
Please note that not every course listed is offered each year and students should consult STU Self Service for current course offerings.



FREN-1006. Le français pour débutants

The aims of this course are listening comprehension, basic oral expression, elementary reading, writing, and grammar. This course is not open to students who have previously studied French.t

FREN-1016. Langue Francaise 1

Langue française 1 This course is designed for students entering university who achieved a score of Basic or Basic+ or Intermediate in French in high school. The aims of this course are listening comprehension, basic oral expression, elementary reading, writing and grammar. A student who has successfully completed FREN 1026 may not subsequently enroll in FREN 1016 for credit.

FREN-1026. Langue Francaise 2

Langue française 2 This course is designed for students entering university who achieved a score of Intermediate+ or Advanced in French in high school. The course has a strong reading component with material drawn from a variety of sources in the Francophone world. It emphasizes the four skills: oral practice, reading, writing and listening comprehension. This course is not open to students who have graduated from a French or Francophone school. The department invites these students to register into a 2000-level French course. A student who has successfully completed FREN 1026 may not subsequently enroll in FREN 1016 for credit.

FREN-2113. Decouverte de la Prose et du Cinema

Parce qu'ils mobilisent l'imaginaire et l'esprit de découverte, le texte littéraire et le cinéma peuvent être sources de plaisir et de motivation à la lecture et à l'écriture. Ce cours est centré sur la lecture et la comprehension de textes narratifs (nouvelle et roman) et cinématographiques. L'étudiant se familiarisera aux éléments fondamentaux du texte narratifen prose et aux éléments du montage et de l'esthétique du cinéma.

FREN-2123. Decouverte de la poésie et du théâtre

Parce qu'ils mobilisent l'imaginaire et l'esprit de découverte, les textes poétiques et dramatiques peuvent être sources de plaisir et de motivation à la lecture et à l'écriture. En examinant les rapports sons/sens de la poésie et les rapports texte/représentation du théâtre, l'étudiant arrivera à apprécier les qualités de ces genres.

FREN-2306. Textes 2: la Francophonie

Ce cours cherche à approfondir et à étendre les connaissances de base acquises. Par un choix de lectures variées, le cours vise à améliorer la compréhension de textes écrits, à faciliter l'apprentissage du vocabulaire, et à familiariser les étudiants avec le monde et les cultures de la Francophonie. Préalable : FREN 1026 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-2316. Grammaire du français

Révision et approfondissement des règles de base de la grammaire française: la conjugaison du verbe, les modes et temps du verbe, les accords, les compléments, les pronoms personnels et relatifs. Étude de la forme de la phrase, de la syntaxe et de la fonction des mots. Préalable: FREN 1016 et/ou FREN 1026 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-2326. Composition

Destiné aux étudiants ayant une bonne connaissance des rudiments de la grammaire française, ce cours vise à développer des compétences dans le domaine de la rédaction et de la révision de textes et de travaux écrits. L'étudiant apprendra à structurer et à nuancer sa pensée à l'aide de modalités rhétoriques et de stratégies argumentatives mises en application. Seront privilégiées les pratiques discursives suivantes: le portrait, la description, la narration, l'essai, l'article journalistique, la dissertation classique, l'explication de texte, le compte rendu et la correspondance. Il est fortement recommandé aux étudiants de suivre en même temps le cours FREN 2316. Cours préalable : FREN 1016 ou FREN 1026.

FREN-2333. Conversational French

This course is designed for students who wish to improve their abilities in spoken French and listening comprehension. It will focus on developing skills and lexical flexibility for participating actively in a normal converstion with native interlocutors, on presenting and defending opinions on a variety of subjects in social and professional situations. Prerequisite: FREN 2333 is open to students with Intermediate+, or Advanced level of oral proficiency.

