Publications and Conference Papers

Selected Published Works

Ēporēkamen: the Unresolved Perplexity concerning Heidegger’s ‘We’” (Angelaki [forthcoming])


"Following the Movement of a Showing: Heidegger's Ladder" (Angelaki 29:5)

"From Heidegger to Marx: Rethinking Philosophical Humility" (Parrhesia 38)


“Nazism, Philosophy and Academic Accountability: The Real Controversy Surrounding Emmanuel Faye’s Heidegger” (Journal of the History of the Behavioural Sciences [Winter, 2011])


Lapsus Linguae: The Spirit and the Letter” (in Jean-Luc Nancy: Justice, Legality, World[Continuum Press, December, 2011])

“Revisiting the Concept of Time: Archaic Perplexity in Bergson and Heidegger” (Human Studies [2010])

“Transcendental Exhaustion: Repeating Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology” (Philosophy Today [2007])

“Deconstruction as Narrative Interruption” (Interchange [2007])

“Heidegger and the Essence of Communal Self-Assertion”(Telos [number 126, 2003])

‘Poetry and People’ in Heidegger’s Germanien Lectures” (Philosophy Today [volume 47, number 5, 2003])

“Broken Imperatives”(Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol. 26 [March, 2000])  

Selected Talks

“Attack of the Trolls: Occupy, Ideology and Social Media”, Occupy Lecture Series (January 24, 2012, Fredericton)

“The End of Political Action”, Occupy Fredericton Teach-in Series (October 31, 2011, Fredericton)

“Taking Intersubjectivity Seriously: Heidegger’s ‘We’ in Being and Time”, Atlantic Region Philosophers Association Annual Meeting (October, 15, 2011, Sackville, New Brunswick)

“A Brief History of the Concept of Time”, triennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of Time (July 29, 2007, Monterrey, California)

“Against Eloquence”, Dialogos Lecture Series (January 26, 2007, Fredericton)

“The Spirit and the Letter”, Conference on Jean-Luc Nancy’s La Déclosion (February 24, 2006, Ottawa)