Exam Schedule
April 2025 Exam Schedule
Students will be writing their exams in the same classroom they had for that subject during the academic term unless otherwise indicated by their professor
Exam Conflicts: Students with exam conflicts or three exams scheduled within a 24-hour period can apply for a deferral by completing the Exam Conflict Form and submitting it at the Registrar's Office (GMH 101) in person or by email to registrarsoffice@stu.ca.
April Exams: April 1
Course/Number | Title | Exam |
ANTH 1013 C | Intro to Cultural Anthropology | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
ANTH 1013 D | Intro to Cultural Anthropology | No Exam Scheduled |
ANTH 1023 B | Intro. to Biological Anthro. | No Exam Scheduled |
ANTH 2103 A | Southeast Asia | No Exam Scheduled |
ANTH 2423 A | Human Evolution | No Exam Scheduled |
ANTH 3806 A2 | History of Anthro. Thought | Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am |
ANTH 4003 A | Issues in Anthropology | No Exam Scheduled |
ANTH 4443 A | Applied Forensic Anthropology | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
AQGB EN1006 A2 | Introduction to Literature | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
AQGB PH1006 A2 | Intro to Philosophy | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
AQGB PO1006 A2 | Intro to Political Science | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
BIOL 1513 A | Principles of Biology II | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
BUSI 1003 C | Intro. to Social Enterprise | No Exam Scheduled |
BUSI 1013 A | Social Enterprise Case Studies | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
BUSI 2013 B | Introduction to Business | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
BUSI 3013 A | Personal Financial Planning | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
BUSI 3053 A | Social Enterprise Work-Study | Monday, April 14 at 6:30pm |
CBEL 3023 A | Applied Leadership | No Exam Scheduled |
COPP 1023 A | Intro. to Policy Studies | No Exam Scheduled |
COPP 1023 B | Intro. to Policy Studies | No Exam Scheduled |
COPP 2013 B | Fundamentals of Writing | No Exam Scheduled |
COPP 2033 A | Research Methods | No Exam Scheduled |
COPP 3033 A | Public Policy and the Media | Take Home Exam, Due April 16 |
COPP 3053 A | Social Media | No Exam Scheduled |
COPP 4006 A2 | Senior Seminar: Case Studies | No Exam Scheduled |
COPP 4016 A2 | Internship | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 1013 D | Introduction to Criminology | Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm |
CRIM 1013 E | Introduction to Criminology | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
CRIM 1023 C | Intro. to Criminal Justice | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 1023 D | Intro. to Criminal Justice | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 1023 E | Intro. to Criminal Justice | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 2123 B | Criminal Law | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
CRIM 2223 A | Youth Justice | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 2243 A | Corrections | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 2743 A | Social Protest in Canada | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
CRIM 2943 A | Victimology | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 2943 B | Victimology | Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30pm |
CRIM 3013 A | Contemporary Crim. Theory | Take Home Exam, Due April 18 |
CRIM 3103 A | Advanced Qual.Research Methods | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 3123 B | Contemp Issues in Crim Justice | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 3143 A | Charter Rights | Thursday, April 17 at 6:30pm |
CRIM 3223 A | Criminal Procedure | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
CRIM 3243 A | Advanced Criminal Law | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 3253 A | Pre-Honours Workshop | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 3283 A | Crime Prevention | Take Home Exam, Due April 16 |
CRIM 3563 A | Visual Criminology | Thursday, April 17 at 2:00pm |
CRIM 3643 A | Terrorism: An Introduction | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
CRIM 3703 A | Toxic In/Justice | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 3803 A | Child and Youth Rights | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 3953 A | Peacemaking Crim&Restora.Just | Take Home Exam, Due April 18 |
CRIM 4113 A | Advanced Data Analysis | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 4143 A | Hate Crime | No Exam Scheduled |
CRIM 4273 A | Adv. Stud. Crime in Pop. Film | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
DIGM 2023 B | Digital Media Production | No Exam Scheduled |
DIGM 3013 B | Digital Photography | No Exam Scheduled |
DIGM 3033 B | Podcasting | Take Home Exam, Due April 17 |
ECON 1013 C | Intro to Economics (Micro) | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
ECON 1023 B | Intro to Economics (Macro) | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
ECON 3143 A | Macroeconomic Theory II | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
ECON 3153 A | Political Economy II | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
ECON 3163 A | Quantitative Methods II | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