FREN-2336. Communication orale

Ce cours de niveau intermédiaire a pour but d'améliorer la comprehension auditive et l'expression orale de l'étudiant : travaux pratiques, documents authentiques sonores et vidéo, phonétique et activités communicatives. Le cours est fermé aux étudiants francophones. Cours préalable: FREN 1016 ou FREN 1026 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-3233. Traduction

Ce cours se veut une initiation à la traduction. Un choix de notions linguistiques faisant partie de la traduction d'unités de langue, de phrases et de textes fournira le cadre méthodologique aux travaux appliqués. Des exercices pratiques porteront sur la traduction des extraits provenant des genres tels la nouvelle, le roman, la correspondance, l'essai, l'écrit journalistique et l'écrit technique. L'étude comparative fournira l'occasion d'effectuer des traductions dans deux sens (de l'anglais au français et du français à l'anglais). Les étudiants prendront connaissance d'un certain nombre d'outils informatisés de traduction. Cours préalables : FREN 2316 : Grammaire du français.

FREN-3413. Grammaire avancée

Révision et approfondissement des règles de base de la grammaire française : le nom, les déterminants, l'adjectif, les pronoms possessifs et démonstratifs, l'adverbe, les comparatifs et les superlatifs, les prépositions, les conjonctions, les mots indéfinis, la négation, l'interrogation, la voix passive, le discours indirect. Étude de la forme de la phrase, de la syntaxe et de la fonction des mots. Cours préalable : FREN 2316 ou l'approbation du professeur.

FREN-3423. Rédaction

Dans ce cours il s'agira d'amener l'étudiant à parfaire ses compétences au plan de l'écrit. À partir d'un choix de textes modèles tirés d'un corpus francophone, on invitera l'étudiant à produire des travaux écrits. Un souci particulier sera accordé à la révision et à la maitrise des aspects linguistiques du discours écrit, à savoir la phrase complexe, l'usage idiomatique de la langue, et les niveaux de langue. Cours préalable: FREN 2326 ou l'approbation du professeur.

FREN-3433. De l'oral à l'écrit

Ce cours est consacré au perfectionnement des compétences orales et rédactionnelles. Ce cours vise à améliorer la maîtrise du français tant parlé qu'écrit. Cours préalable : FREN 2316 ou l'approbation du professeur.

FREN-3453. Le Theatre

Le théâtre, et a fortiori la tragédie, est le produit d'une grande crise de conscience qui, très tôt, secoua la vie de l'homme. En France, les auteurs se fixèrent ainsi pour mission de répondre aux interrogations suscitées par les grandes révolutions idéologiques, culturelles ou sociales qui jalonnent l'histoire de l'humanité. Ce cours se propose de découvrir ces bouleversements à travers l'étude notamment d'un certain nombre de textes représentatifs tant sur le plan théorique que sur le plan de la production théâtrale. Cours préalables : FREN 2123, FREN 2306.

FREN-3603. Civilisation francophone 1: Europe française

Ce cours se propose de mieux faire connaître la production culturelle des pays européens francophones, notamment la France, la Suisse et la Belgique. A travers le roman, le film, la nouvelle, la poésie et la chanson nous explorerons divers grands thèmes tels que la mort, l'exil, l'aliénation, l'amour et la réconciliation. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-3613. Civilisation francophone 2: Amérique française

Ce cours présente un survol de la production culturelle d'expression française en Amérique du Nord. Par le biais de films, de romans, de pièces de théâtre, de nouvelles, de chansons, d'essais et de poésie du Canada français (Québec, Acadie, Ontario, l'Ouest canadien, etc.) et de la Louisiane nous examinerons la diversité de cette population pour qui la langue française demeure une composante essentielle de l'identité. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-3623. Civilisation francophone 3: Maghreb

Dans ce cours, il s'agira de se familiariser avec le Maghreb par la lecture d'un choix de textes (roman, nouvelle, poésie, etc.) représentatifs d'une littérature née dans le contexte de la colonisation. L'imaginaire de cette littérature porte les traces d'une culture orale, pré-islamique, de la rencontre des peuples berbères avec les peuples arabomusulmans, et de ceux-ci avec l'Occident. En adoptant une approche culturelle, on examinera l'esthétique et des principaux thèmes qui font l'originalité de la littérature des pays du Maghreb. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-3633. Civilisation francophone 4: Afrique subsaharienne et Caräibes

Ce cours a pour objet l'étude des cultures francophones subsaharienne et caribéenne, fruits de plusieurs siècles de contacts et d'échanges entre les Africains et les Européens. Cette étude se fera à travers la foisonnante et dynamique production écrite (roman, nouvelle, poésie, etc.) et cinématographique issue des Caräibes et de l'Afrique francophone. Des thèmes tels que la Négritude, la créolité, le colonialisme, la tradition, le concept de la famille, les modes de vie et les croyances seront étudiés. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-3643. Littérature Acadienne

