Publications and Conference Papers
Selected Articles
"Science at the Heart: Five Recent Canadian Books of Poetry" Canadian Literature #221 (Summer 2014)
"Small Group Workshops In Large Creative Writing Classes: Because You Can't Be Everywhere a Once" Kathy Mac. Wascana Review, Volume 43, Number 1.
Selected Books
Human Misunderstanding. Halifax: Roseway, 2017
Pain, Porn and Complicity: Women Heroes from Pygmalion to Twilight. Kathleen McConnell. Wolsak and Wynn. 2012.
Nail Builders Plan for Strength and Growth. Kathy Mac. Roseway. 2012.
The Hundefraulein Papers. Kathy Mac. Roseway. May 2009.
Selected Publications and Conferences
"Potter's Hearing is not Khadr's Ruling." Public Poetics: Critical Issues in Canadian Poetry and Poetics. Ed. Bart Vautour et alia. Waterloo: WLUP, April 2015.
The Atlantic Canadian Poets’ Archive. Faculty Advisor. Fredericton: St Thomas University, 2012. Web.
“Coverlet”, “Bedside Tables” and “Parable of a Grieving Artist” CV2 34.3 (Winter 2012) 49-52. Print.
The Point of this Whole Implausible Set-up: Winner of the Alfred G Bailey Prize for a poetry manuscript, WFNB, 2012; Finalist for the Snare Books/Robert Kroetsch Award for Experimental Poetry, 2012.
“Truth”, “Charm” and “Top” in QuArc co-issue of ARC and The New Quarterly 119 (Summer 2011) 21-23. Print.
“Stretch and Flex: The Inevitable Feminist Treatise on Catwoman.” The Dalhousie Review 91.2 (Summer 2011) 151-168. Print
“Small Group Workshops in Large Creative Writing Classes: Because You can’t be Everywhere at Once. ” Wascana Review 43.1 (Summer, 2011). Web.
“Wrangling Sex Worker Complainants and Deportable Defendants.” The Practice of a Lyric Scholarship. Session of the ACCUTE Conference at Congress. Moderator and organizer Clare Goulet. May 28, 2011.
“Bella Swan’s Monstrous Vacancy: The Trajectory of Author and Audience Complicity in the Twilight Quartet of Novels.” Pop Culture Session of the ACCUTE Conference at Congress 2011. Moderator Stephen Bruhm. May 29, 2011.
“Arts and the Sea: A Celebration,” sponsored by the International Oceans Institute, and moderated by Paul Kennedy, host of CBC’s Ideas. June 8, 2011.
“A Portrait Artist’s Disavowed Desire” and “Reverse Oscar.” Poetry Ireland Review 103 (2011) 54-55. Print.
“M. Travis Lane.” New Brunswick Literary Encyclopedia. Ed. Tony Tremblay. Launched Apr 1, 2011. Web.
“Work Table.” The Malahat Review. Ed. John Barton. 173 (Winter, 2010) 65-66. Print.
“Twilight of Desire: Pain.” Narrative Matters Conference, Fredericton. May 22, 2010.
The Hundefräulein Papers. Halifax: Roseway Publishing, 2009. Print.
“Subsequent Collaboration: The Reunion Drawings and Poems.” With visual artist Elizabeth MacKenzie. Educational Insights 12:2 (2009). Web.
“Omar Khadr is not Harry Potter” disClosure 18 (2009) 105-128. Print
“Appraising Two from Seth Thomas” and “Eighteenth Century Heroine, Revisited” The Fiddlehead 239 (Spring 2009) 90-91. Print.
"Isabella" "Post Card for Christine" Event 37.1 (Spring 2008) 37-39. Print.
"Cutter Ants" and "Paige Newton" The Malahat Review 162 (Spring, 2008) 35-37. Print.
Nail Builders Plan for Strength and Growth. Halifax: Roseway, 2002. Print. (Finalist for the Governor General’s Award for Poetry, and winner of the Lampert Award for the best first book of poems published in Canada.)
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