ECON 3333 A | Persp. on Underdevelopment | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
ECON 3343 A | Banking & International Financ | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
ECON 3433 A | Economics of Government | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 1016 A2 | English Literatures | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
ENGL 1016 B2 | English Literatures | Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am |
ENGL 1016 C2 | English Literatures | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 1233 B | Digital Literacy | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
ENGL 2013 B | Research Methods in English | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 2013 D | Research Methods in English | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 2123 A | Creative Writing: Strategies | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 2413 A | Manga and Graphic Novels | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 2503 A | Short Story | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 2523 A | Study of Drama - An Intro | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 2563 A | Science Fiction II:Themes | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 2583 A | Women Writers I | Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm |
ENGL 2603 A | Survey of Children's Lit. | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
ENGL 2803 A | Contemporary Theory I | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
ENGL 3153 A | Literary Publishing | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 3306 A2 | Middle English Literature | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 3326 A2 | The 17th Century | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
ENGL 3393 A | Victorian Authors and Movement | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
ENGL 3416 A2 | American Literature | Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm |
ENGL 3593 A | 20th Century Theatre | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 3673 A | The Film of Politics | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
ENGL 3723 A | Jane Austen | No Exam Scheduled |
ENGL 4153 A | Senior Proj. in Creative Writ. | No Exam Scheduled |
ENVS 1013 C | Understanding Envir. Problems | Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am |
ENVS 1013 D | Understanding Envir. Problems | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
ENVS 1023 A | Environmental Praxis I | No Exam Scheduled |
ENVS 2043 A | Sustainability Communications | No Exam Scheduled |
ENVS 3013 A | Global Environmental Politics | No Exam Scheduled |
ENVS 3023 A | Environmental Praxis II | No Exam Scheduled |
ENVS 3123 A | Sustainable Food Systems | No Exam Scheduled |
ENVS 4003 A | Capstone Seminar | No Exam Scheduled |
ESL 1023 A | Eng for Acad: Read and Writ II | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
ESL 1043 A | Eng for Acad: Speak and Lis II | Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am |
ESL 2223 A | Adv. Eng. for Acad. Purpose II | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
FNAR 1061 A | Voice Technique I | No Exam Scheduled |
FNAR 1633 A | Drawing and Sketching II | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
FNAR 1733 A2 | Intro to Musical Theatre | Take Home Exam, Due Friday, April 11 |
FNAR 1743 A2 | Music Lit. for Actors&Dancers | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
FNAR 2001 A | Piano Master Class I | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
FNAR 2061 A | Voice Technique II | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
FNAR 2063 A | Tonal Music II | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
FNAR 2136 A2 | Musical Theatre I | Take Home Exam, Due Saturday, April 12 |
FNAR 2251 A | Acting, Singing, Dancing II | Take Home Exam, Due Thursday, April 17 |
FNAR 2393 D | SP NB Youth Orchestra | No Exam Scheduled |
FNAR 2813 A | Music Practice I | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
FNAR 2823 A | Music Practice II | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
FNAR 3061 A | Voice Technique III | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
FNAR 3343 A | Creative Book Art | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
FNAR 3353 A | Art After Modern Art | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
FNAR 3823 A | Music Practice IV | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
FNAR 4703 A | Sp.Top:Fund. of Theatre | Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30pm |
FNAR 4823 A | Music Practice VI | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
FREN 1016 A2 | Langue Francaise 1 | No Exam Scheduled |
FREN 1016 B2 | Langue Francaise 1 | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
FREN 1026 A2 | Langue Francaise 2 | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
FREN 1026 B2 | Langue Francaise 2 | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
FREN 2113 A | Prose et cinéma | No Exam Scheduled |
FREN 2306 A2 | Textes: niveau 2 | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
FREN 2316 A2 | Grammaire Du Francais | Thursday, April 17 at 2:00pm |
FREN 2326 A2 | Composition | No Exam Scheduled |
FREN 2333 A | Conversational French | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