Acquisition d'une connaissance générale de la littérature acadienne, dans une perspective globale qui tient compte des réalités socioéconomique et politique, du climat culturel et artistique dans lesquels les oeuvres ont été produites. Analyse de quelques oeuvres représentatives. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-3653. Civilisation Francophone 5 : Le théâtre

Le théâtre, et a fortiori la tragédie, est le produit d'une grande crise de conscience qui, très tôt, secoua la vie de l'homme. En France, les auteurs se fixèrent ainsi pour mission de répondre aux interrogations suscitées par les grandes révolutions idéologiques, culturelles ou sociales qui jalonnent l'histoire de l'humanité. Ce cours se propose de découvrir ces bouleversements à travers l'étude notamment d'un certain nombre de textes représentatifs tant sur le plan théorique que sur le plan de la production théâtrale. Les étudiants ayant suivi FREN 3453 Le théâtre ne sont pas admissibles au cours. Students who have previously taken FREN 3453 are not eligible to take this course. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-3663. Civilisation Francophone 6: Lecture Francophone Avancee

Ce cours a pour but d'approfondir les connaissances linguistiques et grammaticales déjà acquises. À travers un choix de textes variés et de vidéos et films du monde francophone, l'étudiant apprendra à approcher le texte littéraire de façon plus analytique. Les étudiants ayant suivi FREN 3443 ne sont pas admissibles au cours. Students who have previously taken FREN 3443 are not eligible to take this course. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.

FREN-4203. Du Journal Au Roman de la Terre

À partir de la signature du traité de Paris (1763), reconnaissant l'autorité britannique en Amérique du Nord, la société canadienne-française et sa littérature ont forgé leur identité autour de trois valeurs fondatrices : langue, religion, patrie. De l'essor du nationalisme par le biais du journal peu après la Conquête aux derniers romans de la terre vers le milieu du XXe siècle, ce cours sert plusieurs objectifs : Il sera l'occasion de faire un panorama historico-politique de la période consacrée, de lire et d'analyser des oeuvres et des extraits d'oeuvres d'auteurs et d'autrices canoniques, et de sensibiliser l'étudiant(e) aux différentes formes littéraires pratiquées à cette époque. Cours préalable : FREN 2306 ou FREN 2113/2123 ou l'approbation du professeur.

FREN-4243. Ecrire la Grande Noirceur

Le second mandate de Maurice Duplessis (1945-1959) marque la prégnance des valeurs traditionnelles au Québec au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, alors que de nombreuses voix contestataires revendiquent une ouverture du Québec sur le monde. L'arrivée au pouvoir du gouvernement de Jean Lesage en 1960 fait brusquement entrer la province dans la modernité. Ce cours sera l'occasion de faire un panorama historico-politique et d'analyser des ouvres d'auteurs et autrices canoniques de la période consacrée.

FREN-4503. L'Étranger parmi nous

Étude de divers ouvrages d'auteurs francophones immigrants, exilés, expatriés, aliénés face à leur pays d'accueil. Le sentiment d'aliénation étant du reste exprimé par des personnages marginaux, on s'intéressera également à l'idée du « dépaysement chez soi », i.e. dans son propre pays et parmi les siens.

FREN-4513. La crème du crime

Une exploration à travers le texte, le film et la télévision du crime, du criminel, de la (in)justice, et des justiciers.

FREN-4523. Les meilleures nouvelles du 20e siècle

La découverte du genre de la nouvelle de langue française.

FREN-4533. Une affaire de famille

Un examen de la représentation de la famille (traditionnelle, monoparentale, reconstituée, adoptive, dysfonctionnelle, etc.), dans une sélection de romans, de nouvelles, de pièces de théâtre et de films.

FREN-4543. Tout feu tout flamme

De l'amour à la haine en passant par la jalousie, l'ambition, la culpabilité, la vengeance et la folie, les passions inspirent depuis tout temps le geste créateur. Un examen de la représentation de passions dans une sélection d'oeuvres contemporaines et classiques (romans, poèmes, pièces de théâtre et films.)

