Note: Courses with no date or time listed are being offered online, asynchronously.
Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH1013A
This is an introduction to the study of contemporary cultures and languages and to the methods of ethnographic fieldwork.
Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH1013B
This is an introduction to the study of contemporary cultures and languages and to the methods of ethnographic fieldwork.
Intro. to Biological Anthro. ANTH1023A
An introduction to the study of humans as a biocultural species. The focus of this course is on human evolution, human variation and genetics, nonhuman primates, and the work of physical anthropologists.
North America ANTH2063A
Ethnographic and ethnological study of the culture of North America. Prerequisite: ANTH 1013.
World Archaeology ANTH2333A
This course will introduce students to past cultural expressions in different parts of the world. Following a general introduction to archaeological methods and techniques and the nature of archaeological record, this course will proceed to discuss multiple archaeological cases related to the ways of life of hunter-gatherers and complex societies - chiefdoms and states - as well as the rise and fall of these forms of social and political organization. Past cultural practices and the processes that give rise to cultural change will be examined in different locations around the globe. Prerequisite: None.
Human Biological Variation ANTH2413A
The course will examine visible human adaptations (e.g. differences in skin pigmentation) and invisible adaptations (e.g. thermal acclimatization, blood groups). An important component of the course will be anthropological demography, i.e. the study of population structure and cultural/historical influences on health and mortality. The format of the course will be a combination of in-class lab work/exercises and lectures. Not open to first-year students.
Anthropology of Music & Sound ANTH2633A
The aim of this course is to examine a range of key issues in ethnomusicology, from the classic works of the discipline to contemporary theories and approaches, and including aesthetic systems, the representation of music, music and cultural change, and the musical articulation of social identity. The course will not only offer an insight into musical diversity in cultures around the world, but will also develop the fundamental view that music both expresses and actively constructs social and cultural realities.
Queer Anthropology ANTH3253A
This course will introduce students to the changing disciplinary trends in the anthropological study of Queer. We will evaluate the use of 'Queer' as a theoretical and cultural concept and as a method in queer anthropology and explore the relationship between a queer anthropological perspective and other, often marginalized traditions in anthropology. Students will critically analyze what queer anthropological perspectives, methods, and forms of knowledge teach us about the practice/field of anthropology more broadly.
Forensic Osteology & Arch. ANTH3443A
The focus of this course is the application of skeletal biology to the medical-legal investigation of deaths, including description and identification, determination of cause and manner of death, and estimation of time of death, and the collection of physical evidence. The course will be taught in a combined lecture/lab format. Prerequisite: ANTH 2443.
History of Anthro. Thought ANTH3806A1
This course is an intensive reading and seminar discussion on selected recent anthropological theories. Students will read and analyze original works from the second half of the 20th century to the present in an attempt to evaluate their explanatory value and their consequences in the development of anthropology as an academic discipline. Prerequisite: ANTH 1013 and one area ethnography course. Anthropology majors must take this course in their third year of study.
Research Methods ANTH3913A
There are two main goals in this course. The primary one is to familiarize students with some of the basic research methods that anthropologists use to construct ethnographic case studies. In the course, the student will gain experience in gathering, recording, interpreting, and presenting qualitative research material. At the same time, we will consider the close relationship between data collection and ethnographic writing. In relation to the latter, students will carry out exercises designed to aid them in developing a clear and concise style of both more formal writing and less formal note taking. The overall goal of the class will be to learn to collect, analyze, and clearly present ethnographic data. Prerequisite: ANTH 1013 and one area ethnography course. Anthropology majors must take this course in their third year of study.
Introduction to Literature AQGBEN1006A1
In this course we study some of history's most influential writers. We read literature from a wide range of genres, periods, and national origins, including classical epics, medieval romances, Renaissance plays, and modern novels. Students develop their powers of literary analysis and interpretation, as well as their writing abilities. As a discussion-based class, we consider together how writers use imaginative literature to investigate and explore issues of perennial human concern, such as mortality, love, honour, truth, and beauty.
Intro to Philosophy AQGBPH1006A1
How do we know if something is true? How do we know that something is real? What is the best life for a human being? The study of philosophy is how thoughtful people have explored these questions for millennia. In this course, we examine some of the most influential philosophers in history. We study different philosophical approaches, schools of thought, literary modes of philosophy, and how they relate to one another. Through discussion-based classes students also develop their capacities for reasoning and argumentation orally and in writing.
Intro to Political Science AQGBPO1006A1
In this course students study great works in the history of political thought to explore key questions at the centre of political life. What is justice? What gives a law its legitimacy? What kind of political system is best? We learn how political theorists have affected our political institutions, and how to analyze those institutions using the history of political thought. Through reading, writing, and class discussions, students develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts and essential problems with which politics is concerned.
Principles of Biology I BIOL1503A
This course introduces students to the study of life. Topics include the scientific method, biological molecules, cell structure and function, energy flow, respiration, and photosynthesis.
Intro. to Social Enterprise BUSI1003A
This course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to social enterprise through historical and contemporary perspectives. It delves into the origins, principles, and practices of social enterprises. The course highlights the interconnectedness between social, economic, and environmental factors, and examines the impact of social enterprises on local communities and broader society. By critically examining case studies and engaging with relevant readings, students develop an understanding of the diverse strategies employed by social enterprises to address societal challenges and promote sustainable development.
Introduction to Business BUSI2013A
The course introduces a range of business topics with an emphasis on business practices in the Canadian context. Topics include entrepreneurship, financial process, marketing, socially responsible business, management, human resources, and the role of business in the Canadian economy. In addition, broader issues, such as business ethics and relations between employees and employers will be discussed.
Marketing for Social Ent. BUSI2043A
The success of any social enterprise or nonprofit organization hinges on the pivotal role of marketing. Marketing serves to establish and manage relationships among people and to pool resources for tackling societal and environmental challenges. This course delivers conceptual and practical knowledge of marketing, spanning the domains of visionary thinking, strategic planning, tactical execution, and tool utilization. It explores a range of key topics, including gaining insights into customer behavior, devising innovative products and services, establishing impactful brands, mastering sales techniques, navigating distribution channels, and employing various communication strategies.
Nonprofit Management BUSI3023B
The course introduces students to the specific issues that arise in managing nonprofit organizations. Topics covered include strategic planning, accountability, board governance, financial planning, fund raising, and human resources.
Labour Relations & Coll. Barg BUSI3033A
The course examines collective bargaining in its historical and institutional context. Topics include the history of the labour movement, the attainment of bargaining rights, the collective bargaining process, the grievance and arbitration process, and the legal environment.
Intro to Catholic Studies CATH2003A
An introduction to the Catholic tradition through a consideration of what it means to be Catholic, and how this experience has been expressed historically and culturally in philosophy, theology, prayer, literature, personal and social morality, and art.
Community-Based Learning CBEL3003A
This course applies theory and academic content to real-world experiences within the classroom, community, and the workplace. The course advances Course-Based Learning (CBL) outcomes that are specifically focused on transferable employability skills. Students participate in community-based internships and reflect on how their learning and skill development can be applied in other worksites and beyond the classroom.
Intro. to Communications COPP1013A
This course introduces students to the history and evolution of the communications profession, with particular emphasis on communications in the public policy sphere, from the pioneers who sold ideas on behalf of their clients, to the modern world of two-way communications with the public through the internet and social media tools. The course will explore how this evolution is changing the way governments, politicians, non-governmental organizations, citizens groups and corporations interact with the public.
Intro. to Communications COPP1013B
This course introduces students to the history and evolution of the communications profession, with particular emphasis on communications in the public policy sphere, from the pioneers who sold ideas on behalf of their clients, to the modern world of two-way communications with the public through the internet and social media tools. The course will explore how this evolution is changing the way governments, politicians, non-governmental organizations, citizens groups and corporations interact with the public.
Fundamentals of Writing COPP2013A
Communicating public policy requires clear and effective writing at every stage in the process. This is a foundational writing course that will help students learn to express themselves in clear, compelling language. Prerequisites: COPP 1013, COPP 1023.
Policy Making in the Info Age COPP2023A
This course will explore how social media and internet tools are transforming the world of communications and public policy. The course will explore cases around the world where social media and the access to information on the internet is influencing public policy and the political process. Prerequisite: COPP 2013.
Business Commun. and Marketing COPP3043A
This course explores the role of communications in business settings, including professional writing, the power of narrative, the influence of social media, and the connection between communications and marketing.
Sp Topics: 2024 US Election COPP3063A
This course consists of an in-depth analysis of a specific topic in communications and public policy. The course will be organized around the special interests of full time and visiting faculty. Topics could include: policy analysis, public management, organizational social media management, organizational communications, and social media and website design including search engine optimization, Google Analytics and basic back end social media training.
Senior Seminar: Case Studies COPP4006A1
The capstone case study course will require students to survey scholarly literature on communications and public policy analysis (regarding policy development, design and implementation) and apply this research as they write two case studies that allows them to synthesize the issues encountered with their studies in Communications and Public Policy. Prerequisites: COPP 3013, COPP 3023, COPP 3033.
Internship COPP4016A1
Students will complete two supervised professional unpaid internships in a professional communications agency, non-profit organization, or government office and will complete a detailed exit report. Where possible, students will have the opportunity to pursue internships that require them to work in French or in a bilingual office. Prerequisites: COPP 3013, COPP 3023, COPP 3033.
Introduction to Criminology CRIM1013A
This course is designed to introduce the student to the discipline of criminology: its origins, the nature of disciplinary debates, and a sampling of theoretical and methodological issues. It involves an examination of crime patterns, causes of criminal behaviour and crime prevention strategies. This course also introduces the student to core topics covered in electives in the second year: courts, young offenders, police, corrections, and victimology. This introductory course is a prerequisite for all upper-level courses.
Introduction to Criminology CRIM1013B
This course is designed to introduce the student to the discipline of criminology: its origins, the nature of disciplinary debates, and a sampling of theoretical and methodological issues. It involves an examination of crime patterns, causes of criminal behaviour and crime prevention strategies. This course also introduces the student to core topics covered in electives in the second year: courts, young offenders, police, corrections, and victimology. This introductory course is a prerequisite for all upper-level courses.
Introduction to Criminology CRIM1013C
This course is designed to introduce the student to the discipline of criminology: its origins, the nature of disciplinary debates, and a sampling of theoretical and methodological issues. It involves an examination of crime patterns, causes of criminal behaviour and crime prevention strategies. This course also introduces the student to core topics covered in electives in the second year: courts, young offenders, police, corrections, and victimology. This introductory course is a prerequisite for all upper-level courses.
Introduction to Criminology CRIM1013F
This course is designed to introduce the student to the discipline of criminology: its origins, the nature of disciplinary debates, and a sampling of theoretical and methodological issues. It involves an examination of crime patterns, causes of criminal behaviour and crime prevention strategies. This course also introduces the student to core topics covered in electives in the second year: courts, young offenders, police, corrections, and victimology. This introductory course is a prerequisite for all upper-level courses.
Intro. to Criminal Justice CRIM1023A
This course is designed to introduce the student to the role criminology plays in both formulating and critiquing criminal justice policy and a sampling of theoretical and methodological issues. It involves a critical look at the nature of the criminal justice system, the role of the state and the creation of policies through the passing of bills, legislation, and statutes pertinent to the interpretation of the Criminal Code. This course also introduces the student to core topics covered in electives in the second year: courts, young offenders, police, corrections, and victimology. This introductory course is a prerequisite for all upperlevel courses.
Intro. to Criminal Justice CRIM1023B
This course is designed to introduce the student to the role criminology plays in both formulating and critiquing criminal justice policy and a sampling of theoretical and methodological issues. It involves a critical look at the nature of the criminal justice system, the role of the state and the creation of policies through the passing of bills, legislation, and statutes pertinent to the interpretation of the Criminal Code. This course also introduces the student to core topics covered in electives in the second year: courts, young offenders, police, corrections, and victimology. This introductory course is a prerequisite for all upperlevel courses.