FREN 3613 A | Civ. Franc 2: Amerique Franc. | No Exam Scheduled |
FREN 3663 A | Lecture Francophone Avancee | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
FREN 4603 A | Special Topics | No Exam Scheduled |
GERO 1023 A | Aging in Canada | Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30pm |
GERO 2673 A | Adult Development & Aging | No Exam Scheduled |
GERO 3023 A | Aging and Health | No Exam Scheduled |
GERO 3033 A | Aging and Spirituality | No Exam Scheduled |
GERO 3053 A | Qual. Research Methods in Gero | No Exam Scheduled |
GERO 3073 A | Narrative Gerontology | No Exam Scheduled |
GERO 4023 A | Advan Seminar in Gerontology | No Exam Scheduled |
GRBK 1006 A2 | Great Thinkers and Writers | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
GRBK 2206 A | Nature, Science, and Technolog | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
GRBK 3106 A | Love and Friendship | Thursday, April 17 at 2:00pm |
HIST 1123 B | Intro to Food in World History | Thursday, April 17 at 2:00pm |
HIST 1153 A | Magic and Demons | Take Home Exam, Due April 12 |
HIST 2003 B | Exploring History | Thursday, April 17 at 2:00pm |
HIST 2023 A | World History Since 1400 | No Exam Scheduled |
HIST 2023 B | World History Since 1400 | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
HIST 2183 A | History of Modern India | Friday, April 11 at 2:00pm |
HIST 2553 A | History of the Islamic World | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
HIST 3133 A | Post-1945 Latin America | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
HIST 3223 A | The Medieval Church | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
HIST 3343 A | Europe Since 1945 | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
HIST 3703 A | Symbols of Canada | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
HIST 3863 A | Tourism in World History | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
HIST 4026 A2 | Food in World History | No Exam Scheduled |
HIST 4196 A2 | People's History of Korea | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
HMRT 1003 C | Intro. to Human Rights | No Exam Scheduled |
HMRT 1003 D | Intro. to Human Rights | Timed Take Home, Due April 14 |
HMRT 1003 E | Intro. to Human Rights | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
HMRT 2013 A | Research Methods | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
HMRT 2033 A | Human Rights Theory | No Exam Scheduled |
HMRT 3073 A | Human Rights Internship | No Exam Scheduled |
HMRT 3123 A | International Human Rights | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
HMRT 3503 B | Moot Court | Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30pm |
HMRT 3513 B | Moot Court II | Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30pm |
HMRT 3523 B | Moot Court III | Tuesday, April 15 at 6:30pm |
HMRT 3803 A | Human Rights of the Child | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
HMRT 4013 A | Capstone Seminar | No Exam Scheduled |
IRSH 2183 A | Irish Language and Culture II | No Exam Scheduled |
ITAL 1006 A2 | Introduction to Italian | Thursday, April 17 at 2:00pm |
JOUR 1023 A | The Message:Great Stor. Jour | Take Home Exam, Due April 8 |
JOUR 1113 B | Fundamentals of Effective Writ | No Exam Scheduled |
JOUR 2033 A | Local Reporting, Global Media | No Exam Scheduled |
JOUR 2063 A | Media, Ethics and the Law | No Exam Scheduled |
JOUR 3023 A | Radio and Podcasting | No Exam Scheduled |
JOUR 4106 A2 | Senior Seminar in Journalism | No Exam Scheduled |
LAPS 1003 B | Intro to Law,Politics&Society | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
LATI 1023 A | Introduction to Latin II | No Exam Scheduled |
MATH 1023 A | Introduction to Calculus II | No Exam Scheduled |
NATI 1006 A2 | Intro to Native Studies | Wednesday, April 16 at 6:30pm |
NATI 3473 A | Theory/Prac. Nati Lang Immers | No Exam Scheduled |
NATI 3623 A | Native Educ & Colonization | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
NATI 3713 A | Human and Aboriginal Rights | No Exam Scheduled |
NATI 3853 A | Alc. Drugs, and Indig. Peoples | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
NATI 3923 A | Territorial Claims | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
PHIL 1023 A | What Is Phil. Intro. 2 | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
PHIL 1023 B | What Is Phil. Intro. 2 | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
PHIL 2123 A | Ancient Philosophy II | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
PHIL 2163 A | Empiricism | Take Home Exam, Due April 15 |
PHIL 2233 A | Contemporary Moral Philosophy | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
PHIL 2543 A | Moral Psychology | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
PHIL 3573 A | Dante | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
PHIL 3623 A | Hegel | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
POLS 1013 A | Law, Power, and Politics | Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am |
POLS 1103 A | Canadian Government | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
POLS 1603 B | Global Politics | Timed Take Home, Due April 15 |
POLS 2313 A | Comp Pol Developing Areas | No Exam Scheduled |
POLS 2623 A | International Relations II | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
POLS 2813 A | The Western Trad Pol. Phil II | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