FREN-4553. Souvenirs d'enfance

L'enfance est un sujet de préoccupation pour nombreux écrivains et cinéastes francophones, car c'est dans le passé que se trouve les racines de l'identité. Ce cours se veut une exploration de la mémoire et de l'enfance.

FREN-4563. La guerre et la paix

Une interrogation menée sur le sens et le non-sens du phénomène de conflit (politique, social, culturel, religieux, etc.) et ses résolutions possibles, à partir d'un choix de romans, de nouvelles, d'oeuvres dramatiques et de films.

FREN-4573. Un gars et une fille

A travers le roman, le cinéma, la nouvelle et autres documents choisis de la francophonie, ce cours propose l'étude de la vie de couple et comment les liaisons se nouent et se dénouent au fil du temps.

FREN-4583. Défense de la langue française: du latin au français

Ce cours se propose de retracer, notamment aux 15e-17e siècles, l'émergence et l'évolution de la langue française, et d'examiner les efforts consentis en vue de la création des premiers chefs-d'oeuvre littéraires.

FREN-4593. Écrits Des Femmes, écrits Sur Les Femmes femmes

Ce cours a pour objet d'examiner les thèmes récurrents dans la littérature écrite par des femmes ou traitant de problèmes d'importance capitale pour les femmes dans leurs sociétés respectives. Cet examen se fera à travers des nouvelles, des extraits de romans et d'autres documents du 19e au 21e siècles choisis dans la Francophonie.

FREN-4603. Special Topics

Special Topics

FREN-4996. Thèse de spécialisation

The Honours thesis is a scholarly essay or research paper on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty committee composed of a Director and two additional advisers. When completed, the thesis is read and graded by this thesis committee. Students will be expected to follow the departmental Honours Thesis Guidelines.


SPAN-1006. Beginning Spanish

The beginner's course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. It represents the basic level in the learning of Spanish. Teaching methods and texts will vary from year to year and from instructor to instructor. The aims of the course are the acquisition of (1) listening comprehension, (2) basic vocabulary suitable for everyday conversations, (3) simple grammatical structures, and (4) a knowledge of reading and writing techniques. The basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are emphasized. In addition, each instructor will introduce the students to selected elements of Hispanic Culture. In addition, students are required to attend a one-hour compulsory monitor session per week.

SPAN-2013. Intermediate Spanish I

This course begins with a review of the first-year course and proceeds to include, in a progressive way, the new components of intermediate grammar. Conversation will be an essential part of the course. Vocabulary expansion will be developed through short readings. The practice of listening, speaking, writing, and reading will give students the opportunity to improve their use of the language. Audio-visual materials will reinforce the student's understanding of Hispanic Culture.

SPAN-2023. Intermediate Spanish II

This course is the continuation of Intermediate Grammar I or its equivalent. It begins with a review of the indicative mood and then moves on to coverage of the subjunctive mood. This course will stress conversation, oral exercises, and oral presentations. Written assignments will improve the accuracy of the grammatical structures learned in the oral part of the course. Plays will sometimes be used as a part of the learning language process.

SPAN-2113. Culture and Composition I

This course continues with the cultural studies that were introduced in first year. Emphasis is placed on reading and writing assignments. Written Spanish is developed through cultural readings drawn from selected Peninsular Spanish texts. The course contains a basic research component and students will be encouraged to select and develop their own research interests.

SPAN-2123. Culture and Composition II

This course follows on from SPAN 2113 and continues the cultural study methods that were introduced in first term. Emphasis is again placed on reading and writing assignments. Written Spanish is developed through cultural readings drawn from selected Latin American texts. The course contains a basic research component and students will be encouraged to select and develop their own research interests.

SPAN-2213. Travel Study: Cuban History and Culture

This study tour of the Western region of Cuba offers a harmonious blend of language, history, and culture. It presents an overview of Cuban history from its origins to the present day. Highlights encompass visiting various historical and cultural sites in the Western part of Cuba and experiencing a unique immersion into art, architecture, cuisine, literature,history, religion, music, fashion, and current events as well as a forty-hour history course at the University of Holguín.

