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Esme NewlingEsme Newling

Director of Experiential Learning and Career Development
George Martin Hall 311


Esme is a Fredericton local who returned home in 2023 after some time away. She holds an Honours Bachelor of Science with Majors in Classical Civilization and Anthropology from the University of Toronto and a Master of Science in Classics from the University of Edinburgh.


As the Director of Experiential Learning and Career Development, Esme is responsible for overseeing the operation of the office and helping to facilitate the work that the team does in connecting students to career services and experiential learning opportunities.


She works closely with the Vice President (Academic and Research), the Deans and faculty in developing new academic and curricular content to enhance STU’s Certificate in Experiential Learning, expand the course-based internships, and implement activities to complement student academic achievements.


“I am a strong believer in the value of experiential learning opportunities and career planning being ingrained in the post-secondary process. A liberal arts degree is an incredibly versatile tool, and I am excited by the opportunity to help students wield it in a way that is best suited to them and their goals.”


Book a meeting with Esme


Ale Navas

Internships Coodinator

George Martin Hall 302A





Ale is from Managua, Nicaragua. She holds a Bachelor of Arts with honours in International Relations and a major in Economics from STU (2021).


In her role, Ale works with students as they explore career interests by connecting them to meaningful and relevant internship opportunities, and helping them discover the versatility and employability of a liberal arts degree in a professional setting.


"STU is known as the small university of big opportunities, and it is truly wonderful to work with students as they go through their career journeys, identifying their career interests and goals while engaging in these opportunities through the Office of Experiential Learning and Career Development."

Book an Appointment with Ale


Erin Feicht headshotErin Feicht

Career Development Advisor

George Martin Hall, 302

(506) 452-0423




Erin grew up in Canterbury, New Brunswick and moved to Fredericton in 2006 to attend St. Thomas University. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (2010) with Honours in English and a Minor in Psychology as well as a Bachelor of Education (2011).  


As the Career Development Advisor, Erin provides students with the individualized support and guidance needed to explore different kinds of jobs and develop an action plan that will help them reach their career goals. Through one-on-one meetings and workshops, students receive support with things such as finding employment opportunities, job search strategies, resume writing, interview preparation and networking. 


“I absolutely love getting to know each student and helping them realize the many possibilities that come from their time at STU. My goal is to guide students in their career exploration and professional growth so that they are fully prepared to successfully enter the workforce upon graduation.”


Book an Appointment with Erin



Picture of Chelsea Harris-CarrChelsea Harris-Carr

Future Wabanaki Coordinator



Chelsea is Mi’kmaw, Wolastoqiyik and Celtic. She grew up in a military family with roots in Trout River, Newfoundland. She holds a diploma as an Aircraft Maintenance Technician from Algonquin College, a Bachelor of Integrated Studies, and is completing a Bachelor of Education from the University of New Brunswick.


In her role, Chelsea aids Indigenous students find meaningful experiential learning opportunities and work placements. She helps create cultural experiential learning activities for students, faculty, staff, and the STU community at large.


“I hope to create a space where Indigenous students feel safe, supported,  and heard. Through this position I have the honour of helping Indigenous students find meaningful internships, community experiences, and sharing our beautiful Wabanaki culture.”


 Book a meeting with Chelsea