POLS 3123 A | Constitution:Federalism | No Exam Scheduled |
POLS 3343 A | Law Politics Judicial | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
POLS 3533 A | Canadian Foreign Policy | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
POLS 3973 A | US Government and Politics | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 1013 F | Intro. to Psychology I | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 1013 G | Intro. to Psychology I | Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am |
PSYC 1023 C | Intro. to Psychology II | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
PSYC 1023 D | Intro. to Psychology II | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
PSYC 1023 E | Intro. to Psychology II | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 1023 F | Intro. to Psychology II | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 2013 C | Introduction to Statistics | Friday, April 11 at 9:00am |
PSYC 2013 D | Introduction to Statistics | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
PSYC 2023 C | Intro to Research Methods | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
PSYC 2023 D | Intro to Research Methods | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
PSYC 2163 A | Drugs and Behaviour | Saturday, April 12 at 9:00am |
PSYC 2183 A | Human Sexuality | Monday, April 14 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 2183 B | Human Sexuality | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
PSYC 2213 B | Principles of Learning | Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 2263 B | Cognitive Psychology | Thursday, April 17 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 2313 B | Personality Psychology | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
PSYC 2313 C | Personality Psychology | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
PSYC 2413 C | Social Psychology | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 2613 B | Developmental: Phys &Emotional | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
PSYC 2623 B | Developmental: Cognitive & Soc | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
PSYC 2643 B | Abnormal Psychology | Friday, April 11 at 2:oopm |
PSYC 2643 C | Abnormal Psychology | Monday, April 14 at 6:30pm |
PSYC 3123 A | Visual Perception | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 3173 A | Memory and the Brain | Thursday, April 17 at 6:30 |
PSYC 3413 A | Advanced Social Psychology | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
PSYC 3613 A | Models of Psychotherapy-Adults | Tuesday, April 15 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 3943 A | Advanced Research | No Exam Scheduled |
PSYC 3963 B | History of Psychology | Wednesday, April 16 at 2:00pm |
PSYC 4183 A | Seminar in Sexuality | No Exam Scheduled |
PSYC 4263 A | Seminar in Cognitive Psyc | No Exam Scheduled |
PSYC 4513 B | Seminar in Popular Psychology | No Exam Scheduled |
RELG 1006 A2 | Intro to Religious Studies | Take Home Exam, Due April 21 |
RELG 1006 B2 | Intro to Religious Studies | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
RELG 2413 A | Intro to Ritual Studies I | No Exam Scheduled |
SCWK 2023 B | Introduction to Social Work | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 1006 A2 | Introduction to Sociology | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 1006 B2 | Introduction to Sociology | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 1006 C2 | Introduction to Sociology | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 1006 D2 | Introduction to Sociology | Friday, April 11 at 9:00am |
SOCI 1006 E2 | Introduction to Sociology | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
SOCI 1006 F2 | Introduction to Sociology | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
SOCI 2013 B | Research Design & Methods | Take Home Exam, Due April 15 |
SOCI 2023 A | Understanding Statistics | Take Home Exam, Due April 16 |
SOCI 2103 A | Canadian Society | Thursday, April 17 at 6:30 |
SOCI 2313 B | Deviance | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 2343 A | Surveillance Society | Thursday, April 17 at 9:00am |
SOCI 2633 A | Sociology of the Family | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 3023 A | Contemporary Soci. Theory | Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00am |
SOCI 3243 A | Sociology of Men | Take Home Exam, Due April 16 |
SOCI 3313 A | Sociology of Law | Take Home Exam |
SOCI 3553 A | Sociology of the Body | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 3573 A | Sociology of Art and Culture | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 3913 A | Sociology of Disease | No Exam Scheduled |
SOCI 4013 B | Senior Seminar | Friday, April 11 at 6:30pm |
SPAN 1006 A2 | Beginning Spanish | No Exam Scheduled |
SPAN 1006 B2 | Beginning Spanish | No Exam Scheduled |
SPAN 1006 C2 | Beginning Spanish | No Exam Scheduled |
SPAN 1006 D2 | Beginning Spanish | No Exam Scheduled |
SPAN 2023 A | Intermediate Spanish II | No Exam Scheduled |
SPAN 2123 A | Cult. & Comp. 2: Span. America | No Exam Scheduled |
SPAN 3323 A | Adv. Reading 2: Spanish Americ | No Exam Scheduled |
SPAN 3523 A | Advanced Grammar II | Monday, April 14 at 9:00am |
SPAN 4923 A | Collective Memory | Wednesday, April 16 at 9:00am |
WSGS 2016 A2 | Intro Women's & Gender Studies | No Exam Scheduled |