Early Criminological Theory CRIM2013A
This course will be a survey course of classical theories in criminology. Classical theories will include the influences of work by early criminologists such as Bentham, Beccaria, Lombroso, Quetelet, and Durkheim in the development of theory and the history of theories of punishment. This course will build on the historical roots of crime and criminological theory in pre-20th century criminological theory. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Intro. to Qual. Research Meth. CRIM2103A
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to qualitative research methods. Students will learn the theoretical and epistemological foundations of qualitative methods and explore a number of data collection methods inherent to qualitative research, as well as critically evaluate and make appropriate use of secondary information sources. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Quantitative Research Methods CRIM2113A
This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to social science research methods and statistics as they apply to criminology and criminal justice issues. It aims to help students understand the fundamentals of the scientific method, including research design, sampling methodologies, measurement strategies, statistics, and data collection techniques, while assisting them in the development of the necessary critical thinking skills to critique and evaluate criminal justice research. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Criminal Law CRIM2123A
This course provides an introduction to criminal law - what it is, how it came into being, and the various elements of offences and forms of defence within Canada's criminal law system. Possible topics include: sources of criminal law in Canada; duty to act; voluntariness; negligent homicide; causation; strict and absolute liability; attempts; and a variety of criminal defences, including mental disorder, mistake of fact, consent, provocation, and necessity. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Youth Justice CRIM2223A
This course will examine theories of juvenile delinquency in historical and contemporary perspectives. A review of Canadian legislation concerning young offenders will be done to illuminate the official response to juvenile delinquency in light of the theories noted above. Special attention will be given to the Young Offenders Act, juvenile justice in Canada, the disposition of young offenders, and the rights of young adults. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Police & the Cdn. Community CRIM2233A
This course is designed to examine the social and political role of the police and police practices in the contemporary Canadian society. The topics that will be discussed include the functions and objectives of modern policing, police discretion, police powers, and structures of accountability. Particular attention will be given to an examination of the context of police - community relations and crime prevention initiatives. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Crime & Society in Hist. Per. CRIM2253A
This course examines how definitions of crime and the criminal have changed over time in Canada, and how the criminal justice system has dealt with crime and criminals. The course will also highlight the role that the State, criminal justice officials, and the media have played in defining crime and the criminal. From arson to zealots, the emphasis is on an examination of class, race, age, and gender as relations of power. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Criminalizing Women in Canada CRIM2403A
This course critically examines, using a feminist lens, how gender informs women's experiences with crime and the criminal justice system in Canada. Topics to be covered include: intersections of race, class and gender, regulating women, incarceration, dominant ideological constructions of the female offenders, and recent popular culture representations of women and crime. Prerequisite: CRIM 1013 & CRIM 1023
Contemp Issues in Crim Justice CRIM3123A
This course is designed to provide an overview and analysis of contemporary controversies and issues pertinent to the criminal justice system and Canadian crime policy. Specific emphasis will be given to an examination of the influence that changes in social policy and shifting public sentiments about crime control have on both the structure and operation of various components of the criminal justice system. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Perspectives- Missing Persons CRIM3163A
This course investigates and theorizes issues relating to missing and murdered persons. Drawing from diverse fields including criminal justice, feminist/ criminology, sociology, forensic anthropology, critical victimology, and Indigenous studies, the course evaluates established and emerging policies and practices regarding documentation, investigation, prosecution, prevention, and commemoration of missing persons cases. The course critically analyzes colonialism, gender and violence as factors that place particular communities at risk.
Government and Crim. Justice CRIM3203A
This course is an in-depth analysis of policy issues related to policing, courts, and corrections. Through an analysis of contemporary issues facing the criminal justice system in Canada, students will examine the links between the police, politics, law, and the administration of justice. Further, students will explore the roles and responsibilities of various government departments and agencies, non-government agencies, and community organizations affiliated directly and indirectly with the criminal justice system to gain a greater understanding of how to access resources and services for persons affected by the criminal justice system. This is a required course for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Arts in Criminal Justice and is open to students in Criminology. Pre-requisities: CRIM 1013 and CRIM 1023.
Crime and the Media CRIM3263A
This course involves the analysis of crime in the media, focusing on such vehicles as television crime shows, newsmagazine documentaries, newspaper reports and the worldwide web. Methodological and theoretical approaches to be used include discourse and content analysis, triangulation, critical criminology, social constructionism, and critical contextual analysis. Topics include terrorism, gendered violence, hate crime, crime waves, serial homicide, police crime, and youth crime. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Crime in Popular Film CRIM3273A
This course will explore popular and primarily American film from a criminological perspective, paying particular attention to how we understand crime through film. Such themes as what is a crime film?, criminology in crime films, police films, court room films, and prison films will be explored. At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to critically evaluate film and the relationships between crime and society portrayed through popular film. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Wrongful Conviction! CRIM3503A
Wrongful convictions undermine the legitimacy premise that accused persons are innocent until proven guilty under the law. This course focuses on reasons and factors contributing to wrongful convictions: eyewitness identification, jailhouse informants; and looks at outcomes and legislations that have been enacted to prevent and remedy these legal/social injustices. This course explores how police, expert witnesses, prosecutors, defence lawyers, juries, trial judges and defendants contribute to wrongful convictions; and how that can be remedied. Prerequisites: CRIM 1013 and 1023.
Honours Seminar CRIM4013A
This course provides a collaborative work forum for students accepted into the Honours program. The course is comprised of a number of thesis related assignments that will guide students through the process of researching and writing their Honours thesis, including a peer presentation on their Honours research topic. This course will also allow students to explore some of the central themes and concepts in the discipline of criminology. Prerequisite: Formal acceptance into the Honours program.
Ethnography and Crime CRIM4513A
This seminar course will examine classical and contemporary ethnographic work in criminology and criminal justice. It will address qualitative research in general and how ethnographic research challenges common perceptions of crime, criminals and criminal behaviour. Prerequisite: A minimum of 75 credit hours, which includes CRIM 1013 and 1023, or permission of the instructor.
Digital Media Creation DIGM2013A
This course introduces students to the creation of stories using videography, sound recording and platforms to showcase creative artistic works. Students are introduced to the creation opportunities in the campus digital studio and be trained on new technologies and equipment. The course is required for students planning to complete an Interdisciplinary Major in Digital Media and Creative Arts. No prerequisite.
Digital Photography DIGM3013A
This course explores the use of still photography in digital media production, and how true stories can be told through digital images. It gives students a background in the aesthetics of photography, explores theories of the image, and explores the ethical issues surrounding the manipulation of digital images. The course requires students to produce and edit digital images using a mix of digital photographic equipment and editing software. No prerequisite.
Documentary Film DIGM3023A
This course explores documentary film as a storytelling medium and how to create and produce documentaries. The course requires students to study influential films and produce and edit original documentary projects. It also introduces students to theories of documentary and the power of non-fiction storytelling. No prerequisite.
AI & Creative Digital Arts DIGM3043A
This course introduces students to the theoretical, ethical and practical applications of artificial intelligence. As AI becomes a more prominent part of our everyday lives, its capacity as a digital media, creative and communicative tool will continue to grow. The course introduces students to the theories that have developed as AI technology has shifted from a science fiction construct to a reality. It also considers the ethical challenges this new technology poses. It offers students the opportunity to engage and use AI software in practical ways. No prerequisite.
Intro to Economics (Micro) ECON1013A
This course examines the behaviour of consumers and producers in a market economy. Among the issues discussed will be environmental protection, wealth and poverty, and the extent of corporate power.
Intro to Economics (Micro) ECON1013B
This course examines the behaviour of consumers and producers in a market economy. Among the issues discussed will be environmental protection, wealth and poverty, and the extent of corporate power.
Intro to Economics (Macro) ECON1023A
This course analyzes the Canadian economy and how it works. It includes a discussion of output, unemployment, growth, money, international trade, and finance.
Microeconomic Theory I ECON2103A
A theory course which develops the basic techniques of microeconomic analysis. Topics will include theories of consumer demand, production costs, the behaviour of producers under different market conditions, and the functioning of commodity markets.
Macroeconomic Theory I ECON2113A
A theory course which develops an understanding of the basic techniques of macroeconomic analysis. Elements of the course include aggregate supply, aggregate demand, and the role of money, interest rates, and the price level. The nature of economic growth, business cycles, and the conditions for economic stability are examined.
Quantitative Methods I ECON2123A
An introduction to basic statistical techniques of estimation and inference. The topics covered include: collection, organization and presentation of data, frequency distributions, parameter estimation, probability, probability distributions, tests of hypotheses, confidence intervals, analysis of variance, and index numbers.(This course may not be taken for credit by students who already have received credit for an introductory statistics course in another discipline at St. Thomas University or have received credit for an introductory statistics course taken in any discipline from another university.)
Political Economy I ECON2153A
A theory course analyzing economic activities in their political and social context. Topics include: class and economic power, the labour process and the generation of surplus, economic instability, capitalism on a world scale, and the nature and role of government.
Gender in the Global South ECON2303A
This course will critically examine the role of women in the global South. It will concentrate largely on the changes in these roles and their correspondence with the transition from traditional to new forms of economic organization, production, and power.
Field Placement EDUC5015A1
The field placement consists of a minimum of fifteen weeks. There are four days of school visitation and two separate placements in a K-12 school setting. Placement is made by the School of Education in accordance with the policy in the St. Thomas University Calendar and the BEd Field Placement Handbook. All field placements will be conducted in the Province of New Brunswick.
Fren. Sec. Lang. Meth: Ms/Hs EDUC5163A
This course presents theories of second language acquisition, current trends in the field of second language teaching and learning, and their application to the teaching of French in a communicative and interactive approach at the middle and secondary levels. Students will develop lesson units, engage in peer-teaching, and integrate technology into their teaching. Students will participate in discussion, work with case studies, research issues in second language education using current professional journals and resources. Attention will be given to the teaching and assessing of listening, reading, writing, speaking and cultural understanding. This course aims to provide solid advice, information and guidance to French Second Language teachers so that they may help their students recognize that French is not only a means of communication but also a portal to future opportunities. Students are required to have a minimum proficiency of Intermediate Plus on the New Brunswick French Oral Proficiency scale to register for this course.
Indig. Ed. & Reconciliation EDUC5213A
This course supports teacher candidates' understanding of Indigenous Education for the K-12 classroom, with a specific focus on reconciliation. Teacher candidates will gain understanding of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), Residential Schools, and Indigenous perspectives and knowledges. Learners in this course will build their personal knowledge of issues and resources pertaining to Education for Reconciliation locally and nationally. The emphasis is on creating awareness, decolonizing curricular decisions, and creating actionable practices for the classroom.
Indig. Ed. & Reconciliation EDUC5213B
This course supports teacher candidates' understanding of Indigenous Education for the K-12 classroom, with a specific focus on reconciliation. Teacher candidates will gain understanding of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), Residential Schools, and Indigenous perspectives and knowledges. Learners in this course will build their personal knowledge of issues and resources pertaining to Education for Reconciliation locally and nationally. The emphasis is on creating awareness, decolonizing curricular decisions, and creating actionable practices for the classroom.
Indig. Ed. & Reconciliation EDUC5213C
This course supports teacher candidates' understanding of Indigenous Education for the K-12 classroom, with a specific focus on reconciliation. Teacher candidates will gain understanding of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), Residential Schools, and Indigenous perspectives and knowledges. Learners in this course will build their personal knowledge of issues and resources pertaining to Education for Reconciliation locally and nationally. The emphasis is on creating awareness, decolonizing curricular decisions, and creating actionable practices for the classroom.
Elem.School Reading&Lang. Arts EDUC5413E1
This course focuses on current research, evidence, theories, and approaches to teaching language arts in elementary classrooms. Teacher candidates will gain a greater understanding of the processes involved in learning to read, the essential elements of reading instruction, and the pedagogical practices that support reading acquisition. In addition, teacher candidates will build competencies in the use of exemplary instructional practices to teach writing. Throughout the course, teacher candidates will design and prepare literacy-based lessons, resources, and materials for use in the teaching of language arts classes and across the curriculum.
Elem.School Reading&Lang. Arts EDUC5413EE1
This course focuses on current research, evidence, theories, and approaches to teaching language arts in elementary classrooms. Teacher candidates will gain a greater understanding of the processes involved in learning to read, the essential elements of reading instruction, and the pedagogical practices that support reading acquisition. In addition, teacher candidates will build competencies in the use of exemplary instructional practices to teach writing. Throughout the course, teacher candidates will design and prepare literacy-based lessons, resources, and materials for use in the teaching of language arts classes and across the curriculum.
Mdl Scl Literacy & la EDUC5423A
This course supports the development of the pre-service teacher's knowledge of the language arts programme at the middle level. Teacher candidates will gain an understanding of the language arts, study evidence-based practices, and develop practical skills. A range of instructional strategies, methods, and modes for supporting literacy and language arts across the curriculum will be explored. This course provides a framework for beginning teachers to base logical reflective decisions concerning curriculum decisions, learning experiences, and assessment strategies appropriate for the middle level.