SPAN-2413. Oral Intense I

This innovative course will provide intense oral practice in Spanish. In addition to traditional oral practices (film, radio, video, discussions, oral presentations, debates), there will be small discussion groups and regular access to sound and video files on the WWW. News items, current newspapers, radio and television news will be accessed regularly on the WWW and specific news items will be followed in some detail. Prerequisite: At least 12 credit hours in Spanish or the equivalent. 6 hours class per week. In addition, students are required to attend a three-hour compulsory monitor session per week.

SPAN-2423. Oral Intense II

This course is designed as a follow up to SPAN 2413 and will provide intense oral practice in Spanish. In addition to traditional oral practices, there will be small discussion groups and regular access to sound and video files on the WWW. News items, current newspapers, radio and television news will be accessed regularly on the WWW and specific news items will be followed in some detail. Prerequisite: SPAN 2413 or equivalent. In addition, students are required to attend a three-hour compulsory monitor session per week.

SPAN-3313. Advanced Reading I

Students will develop their reading and analyses skills by an in-depth reading of selected Peninsular Spanish texts and in addition, they will improve their oral fluency studying the rhythms of Peninsular Spanish poetry. Oral and written expositions on specific topics which arise from their textual analyses will reinforce the accuracy of the use of Spanish language in all its forms.

SPAN-3323. Advanced Reading II

Students will develop their reading and analyses skills by on in-depth reading of selected Latin American texts and in addition, they will improve their oral fluency studying the rhythms of Latin American poetry. Oral and written expositions on specific topics which arise from their textual analyses will reinforce the accuracy of the use of Spanish language in all its forms.

SPAN-3513. Advanced Grammar I

This course aims to build on the knowledge and communicative skills that students have previously acquired, in a limited form, with regards to the subjunctive tense. During the course of the semester, in-class activities will emphasize the practice of the present subjunctive tense. Some structural exercises and reading activities will be used; however, the course is based on communicative activities and projects that will reinforce grammar acquisition.

SPAN-3523. Advanced Grammar II

This course is a continuation of Advanced Grammar I. As in the first course, this one also aims to build on the knowledge and communicative skills that students have previously acquired with regards to the subjunctive tense. During the course of the semester, in-class activities will emphasize the practice of the past subjunctive tenses. Some structural exercises and reading activities will be used; however, the course is based on communicative activities and projects that will reinforce grammar acquisition.

SPAN-3643. Special Topics

The content of this course changes from year to year to reflect the special strengths of faculty and the particular needs of students.

SPAN-4013. Medieval Spanish Literature

Medieval Spanish Literature will be considered from two different points of view. (1 ) Prose: the development of the medieval novel; and (2) Poetry: the evolution of poetry from epic to lyric. Students will research at least one major text in each area in addition to preparing selected readings from important works. 3 hours per week.

SPAN-4023. Spanish Golden Age Culture and Texts

This course will include a close reading of selected, representative texts covering equally 1) Renaissance and Baroque poetry, 2) the Picaresque Novel, and 3) the Creation of the National Theatre. Emphasis will be placed on the evolution of the Spanish language as the seeming simplicity of the Renaissance changes to the intense complexity of the Baroque.

SPAN-4033. Nineteenth Century Spanish Culture and Texts

This course will consist of two separate unities: 1) the Romantic Movement in Spain with emphasises on theater and poetry and 2) Spanish Determinism. Texts will be determined by the specific interests by the students and instructors. Students will be expected to research at least one major text per unit, in addition to reading excerpts and selected passages from major works.

SPAN-4043. Twentieth Century Spanish Culture and Texts

This course will examine the evolution of Spanish Culture and Texts in five stages: (1) the generation of 1898; (2) The Generation of 1927; (3) the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939); (4) the dictatorship (1939-1975); and (5) the makings of modern Spain (1975-date). The course will contain a research component and students will be expected to select and research specific topics.

SPAN-4123. Introduction to Latino Literature and Culture in the United States

This course will provide students with a survey of the major literary works and themes characterizing Latino literary production in the United States. Particular attention will be given to the historical, social, and cultural context of this literature. Theoretical concepts such as linguistic assimilation, location, acculturation/transculturation, alienation, silence, authority and memory as they inform Latino literary texts will be explored throughout this course.

