Please note that not every course listed is offered each year and students should consult STU Self Service for current course offerings.
GERO-1013. Introduction to Gerontology
This course introduces students to the field of Gerontology. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the course examines the study of aging from a social, psychological, and physical perspective. Topics to be studied include ageism, population aging, physical and psychological aspects of aging and gerontological theory.
GERO-1023. Aging in Canada
This course examines the experiences of growing older in Canada. This includes a review of Canada's healthcare, pension systems and other social structures and policies which directly impact older adults in Canadian society.
GERO-2113. Sociology of Aging (SOCI 2523)
This course explores cultural and social-structural determinants ofaging through sociological theory. Students critically examine the social construction of old age as a social status through perceptions, descriptions, discussions and interactions with others, and how these relations are 'negotiated' by the older people themselves. Other topics include ageism and how various social institutions influence the experience of aging. Prerequisite: GERO 1013 OR GERO 1023, OR permission from the instructor.
GERO-2273. Death and Dying In Later Life
This course considers aspects of death and dying and bereavement from an interdisciplinary perspective, examining both practical and theoretical issues that arise from the relationship between aging, death and dying. The course also examines the end-of-life care for older adults.
GERO-2403. Aging and Care (WSGS)
In this course we will learn from rich traditions of feminist scholarship about what care is and how we can better provide it to support people as they age (e.g. these traditions may include feminist political economy, care ethics, and the logic of care). This course will be delivered in both a lecture format addressing key perspectives on care as well as in a seminar style allowing for discussions about the material which may include readings, podcasts, webinars and videos. Students will learn to apply their new understandings to real world situations (e.g., through the evaluation of policy reviews and reports).
GERO-2673. Adult Development and Aging (PSYC 2673)
This course adopts a biopsychosocial perspective to studying aging. Topics include theoretical models of development, research methods used to study adult development, health and prevention, basic cognitive function and the aging process, higher order cognitive functions, personality, mental health issues and treatment. These biopsychological functions are examined for how they impact older adults as they navigate their social worlds. Prerequisites: GERO 1013 OR GERO 1023 OR PSYC 1023.
GERO-3023. Aging and Health
Various aspects of aging and health are addressed in this course. Topics considered include: theories of biological aging; normal vs. pathological physical changes that accompany the aging process; various chronic conditions that affect quality of life in later life; the implications of physical aging for medication use and nutritional status among older adults; and the impact of an aging population on the provision of acute care, long-term care, and home care for older adults. Prerequisite: GERO 1013 and GERO 1023.
GERO-3033. Aging and Spirituality
This lecture-seminar course examines spirituality and its relationship to the process of aging, specifically the meaning of spirituality, the relevance of spirituality in the lived experience of aging and, practical and ethical issues arising from an explicit acknowledgement of human spirituality in gerontological research and practice.
GERO-3043. Recreation, Leisure and Aging
This lecture-seminar course explores the meaning of leisure and recreation and the role they play in the lives of older adults. It will familiarize students with the process of aging as related to leisure, recreation, and lifestyle. The theoretical aspects of aging and their implications for leisure will be the primary focus.
GERO-3053. Qualitative Research Methods in Gerontology
This course will introduce students to qualitative research methods used in social science, with an emphasis on gerontology. It will address theoretical foundations of qualitative analysis, ethical considerations involving older adults, and provide hands-on experience in developing a research question, and collecting and analyzing data using basic qualitative techniques in gerontology. It will also prepare students in writing a qualitative research proposal.Prerequisite: GERO 1013 OR GERO 1023, OR permission from the instructor.
GERO-3073. Narrative Gerontology
This seminar-style course considers the theoretical and practical implications for gerontology of the metaphor of life as story. Against the background of the narrative turn across the human sciences and of specific practices in geriatric care like life review and reminiscence, the course explores the narrative complexity of autobiographical memory in particular and of identity development in general. Through readings, assignments, and classroom activities, students are encouraged to consider the narrative dynamics of their own identity development and to appreciate the complexity of the storytelling-story listening exchanges that are pivotal to providing narrative care with older adults. Limited enrolment.
GERO-3083. Gender, Sexuality and Aging (WSGS)
This course explores how gender and sexuality affects the experience of aging. It looks at how gerontology has traditionally addressed gender and sexuality; how the social construction of femininity and masculinity affects how people experience aging; and the aging experiences of older LGBTQ2S+. Prerequisites: GERO 1013 OR GERO 1023 OR permission from instructor.
GERO-3093. Images of Aging in Film (WSGS)
This course explores popular views of the elderly using motion pictures, specifically the impact of stereotypes on older people's expectations for later life. Students should be able to look at films more critically and identify images communicated through the media.
GERO-3103. Special Topics: Arts and Aging
In this course we turn to the arts to study the complex - and at times ambiguous - realms of growing old in time, place and culture. By engaging with literature, visual arts, music and movies the course will both investigate aging in light of professional artists as well as looking into the expanding field of arts practices in care for older person.
GERO-3123. Counseling Older Adults
This course examines evidence-based theoretical models and assessments used when counselling older adults. Emphasis is placed on the counselling techniques and interventions used to assist older adults in meeting unique challenges experienced in the later part of life. This course is relevant for those preparing for a career in social work or counselling. Prerequisites: GERO 1013 AND 1023 OR permission of the instructor. GERO 2673 recommended.