Mdl Scl Literacy & la EDUC5423B
This course supports the development of the pre-service teacher's knowledge of the language arts programme at the middle level. Teacher candidates will gain an understanding of the language arts, study evidence-based practices, and develop practical skills. A range of instructional strategies, methods, and modes for supporting literacy and language arts across the curriculum will be explored. This course provides a framework for beginning teachers to base logical reflective decisions concerning curriculum decisions, learning experiences, and assessment strategies appropriate for the middle level.
Elem School Math Mtds EDUC5433E1
Methods in elementary mathematics is an introduction to the context and strategies of teaching math at the K-8 level in New Brunswick. Teacher candidates must recognize and employ the basic elements of teaching mathematics in the elementary division as well as understanding the four grade bands in math curricula. The emphasis is on content as well as on 'doing' mathematics. Teacher candidates are involved in problem solving and exploring mathematical concepts by developing ideas from the concrete to the abstract level, and by developing multiple representations of mathematical ideas. Content topics of emphasis include pre-number concepts, numeration and place value, whole numbers-operations, number theory, and geometry.
Elem School Math Mtds EDUC5433EE1
Methods in elementary mathematics is an introduction to the context and strategies of teaching math at the K-8 level in New Brunswick. Teacher candidates must recognize and employ the basic elements of teaching mathematics in the elementary division as well as understanding the four grade bands in math curricula. The emphasis is on content as well as on 'doing' mathematics. Teacher candidates are involved in problem solving and exploring mathematical concepts by developing ideas from the concrete to the abstract level, and by developing multiple representations of mathematical ideas. Content topics of emphasis include pre-number concepts, numeration and place value, whole numbers-operations, number theory, and geometry.
Science for Elem Children EDUC5473E1
The nature and purpose of science education are explored. Effective use of minimal time allotted to this discipline at the elementary level is the main focus. One of the primary tasks to be undertaken is the construction of discovery-based learning centres as well as appropriate assessment tools. Students will be given the opportunity to experience the dynamics of constructivist science learning with a special emphasis to cross-curricular extensions. Time will be spent exploring student record keeping strategies which compliment a guided inquiry-based approach.
Science for Elem Children EDUC5473EE1
The nature and purpose of science education are explored. Effective use of minimal time allotted to this discipline at the elementary level is the main focus. One of the primary tasks to be undertaken is the construction of discovery-based learning centres as well as appropriate assessment tools. Students will be given the opportunity to experience the dynamics of constructivist science learning with a special emphasis to cross-curricular extensions. Time will be spent exploring student record keeping strategies which compliment a guided inquiry-based approach.
Methods in Social Studies EDUC5843A
This course is an introduction to instructional strategies and methods for teaching social studies. The course intends to help pre-service teachers integrate their knowledge of social studies with educational best practices. The areas of social studies focus are geography, history, political science, and economics.
Methods Midd/Sec Science EDUC5863A
This course will focus on the Atlantic Canada Science Curriculum for grades 6 to 10. Through reading, discussion, practice, and reflection, course participants will develop the content mastery and pedagogical skills necessary to facilitate engaging, inquiry-based science lessons of the constructivist learning model for middle level and early high school students. Particular focus will be placed on the use of analogies, simulations and discrepant events in the development of explanatory models. A science background is an asset but is not essential.
Teaching Midd/Sec Math EDUC5873A
This course will focus on the provincial mathematics curriculum for grades 6 to 10. Through reading, discussion, practice, and reflection, course participants will develop the content mastery and pedagogical skills necessary to facilitate engaging, student-centered math lessons for middle level and early high school students. Particular emphasis will be placed on the use of manipulatives and various models in the development of problem solving skills. A mathematics background is an asset but is not essential.
Class Management EDUC5903A
Research has shown that classroom management strategies have a dramatic impact on the learning environment. Several very different schools of thought regarding classroom management are discussed. Emphasis is placed on course participants developing a personal proactive approach by extracting and merging effective strategies from many sources.
Class Management EDUC5903B
Research has shown that classroom management strategies have a dramatic impact on the learning environment. Several very different schools of thought regarding classroom management are discussed. Emphasis is placed on course participants developing a personal proactive approach by extracting and merging effective strategies from many sources.
Class Management EDUC5903C
Research has shown that classroom management strategies have a dramatic impact on the learning environment. Several very different schools of thought regarding classroom management are discussed. Emphasis is placed on course participants developing a personal proactive approach by extracting and merging effective strategies from many sources.
Social Justice Literature K-12 EDUC5943A1
An overview of issues related to special education and various exceptionalities will be examined including: learning disabilities, speech and language differences, pervasive development disorders, hearing impairments, and neurological disabilities. An emphasis will be placed on strategies to assist teachers in addressing the special education needs of pupils in the elementary classroom and the psychology of exceptional learners.
Law, Ethics and Prof. Conduct EDUC5963A
This course is an examination of the role of public schools and teachers in legal and professional contexts. Students explore, investigate, and analyze a range of legal and professional issues including the structure of public schooling and First Nations schools in Canada, the legal roles and responsibilities of teachers, students, and parents, and teacher professionalism. Specifically, teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the New Brunswick Education Act and Regulations, all current public school education policies of the New Brunswick Department of Education, district and school policies and rules, NBTA Code of Ethics, and the legal responsibilities of correlative New Brunswick legislation (e.g., Family Services Act, Human Rights Act). Students collaborate to research an2.1 d defend various viewpoints related to topics covered in the course and develop the skills and attributes necessary to become active members of the teaching profession.
Law, Ethics and Prof. Conduct EDUC5963B
This course is an examination of the role of public schools and teachers in legal and professional contexts. Students explore, investigate, and analyze a range of legal and professional issues including the structure of public schooling and First Nations schools in Canada, the legal roles and responsibilities of teachers, students, and parents, and teacher professionalism. Specifically, teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the New Brunswick Education Act and Regulations, all current public school education policies of the New Brunswick Department of Education, district and school policies and rules, NBTA Code of Ethics, and the legal responsibilities of correlative New Brunswick legislation (e.g., Family Services Act, Human Rights Act). Students collaborate to research an2.1 d defend various viewpoints related to topics covered in the course and develop the skills and attributes necessary to become active members of the teaching profession.
Law, Ethics and Prof. Conduct EDUC5963C
This course is an examination of the role of public schools and teachers in legal and professional contexts. Students explore, investigate, and analyze a range of legal and professional issues including the structure of public schooling and First Nations schools in Canada, the legal roles and responsibilities of teachers, students, and parents, and teacher professionalism. Specifically, teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the New Brunswick Education Act and Regulations, all current public school education policies of the New Brunswick Department of Education, district and school policies and rules, NBTA Code of Ethics, and the legal responsibilities of correlative New Brunswick legislation (e.g., Family Services Act, Human Rights Act). Students collaborate to research an2.1 d defend various viewpoints related to topics covered in the course and develop the skills and attributes necessary to become active members of the teaching profession.
Integrating Tech in Classroom EDUC5973A1
The intent of this course is to develop comprehensive skills, knowledge and understanding of current educational technologies. Opportunities for teams to integrate technology while developing basic technical skills will result in resources for teaching in a particular subject area. Individuals will also develop an electronic portfolio to showcase their professional growth and development.
Integrating Tech in Classroom EDUC5973B1
The intent of this course is to develop comprehensive skills, knowledge and understanding of current educational technologies. Opportunities for teams to integrate technology while developing basic technical skills will result in resources for teaching in a particular subject area. Individuals will also develop an electronic portfolio to showcase their professional growth and development.
Integrating Tech in Classroom EDUC5973C1
The intent of this course is to develop comprehensive skills, knowledge and understanding of current educational technologies. Opportunities for teams to integrate technology while developing basic technical skills will result in resources for teaching in a particular subject area. Individuals will also develop an electronic portfolio to showcase their professional growth and development.
Exceptional &differentiated Ed EDUC5993A1
The course provides an overview of issues, principles, and theories associated with inclusion and inclusionary practices in school contexts with respect to specific student groups. These include, but are not limited to, students with different exceptionalities and academic abilities, students who are gifted, language learners, and newcomers. Teacher candidates will gain a deeper understanding of school based structures and classroom-based practices that support the learning needs of a diverse student population. Opportunities to explore and create curriculum-based instructional supports and strategies for teaching all students will be provided.
Exceptional &differentiated Ed EDUC5993B1
The course provides an overview of issues, principles, and theories associated with inclusion and inclusionary practices in school contexts with respect to specific student groups. These include, but are not limited to, students with different exceptionalities and academic abilities, students who are gifted, language learners, and newcomers. Teacher candidates will gain a deeper understanding of school based structures and classroom-based practices that support the learning needs of a diverse student population. Opportunities to explore and create curriculum-based instructional supports and strategies for teaching all students will be provided.
Exceptional &differentiated Ed EDUC5993C1
The course provides an overview of issues, principles, and theories associated with inclusion and inclusionary practices in school contexts with respect to specific student groups. These include, but are not limited to, students with different exceptionalities and academic abilities, students who are gifted, language learners, and newcomers. Teacher candidates will gain a deeper understanding of school based structures and classroom-based practices that support the learning needs of a diverse student population. Opportunities to explore and create curriculum-based instructional supports and strategies for teaching all students will be provided.
English Literatures ENGL1016A1
An introduction to literatures in English including, but not restricted to, the British literary canon. It teaches students to read and write effectively, and to locate texts in history and culture. The course includes a chronological introduction sensitive to the structures and intersections of literary periods. NOTe: students will not receive credit for both ENGL 1023 and ENGL 1016.
English Literatures ENGL1016B1
An introduction to literatures in English including, but not restricted to, the British literary canon. It teaches students to read and write effectively, and to locate texts in history and culture. The course includes a chronological introduction sensitive to the structures and intersections of literary periods. NOTe: students will not receive credit for both ENGL 1023 and ENGL 1016.
English Literatures ENGL1016C1
An introduction to literatures in English including, but not restricted to, the British literary canon. It teaches students to read and write effectively, and to locate texts in history and culture. The course includes a chronological introduction sensitive to the structures and intersections of literary periods. NOTe: students will not receive credit for both ENGL 1023 and ENGL 1016.
Digital Literacy ENGL1233A
Students will learn, use, and critique digital productivity tools, multimedia and website development tools, and Web 2.0 tools, while they apply literary methodologies to broader issues and debates like cyber safety, digital privacy laws and ethics, the economic and social engineering implications of user-data, as well as modes of digital communication and collaboration. Familiarity with critical theories and historical trends will help students understand how social and political movements develop the form, genre, and style of digital platforms.
Research Methods in English ENGL2013A
This introduction to the discipline and practice of English teaches the student to prepare a research paper, practice close reading, and develop a grammatically correct, clear writing style. Students will learn to use literary databases and library resources; they will undertake a research project that helps provide a solid grounding in the methods and conventions of the discipline of English Literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 1016.
Research Methods in English ENGL2013C
This introduction to the discipline and practice of English teaches the student to prepare a research paper, practice close reading, and develop a grammatically correct, clear writing style. Students will learn to use literary databases and library resources; they will undertake a research project that helps provide a solid grounding in the methods and conventions of the discipline of English Literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 1016.
Creative Writing Skills ENGL2113A
A course for students interested in writing poetry, prose, and/or scripts. Along with writing assignments and workshopping (critiquing each others' work), students give presentations or blog on topics that will help them develop writing skills. This course is also open to first-year students. Prerequisite: 5-10 page sample of work submitted to the instructor at least a week before registration, or ENGL 2123.
Science Fiction I:Development ENGL2513A
An introduction to the development of this genre from Shelley's Frankenstein through the Golden Age of the 1950s. Attention is paid to the related genres which contributed to the development of this genre. (Post-1800.)
History of Children's Lit. ENGL2613A
An investigation of the history of children's literature, this course uses the resources of UNB's Children's Literature Collection to explore the development of literature for children. (Pre-1800)
Fiction,Drama & Film ENGL2723A
A study of novels, short fiction, drama, and film as narrative. Students are introduced to, among other things, the major narrative techniques and innovations in the history of cinema. (Post-1800.)
History of the English Lang. ENGL2813A
This course traces the English language from its Indo-European and Germanic origins to its current world language status. Students will explore contacts with other languages, and the social forces behind those contacts. We will also address the question of whether English constitutes one language or many. (Language) (Pre-1800)
Advanced Prose Workshop ENGL3113A
This is an advanced course for students who discovered an affinity for creative prose in the introductory course(s). This course will provide the opportunity for students to generate and rewrite work. Prerequisite: ENGL 2103 or 2123.
Art Cinema ENGL3213A
An introduction to the development, influence and major trends of art cinema in the 20th century. Prerequisite: ENGL 2013 and ENGL 2723. (Post-1800.)
