenzie-Mohr, S. (2014). Women counter-storying their lives. In S. McKenzie-Mohr & M.N. Lafrance. (Eds.). Women voicing resistance: Discursive and Narrative explorations (pp. 1-15). East Sussex: Routledge.


Lafrance, M.N. (2014). Depression as oppression: Disrupting the biomedical discourse in women's stories of sadness. In S. McKenzie-Mohr & M.N. Lafrance. (Eds.). Women voicing resistance: Discursive and narrative exporations (pp. 141-158). East Sussex: Routledge.


McKenzie-Mohr, S., Lafrance, M.N. (2014). Women's discursive resistance: Attuning to counter-stories and collectivizing for change. In S. McKenzie-Mohr & M.N. Lafrance. (Eds.) Women voicing resistance: Discursive and narrative exploarations (pp. 191-205). East Sussex: Routledge.


Lafrance, M.N., & Stoppard, J.M. (2007). Re-storying women's depression: A material-discursive approach. In C. Brown & T. Augusta-Scott, T. (Eds.) Narrative Therapy: Making meaning, making lives (pp. 23-37). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Lafrance, M.N., Zivian, M.T., & Myers, A.M. (2000). Women, weight and appearance satisfaction: An ageless pursuit of thinness. In B. Miedema, J.M. Stoppard, & V. Anderson (Eds.), Women's Bodies/ women's lives: Health, well-being, and body image. (pp. 227-236). Toronto: Sumach Press.


Encyclopedia Entries

Lafrance, M.N. (2016).  Depression.  In N. Naples (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexualities Studies. Wiley-Blackwell.


Lafrance, M.N. & McKenzie-Mohr, S. (2014). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Overview. In T. Teo (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, (pp. 501-506). New York:  Springer.


Lafrance, M.N. (2014). Postpartum depression. In T. Teo (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, (pp. 1458-1460). New York: Springer. 


Selected Conference Publications

Poulin, S., Gouliquer, L., Poulin, C., Moore, A., & Lafrance, M.N. (2022, June). The (in)visible psycho-socio-economic costs of informal care: Struggles of Francophone caregivers in New Brunswick. The 38th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference and Couch-Stone Symposium: Analytic Schema and Getting Closer. St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (June 22-24). 


Swift, C., Lafrance, M.N., Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C.   (2021, June).  Listening to caregivers of older adults:  How do they cope with the care system?  Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.


Erb, A., Durkee-Lloyd, J., & Lafrance, M.N. (2021, June). The challenges of information navigation for older adults and proposed solutions. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.


Lafrance, M.N., Erb, A., Durkee-Lloyd, J., Greason, M., Doucet, S., Luke,  A., Bigonnesse, C., & Lake, K., (2021, April).  Helping older adults and their caregivers navigate Health and Home Care systems in New Brunswick. Paper presented at the Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference, Online; originally scheduled to be held in Toronto.  


Lafrance, M.N., & Dreise, E. (2019, July). Managing driving safety in the context of dementia: Ideological dilemmas faced by informal caregivers. Paper presented at the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Bratislava, Slovakia.  


Lafrance, M.N., & Kinney, M. (2019, July). Public policies and private pains: Caregiver stress and organizational context of care. Paper presented at the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Bratislava, Slovakia.


Stelzl, M. & Lafrance, M.N. (2019, July). Exaggerating but not faking: What does authentic sexual pleasure ‘really’ mean? Paper presented at the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Bratislava, Slovakia.  


Lafrance, M.N., & Dreise, E. (2019, May). Driving with dementia: Cycles of challenge in caregivers’ accounts of negotiating driving safety. Paper presented at the Trent Aging Conference: A joint international conference of the North American and European Networks of Aging Studies. Trent University, Peterborough, Canada.  


Dreise, E. & Lafrance, M.N. (2019, May). "We're not doing it to be nasty!": Informal caregivers' accounts of negotiating driving safety with their aging loved one". Paper presented at Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, Canada.


Kinney, M. & Lafrance, M.N. (2019, May). "What do I do? Where do I start?": Challenges of Information navigation among informal caregivers of older adults. Paper presented at Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, Canada.  


Lafrance, M.N. (2017, July).  Building local networks of critical psychologists: Supporting students/Supporting ourselves. Paper presented at the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Loughborough, UK.  


Lafrance, M.N. & McKenzie-Mohr, S. (June, 2014).  The importance of counter-stories in critical health psychology. Paper presented at Narrative Matters, Paris, France.


Lafrance, M.N. (July, 2013). Talking back:  Women resisting biomedical discourse in their stories of sadness.  Paper presented at the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Bradford, England.


Lafrance, M.N. & McKenzie-Mohr, S. (April, 2011).  Listening between and beyond words: Disrupting discourses in speaking of sadness.  Paper presented at the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Adelaide, Australia. 


Lafrance, M.N. (July, 2009).  Mothers, tomboys, and wilderness women: Reproducing and resisting discourses of femininity in women’s accounts of leisure.  Paper presented at the International Society for Critical Health Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.


Lafrance, M.N. (May 2008). "I don't want to be selfish": Women's struggles to care for the self. Paper presented at the 25th Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, Canada.