GERO-3133. Portrayal of Dementia in Film
The number of films that have featured dementia as a central plot, has significantly increased drawing more public attention to those living with the disease. However, film is a powerful medium in forming and influencing societal perceptions and attitudes towards people living with dementia. This seminar-lecture course explores the social construction of dementia in mainstream and nonmainstream fiction film. Students will critically analyse and discuss the common narratives of dementia portrayed in films and decipher whether these narratives reflect the realities of living with the disease. Students will also explore the underlying messages about aging and dementia in films and the possible societal implications of these messages
GERO-3153. Health Promotion for an Aging Population
This course explores ways to promote health and well-being for people as they age. This includes examining current research and public policy as it relates to supporting older adults to take control of and improve their overall health. In addition, evidence-based health promotion programs will be evaluated. Pre-Requisites: GERO 1013 or 1023; 3023 recommended.
GERO-3213. Older Adults as Learners
This course will draw on concepts and readings from adult education, the philosophy of education, and psychosocial, narrative, and educational gerontology. The course will consider how the content and processes of learning may change with advancing age in relation to physical health, sensory functions, reaction time, memory, motivation, and intelligence. Throughout the course, students will reflect on their life as a learner, experience a range of strategies for working with older learners, and learn to critique various formal organizations and informal contexts in which older adults learn.
GERO-3223. Family Ties and Aging (WSGS)
This course examines a variety of issues regarding aging and the family. It considers historical and demographic trends as well as theoretical frameworks in family gerontology. The course covers a number of relationships including those of couples, siblings, and grandparents and grandchildren. It also looks at late-life transitions such as retirement, widowhood, and divorce, all of which affect family structures and relationships.
GERO-3233. Mindfulness, Yoga Contemp Appr to Aging
There is growing interest in contemplative traditions in contemporary Canadian society that enhance the quality of life for older adults. This is largely motivated by the growing popularity of Eastern wisdom traditions such as mindfulness, yoga, and tai-chi, though contemplation is not limited to Eastern perspectives. This course examines a range of benefits of contemplative modalities for adults if all ages, exploring how these practices enable new relationships to aging, health, and happiness. Students learn basic yoga, mindfulness, and tai chi practices at an introductory level. Non-Eastern contemplative practices may also be explored
GERO-3263. Understanding Dementia
As the proportion of older people increases, so will the prevalence of dementia-related neurocognitive disorders in this population. This course will examine the various types of Dementia, how they are assessed and the evidence based practices used to enhance the lives of individuals with this disorder.
GERO-3673. Advanced Studies in Adult Development
This course is an in-depth study of the markers and challenges that occur during middle to late adulthood. Topics of study include: menopause, retirement, relocation, loss of spouse, caring for an ailing parent or spouse as well as pathological changes such as depression, substance abuse, terminal illness and dementia. Emphasis is placed on changes in response to these influences and on the individual's coping strategies. Prerequisite: GERO 2673 or PSYC 2673.
GERO-3743. Critical Approaches to Long-Term Care
This seminar course draws upon ethnographic and critical gerontological approaches to examine the phenomenon of longterm care (LTC) and other models of care. The course pays particular attention to LTC in the Canadian context, longstanding and emergent issues surrounding long-term care, and older adults' lived experiences in LTC. The course looks at both theoretical and practical implications of LTC and its issues.
GERO-3973. Introduction to Narrative
Framed around three key approaches to narrative this course will provide students with the basis on which to develop their understanding of narrative and their skills in narrative analysis. The three approaches are: the narrative study of lives; the narrative analysis of texts; and, the analysis of narrative dynamics. Through these approaches students will be introduced to the work of key narrative thinkers. The course, in content and delivery, reflects the inter-disciplinary nature of narrative.
GERO-4003. Mental Health and Aging
This course explores the range of factors affecting mental health in the elderly, from age-related organic brain disease, depression, and the other functional psychiatric disorders, to failure of adjustment induced by psychological, social, and environmental factors. Issues covered include the recognition of mental-health problems, their prevalence and dynamics; the cost to individual older people, their families, the health and community-care systems, and society; and the adequacy of current provisions and interventions. Prerequisites: GERO 1013, GERO 1023 and GERO 2673.
GERO-4013. Seminar in Gerontology
This seminar course consists of an in-depth analysis of a specific problem or issue in the field of aging. Students have their chosen topic area approved and supervised by the course instructor. The purpose of this course is to integrate a student's theoretical and practical understanding of a specific area by way of a combination of a major paper, presentations, and/or other research. Prerequisites: GERO 1013 + 1023.
GERO-4023. Advanced Seminar in Gerontology
This course is intended for students in the final semester of the program. It consists of a multidisciplinary lecture-seminar format. Selected topics in aging research and intervention are discussed, including those that highlight the positive potential of the aging experience, e.g., the potential for creativity, wisdom, and continued personal growth. The purpose of this course is to ensure that students have a comprehensive background in the field of aging. Prerequisites: GERO 1013, GERO 1023 and an additional 18 credit hours of courses.
GERO-4033. Independent Study
A course of independent study, under the supervision of a faculty member, which affords the student the opportunity to pursue an indepth study of an area of interest through special reading or research projects. Arrangements may be made by agreement with members of the Gerontology faculty, and approval of the Chair. Prerequisite: GERO 1013 AND GERO 1023.
GERO-4036. Independent Study
A course of independent study, under supervision of a faculty member, which affords the student the opportunity to pursue an indepth study of an area of interest through special reading or research projects. Arrangements may be made by agreement with members of the Gerontology faculty and approval of the Chair. Prerequisite: GERO 1013 AND GERO 1023.