Middle English Literature ENGL3306A1
An introduction to the literature and language of the 14th-15th centuries. Genres studied include estates satire, fabliau, dream vision, drama, romance, chronicle, travelogue, lyric and beast fable. Major authors may include Chaucer, Gower and the Gawain-poet. The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Pre-1800.)
The 17th Century ENGL3326A1
A study of the prose and poetry of Jonson, Donne, Herbert, and Milton, and the minor writers of the age. The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Pre-1800).
The Romantic Period I ENGL3363A
A study of the writings of William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and their contemporaries. The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Post-1800.)
American Literature ENGL3416A1
A study of the major authors of nineteenth and twentieth century American Literature. The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Post-1800; American.)
Irish Film ENGL3483A
A study of native Irish culture and the culture of the Irish diaspora. Students view films of high realist auteurs as well as adaptations of novels, short stories, and plays to the big screen. The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Post-1800.)
Early 18th Century Literature ENGL3523A
A study of popular writings of the early eighteenth century when literature and journalism began to differentiate from each other and to be produced and consumed, variously, as aesthetic and commercial products. The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Pre-1800.)
Modern Theatre ENGL3583A
Through critical analysis and interpretations of influential dramatic texts, this course explores plays, playwrights, and major aesthetic movements in the theatre from the late-19th century to the mid-20th century.The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Post-1800.)
Early Dramatic Theory ENGL3863A
This course examines influential thinking and writing about drama, theatre, and performance by philosophers, theorists, clergy, and practitioners since the classical period, with a pre-nineteenth-century emphasis. The pre-requisite is ENGL 2013 Research Methods in English, consistent with all advanced courses in ENGL. (Pre-1800.)
Understanding Envir. Problems ENVS1013A
Earth systems science reveals that the environmental conditions that supported the development of human civilization over the past 10,000 years are becoming increasingly destabilized. This course introduces students to the Earth's regulatory systems such as climate, nitrogen and phosphorus flows, forests, oceans and biodiversity, and the social structures and processes that are interfering with them. Students will come to understand that environmental problems cannot be solved by individual behavioural changes; solutions will require collective action to achieve systemic change.
Understanding Envir. Problems ENVS1013B
Earth systems science reveals that the environmental conditions that supported the development of human civilization over the past 10,000 years are becoming increasingly destabilized. This course introduces students to the Earth's regulatory systems such as climate, nitrogen and phosphorus flows, forests, oceans and biodiversity, and the social structures and processes that are interfering with them. Students will come to understand that environmental problems cannot be solved by individual behavioural changes; solutions will require collective action to achieve systemic change.
Human-Nature Relations ENVS2023A
Social systems are constructed on a set of dominant beliefs, assumptions and values that are largely unexamined but shape the way societies perceive and interact with the natural world. In this course, students examine the dominant perspectives that give rise to environmental degradation, as well as alternative paradigms offered by Green, ecojustice, global south, sustainability, and indigenous movements. Students also engage with political, economic, and cultural theories of environmental change. Prerequisite: ENVS 1013 or permission of the instructor.
Critical Food Studies ENVS2123A
Everyone eats, and by eating we are all connected to a global system of industrialized food production and local networks of distribution and waste management. The system outputs include ecological devastation, food insecurity, poor health, and precarious rural economies. As individuals, we are embedded in various food cultures that either bolster the system or are threatened by it. Drawing from political ecology, political economy, sociocultural and health perspectives, this course takes a critical look at food systems and our relationship to them, including Indigenous and Global South perspectives, and practices of and movements for food sustainability, security, and sovereignty. Prerequisite: Must have completed 27 credit hours of coursework.
Health and Sustainability I ENVS2243A
Good health and wellbeing depend on clean air and water, nutritious food, functioning ecosystems, a stable climate, peace, and security. Conversely, pollution, climate change, ecological destruction, and conflict have devastating health impacts, especially for the most vulnerable populations. Using a public health framework. this course introduces the concept of ecological determinants of health and their intersection with social conditions and population health. This includes examining the roots of the COVID-19 pandemic. This course is open to all students with 27 credit hours of completed course work.
Understanding Sustainability ENVS2263A
This survey course introduces the concept of sustainability as encompassing three dimensions -ecological, socio-economic, and personal - and explores the societal changes necessary to achieve sustainability. Prerequisite: ENVS 1013
Poli. Econ. of Climate Change ENVS3413A
The course explores the systemic economic and political relationships which have created the problem of global climate change and its associated impacts for humanity. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Eng for Acad: Read and Writ I ESL1013A
This course helps students whose first language is not English develop the reading and writing skills required in university studies. The reading techniques to be taught will include skimming, previewing, predicting and in-depth analyzing. The types of writing practiced will be summaries, paraphrases and essays (expository, and comparison and contrast). Vocabulary-building and grammar will also be important components of the course. Co-requisite: ESL 1033.
Eng for Acad: Read and Writ II ESL1023A
This course will help students whose first language is not English further develop academic reading and writing skills. The reading techniques to be improved will include skimming, previewing, predicting and in-depth analyzing. The types of writing practiced will be summaries, paraphrases and essays (cause and effect, and persuasive). Vocabulary-building and grammar will also be important components of the course. Students will also develop their ability to conduct library-based research and to synthesize information for writing assignments. Prerequisite: ESL 1013 or Director's permission. Co-requisite: ESL 1043.
Eng for Acad: Speak and List I ESL1033A
This course helps students whose first language is not English to develop the speaking and listening skills required in university studies. The basic elements of oral expression and comprehension will be studied: sounds, word and sentence stress, rhythm, intonation, comprehension of weak forms, and connected speech. Listening skills will include intensive, selective and interactive tasks, such as note-taking. Speaking functions will include presenting information, asking questions, debating. 6 hours per week. Co-requisite: ESL 1013.
Eng for Acad: Speak and Lis II ESL1043A
This course helps students whose first language is not English to develop the speaking and listening skills required in university studies. The basic elements of oral expression and comprehension will be studied: sounds, word and sentence stress, rhythm, intonation, comprehension of weak forms, and connected speech. Listening skills will include intensive, selective and interactive tasks, such as note-taking. Speaking functions will include presenting information, asking questions and debating. 6 hours per week. Prerequisite: ESL 1033 or Director's permission. Co-requisite: ESL 1023.
Adv. Eng. for Acad. Purposes I ESL2213A
This course is designed to assist ESL students in meeting the language-related expectations of university courses. The primary focus will be on academic writing skills. Attention will also be devoted to listening, speaking, reading, grammar, and vocabulary acquisition. Language skills will be linked to academic content from a number of disciplines. The course is intended for students whose first language is not English and whose TOEFL scores are between 550 and 599 (or a recognized equivalent). Prerequisite: ESL 1023 or Director's permission.
Music Theory and Performance FNAR1023A
The course examines the basic elements of music (notation, intervals, keys, scales, chords, meter) from a practical, hands-on perspective and introduces music theory and performance. Assignments include recognizing notes and rhythms on the staff, singing, and playing instruments. Please note that previous music experience is welcome but not required for this course. Note: Students who take FNAR 1023 cannot receive credit for FNAR 1743.
Voice Technique I FNAR1061A
This course is an in-depth exploration of voice technique. During the course, students will do exercises to develop their breathing, phonation, resonance, and articulation skills. Students will also examine the physiology of the voice and expand their awareness of how the voice works, vocal problems, and vocal care and health. In addition, students will perform songs from popular music styles such as musical theatre, rock, pop, and gospel for a public audience. All levels welcome. Prerequisites: FNAR 1023 or FNAR 1743.
Practical Intro. to Art Fund. FNAR1113A
This course is a practical introduction to concepts, basic materials, processes and the vocabulary of art and design delivered through slide lectures, readings and assigned projects. The concepts introduced in this course are applicable to a wide range of art and design practices. There are special presentations including visiting artist presentations, film screenings and trips to art galleries.
Drawing and Sketching FNAR1333A
A practical course in the fundamentals of two-dimensional art practice with an emphasis on outdoor drawing and sketching. Students are introduced to a variety of drawing media including the use of pencil, charcoal, and ink. Landscape, figure and non-representational drawing practice are addressed. No prior experience is necessary. Prerequisite: FNAR 1113.
Intro to Musical Theatre FNAR1733A1
Introduction to Musical Theatre is a primer for students who are curious about performing musical theatre and would like the opportunity to enhance their skills in a supportive environment. This course introduces students to the three core skills required of musical theatre performers: singing, acting, and dancing. The course stresses development through individual and group exercises in physical and emotional awareness, movement, scene study, character creation and voice technique. The class will culminate in a studio performance of standard pieces of the musical theatre repertoire. Co-requisite: FNAR 1743: Music Literacy for Actors and Dancers.
Music Lit. for Actors&Dancers FNAR1743A1
Music Literacy for Actors and Dancers is a course for the performer who has not yet developed a connection between his or her musical experience and standard aspects of musical performance, with a special focus on the acquisition of fluency reading the notated score and the development of effective study and practice habits. Music materials used in class or assigned for homework will be spoken, clapped, sung, and played. Co-requisite: FNAR 1733 Intro to Musical Theatre. Note: Students who take FNAR 1743 cannot receive credit for FNAR 1023.
Tonal Music I FNAR2053A
Tonal Music I is a hands-on study of the grammar of tonal music, with a particular focus on harmony and counterpoint. Assignments include harmonic exercises in choral and keyboard styles, species counterpoint, and frequent analyses of works from the music literature. Students are required to sing and/or play their assignments in class. Prerequisites: FNAR 1023, FNAR 1743, or permission by the instructor.
Voice Technique II FNAR2061A
This course is an in-depth exploration of voice technique. During the course, students will do exercises to develop their breathing, phonation, resonance, and articulation skills. Students will also examine the physiology of the voice and expand their awareness of how the voice works, vocal problems, and vocal care and health. In addition, students will perform songs from popular music styles such as musical theatre, rock, pop, and gospel for a public audience. Prerequisites: FNAR 1061.
Musical Theatre I FNAR2136A1
In this course, students research, rehearse and perform a musical. To this end, students will learn how to prepare for a role; engage in a rehearsal process; implement acting, singing, and dancing techniques in performance; assist with technical elements; and demonstrate professionalism in their work. The course culminates in a fully-staged production of a musical for a public audience. Musical Theatre I is a year-ong course to be taken with Acting, Singing, Dancing I. First-year students welcome. Prerequisites: Instructor's consent. Co-requisites: FNAR 2153 (Acting, Singing, Dancing I).
Concepts in Painting FNAR2193A
This course investigates some of the concepts, issues and developments crucial to understanding painting and its place in the arts. Notions of form, illusion, beauty, representation and abstraction are explored through slide lectures, readings, writing and assigned studio projects. Prerequisite: FNAR 1113.
Special Projects FNAR2383A
Students with a creative or scholarly interest in a particular area of Fine Arts may pursue a 3-credit hour independent Special Projects course. Such a course may be focused on music performance, composition, or theory; or photography, drawing, painting, or mixed media. Permission of the instructor is required.
Performance Foundations FNAR2703A
Performance Foundations provides students with an academic and practical exploration of the fundamental theories, practices and elements of performance viewed through the lens of the mind, the body and the breath. Students will explore these fundamentals through the study and practical examination of current performance practices, analysis of text and the presentation of a performance.
Music Practice I FNAR2813A
This class, which can be taken sequentially for up to six semesters, is an in-depth exploration of chamber music. Students perform, arrange, and/or compose music, and develop an intimate analytical and stylistic knowledge of the repertoire. The music is selected from different time periods and musical styles, or composed and adapted to the skills of the individual students. Assignments include reading and rehearsing scores, creating ad-hoc arrangements to adapt the music to the available instruments, composing new pieces, and researching analytical and historical aspects of the music and composers studied. The course concludes with a public concert of chamber music. Prerequisites: FNAR-1023 OR FNAR-1743 or permission from the instructor.
Acting for Film and TV FNAR2963A
This course teaches students the basics of acting for film and TV. Topics will include adjusting acting for shot size, hitting marks, matching eyelines, and maintaining continuity. Students will also practice the core concepts of scene study, including breaking a scene into beats, pursuing objectives, playing actions, and working to overcome obstacles. The course culminates in a screening of scenes for a public audience.
Voice Technique III FNAR3061A
This course is an in-depth exploration of voice technique. During the course, students will do exercises to develop their breathing, phonation, resonance, and articulation skills. Students will also examine the physiology of the voice and expand their awareness of how the voice works, vocal problems, and vocal care and health. In addition, students will perform songs from popular music styles such as musical theatre, rock, pop, and gospel for a public audience. Prerequisites: FNAR 2061.