SPAN-4153. Franco's Dictatorship: Culture and Texts

The year 1939 marked the end of the Spanish Civil War and the beginning of Francisco Franco's 36-year dictatorship. During this period, Spanish authors faced censorship and oppression as they were strictly controlled by the government. As a result, students will study: a.) the historico-political and cultural aspects of the Spanish Civil War and postwar Spain b.) read and analyze postwar Spanish novels and examine their political resistance c.) become aware of the overt censorship authors were confronted with, and d.) trace the literary movements such as tremendismo, Objectivism, Social Realism, and the New Novel . All the lectures and discussions are conducted in the target language.

SPAN-4603. Special Topics

The content of this course changes from year to year to reflect the special strengths of faculty and the particular needs of students.

SPAN-4663. Don Quijote

SPAN 4663 offers a close reading in Spanish of Cervantes' modern novel Don Quijote de la Mancha. During the semester students will become familiar with the historical, literary and political contexts of the novel, explore the connections between the novel's author and its main character, study the influence of Don Quijote on other literary works, examine the concept of the 'modern novel', and reflect on the relativity of madness. Classes will involve both lectures and discussions in the target language.

SPAN-4713. Twentieth Century Spanish American Short Story

This course offers an overview of the contemporary Spanish American short story through the discussion and analysis of some of its most representative literary texts. We will study the evolution of the short story as a literary genre from its first manifestations in Latin America towards the end of the nineteenth century until the present, paying particular attention to the themes, stylistic and technical features, and literary and historical contexts that help give life to each text.

SPAN-4723. Latin American Women's Literature

This course offers an overview of the contribution made by women writers to the corpus of Spanish American literature. Through the reading and analysis of some of the most representative literary texts of the narrative, poetic and dramatic genres, and taking into consideration the contexts of their times, we will examine the topics of feminism, history, politics, sexuality, national identity and society as expressed by these women authors.

SPAN-4813. Colonial Spanish American Culture and Texts

This course will focus on the culture of the Conquest and the Colonial periods as reflected in selected Spanish American texts. The culture and texts of 16th and 17th centuries Spain will be compared with the culture and texts of 16th and 17th centuries Spanish America, with particular emphasis on the Spanish American Baroque period.

SPAN-4823. Spanish-American Literature - From Modernism to the Present

This course will focus on Spanish-American literature from Modernism to the present, beginning with the literature of the Mexican Revolution Period and progressing through the literature of the Boom and post-Boom eras.

SPAN-4833. Nineteenth Century Spanish American Culture and Texts

In this course we will study 1) the Independence period with its emphasis on Literature and Nationalism; 2) Romanticism and its relationship to nature; and 3) social changes as seen through the culture and texts of 19th century Spanish America. Emphasis will be placed on modernismo, perhaps the first Spanish American cultural movement to be exported back to Spain.

SPAN-4843. Twentieth Century Spanish American Culture and Texts

The many stories of 20th century Spanish America will be told through the study of 20thcentury drama, beginning with the period of Social Realism and followed by in-depth study of some of the most representative works that characterize the political drama movement in Spanish America.

SPAN-4923. Collective Memory, Culture and Texts in Argentina (HMRT)

This course will explore the connections between collective memory, history and culture in Argentina. It explores the cultural production of the post-dictatorship Process of National Reorganization (1976-1983) through essays, fiction, and film. These texts and films reconstruct not only history but also those identities denied by official history. We will define concepts such as official history, Other History, and collective memory in order to understand the discursive fields from which history and memory are reconstructed.

SPAN-4996. Honours Thesis

In this course, one or more faculty member(s) of the Spanish Section will supervise the writing of an Honours thesis by an Honours student. This course is recommended for students who wish to proceed to a Masters Degree in Spanish. It offers an additional 6 ch in Spanish to the traditional 48ch honours program. It is recommended, but not compulsory.


ITAL-1006. Introduction to Italian

Introduction to the Italian Language. Phonetics, oral training, and conversation. Basic grammar with oral and written exercises. Basic reading and composition. Introduction to Italian civilization with the aid of audio-visual techniques.