Acting, Singing, Dancing III FNAR3151A
Field Course in Art & Ecology FNAR3406A
In association with our six field trip locations, participants create artwork informed by existing field based, social, or relational art practices; merging media such as drawing, performance, printmaking, music, dance, and sculpture with a place, to develop artwork. A transition from a classroom-based instruction into an ecological environment, it is a method of experiential learning. Using social dislocation engendered by pandemic isolation as an entry point for thinking through the parameters of art, we will venture into wild and semi-wild places to create art and consider how people relate to each other through art that has an ecological grounding.
Field Course in Art & Ecology FNAR3406A
In association with our six field trip locations, participants create artwork informed by existing field based, social, or relational art practices; merging media such as drawing, performance, printmaking, music, dance, and sculpture with a place, to develop artwork. A transition from a classroom-based instruction into an ecological environment, it is a method of experiential learning. Using social dislocation engendered by pandemic isolation as an entry point for thinking through the parameters of art, we will venture into wild and semi-wild places to create art and consider how people relate to each other through art that has an ecological grounding.
Music Practice III FNAR3813A
This class, which can be taken sequentially for up to six semesters, is an in-depth exploration of chamber music. Students perform, arrange, and/or compose music, and develop an intimate analytical and stylistic knowledge of the repertoire. The music is selected from different time periods and musical styles, or composed and adapted to the skills of the individual students. Assignments include reading and rehearsing scores, creating ad-hoc arrangements to adapt the music to the available instruments, composing new pieces, and researching analytical and historical aspects of the music and composers studied. The course concludes with a public concert of chamber music. Prerequisites: FNAR-1051 and FNAR-1023, or permission from the instructor.
Music Practice V FNAR4813A
This class, which can be taken sequentially for up to six semesters, is an in-depth exploration of chamber music. Students perform, arrange, and/or compose music, and develop an intimate analytical and stylistic knowledge of the repertoire. The music is selected from different time periods and musical styles, or composed and adapted to the skills of the individual students. Assignments include reading and rehearsing scores, creating ad-hoc arrangements to adapt the music to the available instruments, composing new pieces, and researching analytical and historical aspects of the music and composers studied. The course concludes with a public concert of chamber music. Prerequisites: FNAR-1051 and FNAR-1023, or permission from the instructor.
Langue Francaise 1 FREN1016A1
Langue française 1 This course is designed for students entering university who achieved a score of Basic or Basic+ or Intermediate in French in high school. The aims of this course are listening comprehension, basic oral expression, elementary reading, writing and grammar. A student who has successfully completed FREN 1026 may not subsequently enroll in FREN 1016 for credit.
Langue Francaise 1 FREN1016B1
Langue française 1 This course is designed for students entering university who achieved a score of Basic or Basic+ or Intermediate in French in high school. The aims of this course are listening comprehension, basic oral expression, elementary reading, writing and grammar. A student who has successfully completed FREN 1026 may not subsequently enroll in FREN 1016 for credit.
Langue Francaise 2 FREN1026A1
Langue française 2 This course is designed for students entering university who achieved a score of Intermediate+ or Advanced in French in high school. The course has a strong reading component with material drawn from a variety of sources in the Francophone world. It emphasizes the four skills: oral practice, reading, writing and listening comprehension. This course is not open to students who have graduated from a French or Francophone school. The department invites these students to register into a 2000-level French course. A student who has successfully completed FREN 1026 may not subsequently enroll in FREN 1016 for credit.
Langue Francaise 2 FREN1026B1
Langue française 2 This course is designed for students entering university who achieved a score of Intermediate+ or Advanced in French in high school. The course has a strong reading component with material drawn from a variety of sources in the Francophone world. It emphasizes the four skills: oral practice, reading, writing and listening comprehension. This course is not open to students who have graduated from a French or Francophone school. The department invites these students to register into a 2000-level French course. A student who has successfully completed FREN 1026 may not subsequently enroll in FREN 1016 for credit.
Textes: niveau 2 FREN2306A1
Ce cours cherche à approfondir et à étendre les connaissances de base acquises. Par un choix de lectures variées, le cours vise à améliorer la compréhension de textes écrits, à faciliter l'apprentissage du vocabulaire, et à familiariser les étudiants avec le monde et les cultures de la Francophonie. Préalable : FREN 1026 ou la permission du professeur.
Grammaire Du Francais FREN2316A1
Révision et approfondissement des règles de base de la grammaire française: la conjugaison du verbe, les modes et temps du verbe, les accords, les compléments, les pronoms personnels et relatifs. Étude de la forme de la phrase, de la syntaxe et de la fonction des mots. Préalable: FREN 1016 et/ou FREN 1026 ou la permission du professeur.
Composition FREN2326A1
Destiné aux étudiants ayant une bonne connaissance des rudiments de la grammaire française, ce cours vise à développer des compétences dans le domaine de la rédaction et de la révision de textes et de travaux écrits. L'étudiant apprendra à structurer et à nuancer sa pensée à l'aide de modalités rhétoriques et de stratégies argumentatives mises en application. Seront privilégiées les pratiques discursives suivantes: le portrait, la description, la narration, l'essai, l'article journalistique, la dissertation classique, l'explication de texte, le compte rendu et la correspondance. Il est fortement recommandé aux étudiants de suivre en même temps le cours FREN 2316. Cours préalable : FREN 1016 ou FREN 1026.
Grammaire Avancee FREN3413A
Révision et approfondissement des règles de base de la grammaire française : le nom, les déterminants, l'adjectif, les pronoms possessifs et démonstratifs, l'adverbe, les comparatifs et les superlatifs, les prépositions, les conjonctions, les mots indéfinis, la négation, l'interrogation, la voix passive, le discours indirect. Étude de la forme de la phrase, de la syntaxe et de la fonction des mots. Cours préalable : FREN 2316 ou l'approbation du professeur.
Civ. Francophone 1: Europe Fr FREN3603A
Ce cours se propose de mieux faire connaître la production culturelle des pays européens francophones, notamment la France, la Suisse et la Belgique. A travers le roman, le film, la nouvelle, la poésie et la chanson nous explorerons divers grands thèmes tels que la mort, l'exil, l'aliénation, l'amour et la réconciliation. Cours préalable: 6 crédits obtenus au niveau 2000 ou la permission du professeur.
Intro. to Gerontology GERO1013A
This course introduces students to the field of Gerontology. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the course examines the study of aging from a social, psychological, and physical perspective. Topics to be studied include ageism, population aging, physical and psychological aspects of aging and gerontological theory.
Intro. to Gerontology GERO1013B
This course introduces students to the field of Gerontology. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the course examines the study of aging from a social, psychological, and physical perspective. Topics to be studied include ageism, population aging, physical and psychological aspects of aging and gerontological theory.
Sociology of Aging GERO2113A
This course explores cultural and social-structural determinants ofaging through sociological theory. Students critically examine the social construction of old age as a social status through perceptions, descriptions, discussions and interactions with others, and how these relations are 'negotiated' by the older people themselves. Other topics include ageism and how various social institutions influence the experience of aging. Prerequisite: GERO 1013 OR GERO 1023, OR permission from the instructor.
Sp. Topics: Dementia in Film GERO3103A
In this course we turn to the arts to study the complex - and at times ambiguous - realms of growing old in time, place and culture. By engaging with literature, visual arts, music and movies the course will both investigate aging in light of professional artists as well as looking into the expanding field of arts practices in care for older person.
Counseling Older Adults GERO3123A
This course examines evidence-based theoretical models and assessments used when counselling older adults. Emphasis is placed on the counselling techniques and interventions used to assist older adults in meeting unique challenges experienced in the later part of life. This course is relevant for those preparing for a career in social work or counselling. Prerequisites: GERO 1013 AND 1023 OR permission of the instructor. GERO 2673 recommended.
Aging & Eastern Contemp. Trad. GERO3233A
There is growing interest in contemplative traditions in contemporary Canadian society that enhance the quality of life for older adults. This is largely motivated by the growing popularity of Eastern wisdom traditions such as mindfulness, yoga, and tai-chi, though contemplation is not limited to Eastern perspectives. This course examines a range of benefits of contemplative modalities for adults if all ages, exploring how these practices enable new relationships to aging, health, and happiness. Students learn basic yoga, mindfulness, and tai chi practices at an introductory level. Non-Eastern contemplative practices may also be explored
Mental Health and Aging GERO4003A
This course explores the range of factors affecting mental health in the elderly, from age-related organic brain disease, depression, and the other functional psychiatric disorders, to failure of adjustment induced by psychological, social, and environmental factors. Issues covered include the recognition of mental-health problems, their prevalence and dynamics; the cost to individual older people, their families, the health and community-care systems, and society; and the adequacy of current provisions and interventions. Prerequisites: GERO 1013, GERO 1023 and GERO 2673.
Seminar in Gerontology GERO4013A
This seminar course consists of an in-depth analysis of a specific problem or issue in the field of aging. Students have their chosen topic area approved and supervised by the course instructor. The purpose of this course is to integrate a student's theoretical and practical understanding of a specific area by way of a combination of a major paper, presentations, and/or other research. Prerequisites: GERO 1013 + 1023.
Great Thinkers and Writers GRBK1006A1
This course explores how great books address perennial human questions about knowledge, nature, love, justice, and freedom. The course is team-taught by two faculty members and prioritizes conversation over lecture. Together we read a range of great books from the ancient world up to the present day, such as novels by writers like Jane Austen and Toni Morrison, classical works by Homer, Plato and Augustine, and influential works of political thought by Aristotle, Nietzsche and Hannah Arendt.
Great Thinkers and Writers GRBK1006Y1
This course explores how great books address perennial human questions about knowledge, nature, love, justice, and freedom. The course is team-taught by two faculty members and prioritizes conversation over lecture. Together we read a range of great books from the ancient world up to the present day, such as novels by writers like Jane Austen and Toni Morrison, classical works by Homer, Plato and Augustine, and influential works of political thought by Aristotle, Nietzsche and Hannah Arendt.
Quest for the Good Life GRBK2006A
What does it mean to live a good human life? What are the conditions for human happiness? Does human life have meaning? In this course we will study great books by writers like Homer, Augustine, and Virginia Woolf. With these texts as our guides, we will discuss fundamental human questions about love, family, fate, divinity, and self- knowledge. Our goal is both clear and elusive: we want to know how best to live.
Freedom GRBK3506A
Freedom is the great theme of modernity. In politics, art, and philosophy, freedom is regularly held up as the highest human good. But what are the conditions that promote freedom, and are we really as free as we like to think? Are humans free by nature? Should freedom have limits? American novelists and Enlightenment philosophers have much to say on this subject. We put them in conversation with a diverse set of ancient and contemporary writers.
Cap Seminar: Plato's Republic GRBK4913A
This seminar will normally focus on a single work of literature, philosophy, or political theory that has been extraordinarily influential. The subject of the seminar will vary from year to year. The purpose of the course is to provide students with an introduction to advanced research methods, and to provide preparation for graduate-level study in the humanities. Enrolment is open to Great Books honours students, or other upper-year students with permission from the professor.
Intro to Food in World History HIST1123A
This course explores how food was made, consumed, and understood in the past. What did food and eating mean to different people at different times, in different places? How did everyday foods, like sugar or potatoes, travel around the world? What impacts did human-made and natural disasters have on eating habits and food supplies, and how did the presence and absence of food influence people's behaviour? In this course, students learn to connect local and global interactions, past events, and the present through food. (formerly HIST 2123). Students who have taken HIST 2123 cannot take this course for credit.
Modern Africa HIST1143A
Modern Africa surveys the history of Africa from the nineteenth century to the present. The course focuses on three major topics: the scramble for Africa and the partition, European colonial rule, and the assessment of the post-independence era. Subtopics include missionaries and explorers, occupation and forms of resistance, settler colonies versus non-settler colonies, nationalism and wars of independence, post-independence successes and challenges, the Cold War and the War on Terror, and globalization and the fading significance of the nation state. The objectives for this course are to challenge stereotypic notions about contemporary Africa, to contribute to students' understanding of Africa's place in the modern world, and to introduce students to some of the major historiographical debates on modern African history. (formerly HIST 2143). Students who have taken HIST 2143 cannot take this course for credit.
Cars in World History HIST1173A
Cars have shaped our world more than any other technology over the past century. Mass motorization created new opportunities for travel and consumption, changed the way people worked, transformed cities, and contributed to rising pollution and climate change. In this course we will explore the car's social, cultural, and environmental impacts on a global scale. (formerly HIST 3173). Students who took HIST 3173 cannot take this course for credit.
Citizenship in World History HIST1413A
This course will explore the history of citizenship on a global scale since about 1800. How have ideas and practices related to citizenship changed over time? How did new nation-states try to define citizenship? How did people try to secure recognition, rights, and human rights? How do themes of age, gender, race, class, and ethnicity relate to the question of citizenship in the modern era? These are a few of the questions and themes that the class will investigate by looking at some interesting case studies. (formerly HIST 3413) Students who have taken HIST 3413 cannot take this course for credit.
Sport in World History HIST1763A
This discussion-based course explores the global impact of modern sport from c. 1850 to the present. It focuses upon the global spread of sports such as track and field, soccer, cricket, hockey, and baseball and the manner in which such sports were resisted or appropriated by communities throughout the world. Course content examines the political, social, and cultural significance of modern sport rather than the intricate details of individual athletes or teams. (formerly HIST 3763). Students who have taken HIST 3763 cannot take this course for credit.
Exploring History HIST2003A
This mandatory course for History Majors and Honours students provides an introduction to the discipline of History. The course examines a variety of historiographical and method- ological approaches to History, as well as the history of History. It encourages students to re-examine their assumptions about History, but it will also help students develop their basic historical research and writing skills. Exploring History provides a foundation for upper-year History courses and students are strongly encouraged to take it before their third year. Prerequisite: At least 6 credit hours in History courses at St. Thomas University.
World History to 1400 HIST2013A
This 3-credit course is half of the world history survey. It gives an overview of world history events, issues, themes, and approaches until about 1400 of the Common Era (CE). It covers topics such as the origins of the universe (the Big Bang & Cosmic History), Paleolithic societies, the transition to agricultural societies, the rise of major states, empires and cultural traditions, the Silk Roads, and networks of cross-cultural interaction. NOTE: Students who have taken HIST 1013 or HIST 1006 cannot take this course for credit.
History of Modern Middle East HIST2243A
This course provides an overview of the history of the Middle East in the modern period, from c. 1800 to the present day, though with references to earlier eras too.
Colonial Latin America HIST2613A
This course surveys the history of Latin America from ca. 1450 to 1825, when most of the Americas came under Spanish and Portuguese control. It examines the myths and realities of conquest, ecological and disease impacts, the origins of the African slave trade, and social and cultural exchanges among indigenous, European, and African peoples. It also touches on colonial legacies such as structural racism, global economic inequalities, and environmental degradation that remain relevant today.
Hist. Roots of Contemp.Canada HIST2913A
This course examines the historical roots of many of the key issues in contemporary Canadian society. In addition to providing students with a narrative framework of Canadian history, the course explores the historical dimensions of many of the most important issues facing Canada today, such as Truth and Reconciliation, anti-Black racism, Quebec nationalism, climate change, Western Alienation, and Canada-US relations.
Public History HIST3103A
Public History examines some efforts to tell about the past that is produced outside of conventional academic study. Our understanding of the past is often shaped by histories that are portrayed in film and TV, as presented by museums and tourism enterprises, shared as folk tales or community stories, and told through trade books on historical topics and in historical novels. This course will systematically explore some of the ways history is used in the public realm, and how the use of the past is put to work for entertainment, profit, shaping identity, and diverse political purposes. Prerequisites: 3 ch in History (HIST 2003 preferred)
Social Policies in Eur.& N.Am. HIST3263A
Widows, orphans, veterans and prostitutes were among the first groups to be recognized as needing help from their fellow citizens. This course traces how individuals and states began to develop social policies to help people in need. Focusing on Europe and North America since the late 19th century, it examines growing government involvement not only in assuring citizens' defense and freedom, but also their overall well-being through programs such as maternity and child benefits, unemployment insurance and old-age pensions.
The History Workshop HIST3553A
The Workshop provides students with the opportunity to enhance their skills of historical analysis, writing and oral communication through close engagement with an important historical event or issue. The Workshop is recommended for students planning to take 4000-level seminars, as well as students considering an application to graduate programs or professional schools. Please consult the History Department Handbook, Chair or web page for upcoming Workshop topics. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Disney and World History HIST3603A
Focusing primarily upon Disney's theme parks and films, this course explores issues of representation, selectivity, and appropriation, and a wide range of topics including colonialism, gender, race, class, urban utopias, educational initiatives, and Orientalism. The course examines one of the world's most powerful entertainment companies and - more generally - the complex, controversial, and contested relationship between history and entertainment.
Race and Racism in Modern Hist HIST3643A
Differences in skin color and physical characteristics took on a new significance in modern times. The newly invented concept of race classified human beings into several distinct categories with corresponding intellectual and behavioral traits. Race and Racism in Modern History studies the evolution of race thinking during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as the extent to which such thoughts have since shaped the trajectory of world history.
Contemporary US History HIST3743A
This course explores some of the paradoxes of recent American history using such themes as power, race, gender, and identity. Sometimes we are presented with current events in the United States that baffle media and audiences alike. Yet with some careful historical contextualization we will begin to make sense of Contemporary US History. You will develop your own analyses of American history based on course materials and some guided research work.
Portrayals of Jihad & Crusade HIST3953A
This course considers the diverse ways in which modern global audiences have come to understand histories of religious violence. Our focus will be on academic and popular interpretations of socalled jihad or crusade conflicts from the Middle Ages to the present. Print, electronic, artistic, and film sources will be examined, reflecting a wide range of often conflicting viewpoints as they have evolved over time.
Food in World History HIST4026A1
Food keeps us alive, serves as a marker of social status, a stimulator of exploration and trade, and a cause of conflict and war. This seminar is about the history of food production, consumption and culture world-wide. Participants explore the roles food plays in human soci- eties, the social and cultural meanings of food and the ways foods travel from place to place. Equally, we consider food's presence, its absence and the impact of man-made and natural disasters on eating habits and food supplies.
People's History of Korea HIST4196A1
This seminar proposes an in-depth study of the modern history of Korea from the perspective of its least acknowledged, yet determinant, agent: the people. It examines major social movements which shaped Korean history and democratisation, e.g. the college student and labour movements. It also addresses Korea's geopolitical predicament from the viewpoint of some of its victims, such as the Korean sex slaves under Japanese colonial rule and Korea's political and economic prisoners of the Cold War. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Intro. to Human Rights HMRT1003A
This course will introduce students to the study of human rights by investigating the question What are human rights? The course will proceed primarily through a number of examples and case studies. Students will also be given an overview of the basic instruments, institutions, and ideas relevant to human rights.
Intro. to Human Rights HMRT1003B
This course will introduce students to the study of human rights by investigating the question What are human rights? The course will proceed primarily through a number of examples and case studies. Students will also be given an overview of the basic instruments, institutions, and ideas relevant to human rights.
Human Rights and Literature HMRT2023A
This course will explore various human rights questions through an examination of relevant legal documents paired with literary works from a variety of genres (from drama to memoir) that address each issue. The course is intended to give students an understanding of some of the most pressing human rights issues of the past and today, ranging from slavery to economic inequalities.
Gender in the Global South HMRT2233A
This course will critically examine the role of women in the Third World. It will concentrate largely on the changes in these roles and their correspondence with the transition from traditional to new forms of economic organization,production, and power.
Philosophy of Human Rights HMRT3033A
This course will introduce students to philosophical questions concerning the foundations of human rights. What are human rights based on? What makes something a human right? Are human rights universally and permanently valid or is the notion of human rights merely a construct of modern Western culture? The course will familiarize students with alternative theoretical answers to these and other related questions.
Crimes Against Humanity HMRT3063A
This course will examine strategies to prevent, investigate and punish genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Students will explore the protection of victims and their fundamental rights in emergency situations, the rights and duties of relevant stakeholders, and the role of international law in addressing grievous human rights violations. Prerequisite: HMRT 1003: Introduction to Human Rights.
The Rights Revolution HMRT3113A
This course primarily examines the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. After an introductory discussion of the Bill of Rights and the development of the Charter, instruction focuses on a number of Supreme Court decisions interpreting the meaning of the Charter's provisions. Prerequisite: HMRT 1003: Introduction to Human Rights
Human Rights and Media HMRT3203A
This course explores how the rise of social media has both advanced and hindered the protection of human rights by examining how social media provides a platform for instantaneous global information-sharing, rendering it increasingly difficult for state or business interests to shield human rights abuses from public scrutiny. Topics will be examined through several case studies. Prerequisites: HMRT 1003 - Introduction to Human Rights.
Moot Court HMRT3503A
Moot court cultivates advanced analytical skills while developing leadership qualities in students with an interest in human rights. Students learn how to develop and deliver oral legal arguments by competing in a Supreme Court simulation where they answer questions from a panel of judges. Students focus on Supreme Court precedent surrounding two different issues each year. Students are required to have permission of instructor to register for the course. No other prerequisites are required.
Moot Court II HMRT3513A
Moot court cultivates advanced analytical skills while developing leadership qualities in students with an interest in human rights. Students learn how to develop and deliver oral legal arguments by competing in a Supreme Court simulation where they answer questions from a panel of judges. Students focus on Supreme Court precedent surrounding two different issues each year. Students are required to have permission of instructor to register for the course. No other prerequisites are required.
Moot Court III HMRT3523A
Moot court cultivates advanced analytical skills while developing leadership qualities in students with an interest in human rights. Students learn how to develop and deliver oral legal arguments by competing in a Supreme Court simulation where they answer questions from a panel of judges. Students focus on Supreme Court precedent surrounding two different issues each year. Students are required to have permission of instructor to register for the course. No other prerequisites are required.
2SLGBTQIA and Human Rights HMRT3633A
This course explores socially constructed customs and structures of society that enable legal regulation of gender identity and human sexuality through the history, policies and norms that shape government action. Basic theories of gender and sexuality studies are explored before critically examining the same theories in practice through case studies. This course explores other identity issues such as race, age, disability, and class intertwine with gender and sexuality identities, and how experiences and identities shape the ways in which people resist inequality and lobby for change.
Intro to University Studies HUM1003Y
This is a 3 credit-hour elective course open only to students in their first year. The goals of the course are to educate first-year students about the nature and value of liberal education; to provide students with a firmer foundation in the academic skills necessary for success in university studies; to help students make the transition to university life; and to involve students in the broader university community. The focus of the course will be the careful study of a challenging book. The course will integrate this study with the development of the following academic skills: critical reading, note taking, outlining and précis writing, grammar and writing skills, logic and analytical thinking, time management, reference and research skills, essay planning and organizing, oral presentation, effective studying, and preparing for and writing exams.
Intro. to the Irish Lang I IRSH2173A
Students will study the Irish Language, learning through exercises the four language learning skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening. There will an emphasis on the Irish spoken currently in Ireland today, supplemented by insights into modern Irish society and culture. Students will also learn about the linguistic composition of Ireland as a bilingual nation and how the Irish-speaking community has survived and continues to survive amidst a large dominant Irish Anglophone majority. No previous knowledge of Irish is required.
Introduction to Italian ITAL1006A1
Introduction to the Italian Language. Phonetics, oral training, and conversation. Basic grammar with oral and written exercises. Basic reading and composition. Introduction to Italian civilization with the aid of audio-visual techniques.
Italian Cinema ITAL3043A
This course uses film as a starting point for the refinement of students' reading, writing and speaking skills in Italian. Students will enrich their vocabulary and strengthen their use of more complex grammatical structures and idiomatic expressions, as well as learn to recognize regional differences in spoken Italian in cinematic contexts. The aim of the course is also to examine the Cinema of Italy as an instrument for observing Italian society. It will include showing snippets of films; and a screening, close study, and an analysis of a few masterpieces of Italian cinema, fostering a deeper understanding of both Italian language and culture. All screened films will be in Italian with English subtitles.
The Message:Great Stor. Jour JOUR1023Y
This course will introduce students to a range of works of print and broadcast Journalism to allow them to understand the scope, purpose, and influence of stories in the journalistic tradition. Students will respond to these works in writing and post their responses in an online discussion forum.
Fundamentals of Effective Writ JOUR1113A
Vigorous and clear writing is the foundation for all forms of digital journalism and new media production. This writing intensive course develops fundamental skills for effective writing and storytelling. This is a required course for all students pursuing a major in Digital Journalism and New Media.
Multi-Media: Field Reporting JOUR2013A
This course will introduce students to multi-media storytelling and the collection of video, still photographs and sound, and how all these elements can be used in storytelling. The course will introduce students to the technology used in the collection of material and editing software used to create stories. Enrolment is normally restricted to students admitted to the Major in Journalism.
Digital Journalism JOUR3153A
This course explores developments in digital journalism that have fundamentally changed the nature of publishing and journalism, and the role of journalism in the new media landscape. Prerequisite: JOUR 2123 or permission of professor.