ITAL-2013. Intermediate Italian I

This course proceeds to further develop the acquisition of grammar, vocabulary, and language skills. The practice of listening, speaking, reading, and writing will give students the opportunity to improve their use of the language. Aspects of Italian culture are presented through audio-visual aids in order to enhance the connection to the learning language process.

ITAL-2023. Introduction to Italian Literature

This course provides an outline of Italian literature from its origins to the present day. It examines literary movements and their background, with a study of some of the field's major representatives. Emphasis is placed on reading, understanding, and analysing selections from Italian literary texts.

ITAL-2033. Introduction to Italian Literature and Civilization

This study tour of Italy offers a harmonious blend of language, culture and countryside. It presents an overview of Italian civilization from its origins to the present day. Topics to be examined include major Italian literary and artistic movements with a study of some major representatives. Highlights encompass visiting various Italian cities and experiencing a unique immersion into Italian art, architecture, cuisine, literature, history, religion, music, fashion, and current events.

ITAL-2043. Intermediate Italian II

This course is the continuation of Intermediate Italian I. Written assignments will improve the accuracy of grammatical structures. Conversation and oral exercises will enhance the student's ability to interact in a communicative environment.

ITAL-3043. Italian Cinema

This course uses film as a starting point for the refinement of students' reading, writing and speaking skills in Italian. Students will enrich their vocabulary and strengthen their use of more complex grammatical structures and idiomatic expressions, as well as learn to recognize regional differences in spoken Italian in cinematic contexts. The aim of the course is also to examine the Cinema of Italy as an instrument for observing Italian society. It will include showing snippets of films; and a screening, close study, and an analysis of a few masterpieces of Italian cinema, fostering a deeper understanding of both Italian language and culture. All screened films will be in Italian with English subtitles.


ARAB-1013. Beginning Arabic I

This course assumes no prior knowledge of Arabic. The course provides an introduction to standard Arabic writing and sound systems. It aims to provide basic proficiency in speaking, reading, writing and understanding the language.

ARAB-1023. Beginning Arabic II

Arabic is an important language with a rich cultural history. More than 150 million people speak Arabic today, and most of them reside in the Middle East and North Africa. However, Arabic speakers also constitute a wider global community since Arabic is the language of the Qu'ran (Koran), the holy book of the world's roughly 1.5 billion Muslims. In addition, Arabic has had considerable linguistic influence since many other tongues have adopted its script, including Persian, Urdu, Malay, and (until the 1920s) Turkish.


JPNS-1013. Introductory Japanese I

Focuses on the fundamental structure of Japanese and practice of communication skills. Introduces Hiragana and Katakana, writing systems in Japanese, and practice of reading and writing. Some aspects of Japanese culture are discussed. Not open to native speakers.

JPNS-1023. Introductory Japanese II

Continuation of JPNS-1013. Focuses on communicative aspects as well as practice of reading and writing in Hiragana and Katakana. Some basic Kanji, the other writing system in Japanese, is introduced. Not open to native speakers.

JPNS-2013. Japanese II, Part 1

This course aims to develop the communicative skills necessary for everyday situations. It focuses on both conversation and writing systems, expanding vocabulary and sentence structures, teaching students to express themselves on a wide range of topics from daily life. One hundred kanji characters are introduced and practiced.

JPNS-2023. Japanese II, Part 2

This course is a continuation of JPNS 2013. More overall language skills are developed. With this course students complete the beginner's level of Japanese and students are prepared for the Level IV Japanese Proficiency Test offered by the Government of Japan. Prerequisite: JPNS 2013.


LATI-1013. Introduction to Latin I

This is an intensive introduction to classical Latin for students with no previous background in the language and provides them with an introduction to the basic rules of grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills.

LATI-1023. Introduction to Latin II

This course continues the introduction to classical Latin. Prerequisite: LATI 1013 with a minimum grade of C.

LATI-2103. Latin III (Intermediate)

Latin III is designed for students who wish to continue the study of Latin beyond the beginner level. Prerequisite: LATI 1023, or permission of the instructor.

LATI-3103. Latin IV (Intermediate)

LATI 3103 continues at an intermediate level to develop the student's ability to function in basic Latin and is a prerequisite for students who plan to study Latin at an advanced level. Prerequisite: LATI 2103, or permission by the instructor.