New Media & Social Change JOUR3163A
This course explores how the new media and social media are contributing to political and social change around the world.
Interviewing JOUR3173A
This course explores the art of the interview and the art of inquiry, allowing students to understand how to effectively ask and answer questions.
Senior Seminar in Journalism JOUR4106A1
Students will produce community-based digital journalism projects supervised by faculty and explore the ethics of producing journalism in the public interest.
Intro to Law,Politics&Society LAPS1003A
This course will introduce students to the relationships between law, politics, and Canadian society. Students will examine types of law, the judicial system, the legal profession, and the institutional, social, and cultural contexts in which laws are made and enforced. The course will engage students in debates about citizen rights, the policy-making role of courts, Aboriginal peoples and the law, public opinion and the legislative process, media and the law, and other topical issues.
Introduction to Latin I LATI1013A
This is an intensive introduction to classical Latin for students with no previous background in the language and provides them with an introduction to the basic rules of grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills.
Introduction to Calculus I MATH1013A
A review of analytic geometry and functions; derivatives of algebraic functions; mean value theorem; fundamental theorem of calculus; applications of differentiation, including extreme values and related rates; integration; differentials. Three hours of lecture and one tutorial per week. Prerequisite: grade 12 mathematics or equivalent.
Introduction to Logic MATH2513A
A lecture course in which students learn how to identify and evaluate arguments drawn from a wide variety of sources. It will develop informal methods such as the identification of argument structure and informal fallacies. It will also develop formal methods that involve taking arguments in English, symbolizing them in a formal language, and evaluating strengths and weaknesses of the argument forms. Also covered are basic probability theory, inductive logic, and statistical reasoning.
Intro to Native Studies NATI1006A1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of Native Studies. Its purpose is to increase the student's understanding and sensitivity towards the past and present experience of Native peoples. The course will examine precontact history; the influences of colonialism and primitive accumulation/capitalism in the postcontact era; and contemporary issues - while emphasizing a historical and materialist perspective.
Intro to Native Studies NATI1006Y1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of Native Studies. Its purpose is to increase the student's understanding and sensitivity towards the past and present experience of Native peoples. The course will examine precontact history; the influences of colonialism and primitive accumulation/capitalism in the postcontact era; and contemporary issues - while emphasizing a historical and materialist perspective.
Beginning Mi'kmaq NATI1103Y
This course is designed for students with little or no knowledge of the language. The aims are listening comprehension and basic oral expression.
Begin Maliseet/Passamaquoddy I NATI1113T
This course is designed for students with little or no knowledge of the language. The aims are listening comprehension and basic oral expression.
Conversational Mi'kmaq NATI3103Y
This course emphasizes fluency using all forms taught in Intermediate Mi'kmaq. Class will be conducted as an immersion class, and oral traditions of storytelling and public speaking will be featured. Prerequisite: NATI 2103 Intermediate Mi'kmaq or basic fluency in Mi'kmaq.
Native Env. Ethics & Ecology NATI3223A
Examines traditional and contemporary environmental values and practices of Indigenous peoples in North America. Considers the impact of Western values, practices, and ecological theories on Indigenous peoples and their environments. Particular attention will be given to the ways in which traditional environmental ethics remain viable in contemporary societies.
Nat. People & Colonial Exper. NATI3603A
This course will look at colonialism as a strategy of imperialism and as a model for understanding North American Native history. Different types of colonialism will be explored, i.e. classic, internal, and neocolonialism, and an emphasis will be placed on the history and continuing impact of colonialism on Indigenous peoples and cultures of North America. The course will also analyze Christian missions, the fur trade, and colonial government policies, as well as exploitation, racism, war, indoctrination, genocide, and cultural appropriation as manifestations of colonialism. Responses to colonialism, including resistance and decolonization, will also be considered. Prerequisite: NATI 1006.
Suicide and Indigenous Peoples NATI3843A
Suicide is, and has been for nobody knows how long, rampant in indigenous populations in Canada. Despite well-publicized projects targeting specific communities, none of the interventions have been able to demonstrate any positive effect; if anything, the problem continues to worsen. We examine critically the field of Suicidology as it applies to the Native Peoples of Canada and suggest reasons why efforts to prevent suicide have not paid off. We also explore different kinds of interventions that may be more successful.
Intro Indigen./Cultural Psyc NATI3873A
While psychology has an important place in examining and understanding issues of the modern world, it has long been shown to be founded upon certain ideological presumptions that make it inapplicable to and inappropriate for work with indigenous peoples. A different formulation of psychology, which predated the current form but which was abandoned for no substantial reason, has in recent years been offered as a replacement, or at least an alternative, for the current model. We examine this formulation and apply it to psychology issues arising in indigenous peoples/communities of Canada, and show how this reconceptualization gives rise to substantively different approaches to addressing those issues.
Native Peoples & Law: Theory NATI3903A
An analytical overview of the development of European bodies of law during the creation and rise of capitalism, as it began in Europe and continued to the creation of the 1876 Indian Act - a legal history of the legal-political relationship between Native peoples and Europeans. This course will especially focus on the 1823 Johnson v. M'Intosh decision, which gave white Christian empires and their successors the right to take automatic possession of Indigenous territory on discovery of the land - The Doctrine of Discovery. The differences between Common Law and Civil Law will be analyzed. The course will conclude with a brief overview of the 1888 St. Catharines Milling and Lumber Co v. R decision in Canada.
What Is Phil. Intro. 1 PHIL1013A
To do philosophy is to reflect critically on our underlying beliefs (e.g., about reality, knowledge, freedom, responsibility) and to modify whatever doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Whether we realize it or not, the very way we think is shaped by past thinkers -- which is why studying philosophy's history is a crucial part of doing philosophy. In this course, we will focus on Ancient and Medieval thinkers as we strive to evaluate our views critically. This course has no prerequisite.
What Is Phil. Intro. 1 PHIL1013B
To do philosophy is to reflect critically on our underlying beliefs (e.g., about reality, knowledge, freedom, responsibility) and to modify whatever doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Whether we realize it or not, the very way we think is shaped by past thinkers -- which is why studying philosophy's history is a crucial part of doing philosophy. In this course, we will focus on Ancient and Medieval thinkers as we strive to evaluate our views critically. This course has no prerequisite.
Free Will: An Intro. to Phil. PHIL1043A
This course is an introduction to philosophy focusing on the problem of free will. Students will be introduced to the current debate, but will also consider what the great minds of the past can tell us about the possibility or impossibility of acting freely. We will draw on both historical and contemporary sources, developing skills of philosophical analysis in connection with a single, hotly disputed topic. This course has no prerequisite.
Myth & Reason: Intro to Phil PHIL1053A
This course is an introduction to philosophy focusing on the opposition between myth and reason. Students learn the skills of philosophical analysis by studying one topic in detail. Questions explored may include: How are myth and reason different? Are they opposed? What are the limits of reason? Can myth help reason? Can reason refute myth? What role does authority play in myth and reason? This course has no prerequisite.
Ancient Philosophy I PHIL2113A
A lecture course surveying ancient philosophy from the Presocratics to Plato. Philosophers covered may include: Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus, Gorgias, Protagoras, Socrates and Plato. Through readings of original sources and ancient testimony, the course analyses key questions in ancient philosophy, e.g. what is philosophy and what does it achieve? What is nature? What is the best life? Prerequisites: Take any 1000-level PHIL course or permission of instructor
Rationalism PHIL2153A
A study of the 17th and 18th century rationalist philosophers. Prerequisites: Take any 1000-level PHIL course or permission of instructor
Intro to Moral Philosophy PHIL2213A
This course introduces different positions in moral philosophy to provide alternative ways of thinking about questions like: Is our happiness influenced by our moral condition? Can we say what makes an individual or a society morally good or bad? What is the relation between pleasure and moral action? Fundamental moral concepts are treated through the careful study of primary texts by philosophers like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and John Stuart Mill. This course has no prerequisite.
Introduction to Logic PHIL2513A
A lecture course in which students learn how to identify and evaluate arguments drawn from a wide variety of sources. It will develop informal methods such as the identification of argument structure and informal fallacies. It will also develop formal methods that involve taking arguments in English, symbolizing them in a formal language, and evaluating strengths and weaknesses of the argument forms. Also covered are basic probability theory, inductive logic, and statistical reasoning.
Kant PHIL3613A
In this course, we will focus primarily on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason as we work through the implications his position has for both theoretical and moral philosophy. Prerequisite: PHIL 2153 or 2163 or permission of the instructor.
Marx PHIL3633A
This lecture course will involve a close reading of some of Karl Marx's most influential work. As we read through portions of <i>The German Ideology<i>, the <i>Grundrisse</i>, <i>The Holy Family</i> and <i>Capital</i>, we will consider 1) Marx's relationship with and response to his predecessors, and 2) his critical reassessment of philosophical and political practice, human nature, history and economic theory. Prerequistie: Take any 1000-level PHIL course or permission of instructor
Law, Power, and Politics POLS1013Y
This course is an introduction to the study of politics. It has two objectives. The first is to give students a sense of the meaning and importance of politics. The second is to study a number of the concepts essential to the study of contemporary politics: the state, sovereignty, legitimacy and authority, law, power, equality, democracy, nationality, freedom and citizenship are typically covered. The specific content and readings used vary from section to section.
Global Politics POLS1603A
This course provides an introduction to the concepts of nation and state, sovereignty, forms of government, and political conflict. It does so through consideration of issues in world politics, such as human rights and social justice, ecological imbalance, economic inequalities, war, global governmental institutions and organizations.
Canadian Constitutional Pol. POLS2103A
This course will examine fundamental disagreements at the core of the Canadian polity that have plagued constitutional debate since its creation. Special attention is paid to the constitutional implications of conflicting conceptions of individual, provincial, ethno-linguistic, and multi-national equality.
Comp Politics Developed World POLS2303A
This course introduces students to the comparative study of governments in the industrial and post-industrial societies. It examines the question of how various political systems are classified, dealing with such issues as organization of the state, governance and policy-making, representation, and political legitimacy. Prerequisite: 3 credits in Political Science.
International Relations I POLS2613A
This course introduces students to International Relations theory, with a focus on the mainstream theories in the field, namely realism and its variants, liberalism and constructivism. These theories are illustrated and developed through the use of case studies and examinations of the institutions and structures of the international system. Prerequisite: POLS 1013, POLS 1603, or permission of the instructor.
Western Tradition I POLS2803A
This course will introduce students to seminal texts in political philosophy focussing on the ancient and early medieval period. Texts may include: Plato's Apology, Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle's Politics, Bible, and St. Augustine's City of God.
The Western Trad Pol. Phil II POLS2813Y
This course will introduce students to seminal texts in political philosophy focussing on the medieval, early modern and modern periods. Texts may include: Aquinas' Treatise on Law, Machiavelli's The Prince, Hobbes' Leviathan, Locke's The Second Treatise on Government, Rousseau's Discourses, Hegel's Introduction to the Philosophy of History. Prerequisite: POLS 2803.
Latin Amer. Pols & Gov't POLS3363A
This course offers a comparative introduction to Latin American politics, with a particular focus on the themes of democracy, state-building, and political institutions. It examines the way in which past authoritarian regimes continue to influence democratic progress in Latin America, as well as the other challenges that contemporary regimes face from factors such as state capacity, corruption, inequality, and violence. In this way, the course emphasizes the ways in which Latin America has pushed us to rethink theories based on the European experience and to redefine our understanding of democracy. Pre-requisites: At least 6 credit hours in Political Science or permission of the instructor.
Human Rights & Intern Relation POLS3503A
This course considers human rights in international relations. It focuses on how the emerging human rights regime is affecting the practice of traditional state sovereignty. Special attention will be paid to the political and philosophical arguments around such issues as universal human rights versus cultural relativism, and the problems associated with humanitarian intervention.
Thesis Proposal POLS3913A1
The purpose of this course is to afford students who seek to write the Honours thesis an opportunity to develop a thorough thesis proposal, including a substantial annotated bibliography. A small number of classes will be held at the beginning of the course in order to show students how to prepare the proposal. Thereafter, the class will meet only occasionally.
Sem. in Comparative Politics POLS4303A
Designed as an upper-level seminar for students of Political Science, this course will focus on theories of comparative politics and their application to a major issue of interest to the discipline. Prerequisite: POLS 2303 and 2313, or permission of the instructor.
Capstone Seminar POLS4903A
This course is intended to serve as a capstone seminar for majors and Honours students in Political Science. The course is an investigation of the perennial issues involved in the study of politics. We shall examine critically the dominant approaches in Political Science with the aim of understanding how the method utilized affects the substance of any account of political phenomena.
Intro. to Psychology I PSYC1013A
This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, history of psychology, brain and behaviour, sensation and perception, learning, memory, and cognition.
Intro. to Psychology I PSYC1013B
This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, history of psychology, brain and behaviour, sensation and perception, learning, memory, and cognition.
Intro. to Psychology I PSYC1013C
This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, history of psychology, brain and behaviour, sensation and perception, learning, memory, and cognition.
Intro. to Psychology I PSYC1013D
This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, history of psychology, brain and behaviour, sensation and perception, learning, memory, and cognition.
Intro. to Psychology I PSYC1013E
This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, history of psychology, brain and behaviour, sensation and perception, learning, memory, and cognition.
Intro. to Psychology II PSYC1023A
This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, developmental psychology, intelligence and creativity, personality, abnormal behaviour and therapy, social psychology, and applied topics.
Intro. to Psychology II PSYC1023B
This course will introduce a variety of topics within psychology. Topics to be covered include research methods, developmental psychology, intelligence and creativity, personality, abnormal behaviour and therapy, social psychology, and applied topics.
Introduction to Statistics PSYC2013A
This course focuses on statistics used by psychologists to describe and analyze research data. Course content will include a comprehensive coverage of descriptive statistics and an introduction to inferential statistics and hypothesis testing procedures. Students must take 2013 in their second year.
Introduction to Statistics PSYC2013B
This course focuses on statistics used by psychologists to describe and analyze research data. Course content will include a comprehensive coverage of descriptive statistics and an introduction to inferential statistics and hypothesis testing procedures. Students must take 2013 in their second year.
Intro to Research Methods PSYC2023A
This course focuses on methods used by psychologists to conduct research. Course content will include comprehensive coverage of the scientific method, the logic of experimental design, ethics, and report writing. In addition, students will be required to write research papers and may be asked to design and/or conduct their own research projects. Students must take 2023 in their second year.
Intro to Research Methods PSYC2023B
This course focuses on methods used by psychologists to conduct research. Course content will include comprehensive coverage of the scientific method, the logic of experimental design, ethics, and report writing. In addition, students will be required to write research papers and may be asked to design and/or conduct their own research projects. Students must take 2023 in their second year.
Sensation PSYC2113A
An introduction to the study of sensation. The emphasis will be on vision and hearing. The course will begin with an examination of the stimuli and the structure and function of the receptors. Other topics will include the psychophysical methods, sensory scaling, and a survey of data on several senses. These topics can be varied to suit the interests of the students.
Biological Psychology PSYC2153A
This course provides a general introduction to the biology of the nervous system, and to the relationship between the nervous system and behaviour. Topics covered may include basic neuroscience, disorders of the nervous system, and selected core topics from biological psychology, such as sleep, memory, autonomic function, sensory systems, consciousness, and motor function.
Intro to Cog. Neuroscience PSYC2193A
This course introduces students to the exciting field of cognitive neuroscience, the study of the relationship between the brain and cognitive processes. Topics covered will include the basics of brain function and neuroimaging, and a variety of topics such as the neural bases of memory, decision-making, attention, language, executive function, consciousness, and disorders of those processes. Prerequisites: PSYC 1013 and 1023.
Principles of Learning PSYC2213A
An introduction to the principles of respondent and operant conditioning. In addition to the basic learning paradigms, various conditioning phenomena such as reinforcement schedules, generalization, discrimination, stimulus control, positive reinforcement, and aversive control will be studied with reference to human and animal research.
Psychology of Personal Growth PSYC2253A
This course is concerned with the growth and development of a healthy person. Topics to be covered may include concepts of identity, authenticity, self-awareness, and happiness. Students will be encouraged to use psychological theory to develop a deeper understanding of themselves as healthy persons.
Cognitive Psychology PSYC2263A
This course will introduce students to current theories of human mental processes and the methods used to study them. Topics may include attention, memory, language comprehension and production, concepts, imagery, judgment, decision-making, and problem solving.
Personality Psychology PSYC2313A
Introduction to the nature, study, and conceptualization of personality. Historical and contemporary theoretical perspectives of personality will be critically examined, and applications will be discussed.
Social Psychology PSYC2413A
This course will review a variety of topics within social psychology including social cognition and social perception, attitudes and attitude change, understanding the self, interpersonal attraction, persuasion, conformity, prejudice, aggression, and altruism.
Social Psychology PSYC2413B
This course will review a variety of topics within social psychology including social cognition and social perception, attitudes and attitude change, understanding the self, interpersonal attraction, persuasion, conformity, prejudice, aggression, and altruism.
Developmental: Phys &Emotional PSYC2613A
This course will cover various aspects of development including prenatal development, physical development from birth through puberty, motor development, emotional development, and the development of a sense of self and identity.
Developmental: Cognitive & Soc PSYC2623A
This course will cover age-related changes in language and cognition as well as the development of gender roles and schemas, moral development, peer relations, and the influence of such factors as families and the media.
Abnormal Psychology PSYC2643A
This course examines issues in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common psychological disorders in adulthood. Students are introduced to the history of psychopathology, from primitive to modern times, which traces the development of biological, psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, and sociocultural models of abnormality. Possible topics include: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and personality disorders.
Abnormal Child Psychology PSYC2653A
This course examines issues in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence, with a primary focus on children. Following a consideration of different psychological approaches to etiology and treatment, the course examines a broad range of psychological problems. Topics may include mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disorders, conduct problems, and child abuse and neglect.
Health Psychology PSYC3223A
This course will review a variety of topics within health psychology, including stress, coping and health, pain, chronic illness, the physician-patient relationship and health care, as well as the impact of various health behaviours such as smoking, drinking, and exercise on health status.
Human Memory PSYC3273A
This course will examine theories of human memory and information processing with emphasis on contemporary research in the field. Topics to be covered include short-term memory and long-term memory, encoding and retrieval processes, forgetting, implicit memory, amnesia, autobiographical memory, and memory across the lifespan. Prerequisite: PSYC 2263 or permission of instructor.
Psyc. of Human-Nature Connect PSYC3443A
This course focuses on examining human connection to nature. The course includes in-class and outdoor experiential learning components. Topics may include: the role of nature in relation to health and psychological well-being, social and community aspects of human-nature interaction, and a critical examination of natureoriented therapeutic approaches. Pre-requisites: PSYC 2023 (Intro to Research Methods)
Psyc. of Human-Nature Connect PSYC3443B
This course focuses on examining human connection to nature. The course includes in-class and outdoor experiential learning components. Topics may include: the role of nature in relation to health and psychological well-being, social and community aspects of human-nature interaction, and a critical examination of natureoriented therapeutic approaches. Pre-requisites: PSYC 2023 (Intro to Research Methods)
Advanced Statistics PSYC3933A
This course focuses on advanced statistical procedures for analyzing psychological data. Topics covered include analysis of variance, post hoc multiple comparisons, correlation, and regression. Prerequisite: PSYC 2013 and 2023.
History of Psychology PSYC3963A
This course is a general introduction to the history of psychology. We will explore some of the intellectual, social, and institutional reasons that psychology emerged when and where it did. Areas to be investigated include Wundt's contributions, functionalism, and behaviourism. Special attention will be given to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, because decisions were made then that affect us even today. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013 and 2023 or permission of the instructor.
Seminar in Social Psychology PSYC4423A
Exploration of theoretical and empirical work in one or more areas of social psychology. Prerequisites: PSYC 2013, 2023, 2413 or permission of the instructor.
Seminar in Stress and Health PSYC4453A
This seminar focuses on an advanced understanding of stress and health. Students will be exposed to the theories, research methods, and findings related to stress, as well as the relationship of stress to health and health behaviour, and coping. Topics may include the measurement of stress and health, as well as academic, workplace and relationship stress. Other topics may be explored. This course will focus on the biopsychosocial aspects of stress and health. Prerequisites: Psychology 2013, 2023, or permission of the instructor.
Seminar in Popular Psychology PSYC4513A
This course examines the development and contemporary significance of popular psychology. Topics may include the social origins of popular psychology; such 18th and 19th century psychological movements as mesmerism, phrenology, and spiritualism; and such contemporary forms of popular psychology as self-help books, talk shows, and support groups. Students will be encouraged to evaluate critically the current popularization of psychology and to explore the relationship between popular and academic psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 3963 is recommended prior to taking this course.
Honours Thesis PSYC4996A1
The student will conduct an individual research project with guidance from the Department. Some classes will be held to acquaint Honours candidates with problems in research design. PSYC 2013, 2023, 3933 and 3943 are prerequisites. A minimum grade of B is required in each of these courses.
Intro to Religious Studies RELG1006A1
A thematic, issues-oriented introduction to the study of religions. Some of the themes and issues explored may include social crisis and renewal, authority and power, sexual diversity, conflict and peace, evil and suffering, death and after death, food and music, among others. By means of these themes, students develop an active appreciation of diverse religious traditions and gain the tools to think critically about them.
Intro to Religious Studies RELG1006B1
A thematic, issues-oriented introduction to the study of religions. Some of the themes and issues explored may include social crisis and renewal, authority and power, sexual diversity, conflict and peace, evil and suffering, death and after death, food and music, among others. By means of these themes, students develop an active appreciation of diverse religious traditions and gain the tools to think critically about them.
Religion & Sexuality RELG2293A
An examination of the understanding of the nature of human sexuality with specific reference to religious and theological frameworks. Issues studied may include sexuality as foundational in personal dignity and integrity, marriage, relationality, communication, the commodification of sexuality, systematic abuses and neglect of sexuality.
Introduction to Social Welfare SCWK2013A
An examination of the history, philosophy, and development of social welfare as a social institution in New Brunswick and elsewhere. Analysis of the institution and its relationship to the history, philosophy, and values of the profession of social work.
Introduction to Social Welfare SCWK2013B
An examination of the history, philosophy, and development of social welfare as a social institution in New Brunswick and elsewhere. Analysis of the institution and its relationship to the history, philosophy, and values of the profession of social work.
Addressing Diversity SCWK3163A
Using critical, anti-oppressive, decolonizing, and Indigenous frameworks, this course analyzes structural social work practice in the context of diversity, recognizing social justice as being inextricably linked to social work. (3 credit hours)
Preparation for Practice SCWK3283A
The purpose of this course is the development of personal and professional skills that prepare students for professional social work practice. This includes a focus in increasing self-awareness and mindfulnessas important knowledge for practice; an emphasis on developing skills for experiential learning; an orientation to the values and characteristics of a competent social work professional and social work practice; and the development of a beginning competency in generic crisis intervention theory and skills. (3 credit hours)
Research Methods SCWK3503A
Research methods as explored in this course are an invaluable means to social transformation and, therefore, the imperative of working alongside oppressed groups and social movements as members or allies is stressed. (3 credit hours)
Theory for Social Work Pract. SCWK3903A
A central assumption of this course is that social work as a profession needs to be self-critical in order to guard against continuing and increasing oppression experienced by members of various groups as they access social welfare programs and social work intervention. Therefore,a critical analysis of social welfare, social services and social work practice (primarily in the Canadian context) will be the central focus in the course.
Social Work Values & Ethics SCWK3943A
Students will use a structural focus to critically examine the ethical issues and dilemmas across population groups of the social work profession as they relate to the development of a distinct theoretical knowledge-base, set of values, code of ethics, and approaches practice. The goals of this course involve students developing and demonstrating a critical understanding of ethics theory situated within a sociopolitical and cultural context; knowledge of common ethical issues in social work practice and ethical guidelines impacting on practice; application of this knowledge through assessment and ethical decision making skills; and self-awareness in relation to these issues.
Group Work: Theory and Design SCWK4013A
This is a laboratory course in which students will develop skills in group membership, leadership, and programme design. Practical group experiences and reflection activities are utilized to demonstrate theories of group dynamics and development, and to enhance group assessment and intervention skills. This course is only available to 4th year BSW students and is scheduled for the first full week (5 days) of the spring semester.
Generalist SW Practice II SCWK4533A
This course is an introduction to the application of skills of helping individuals and families. The course will focus on understanding the stages of the professional helping process, practice ethics, and the acquisition of specific anti-oppressive clinical skills in communicating, assessing problems, planning, contracting, implementing change, and terminating the process. Also, the course will include skills for approaching practice situations that commonly arise in a variety of social work contexts. The course emphasizes the skills of writing social work records.
Child Welfare SCWK4723A
This course is designed to introduce students to the child welfare system in New Brunswick and Canada, and to examine the policies, procedures, and practices which have been developed to respond to the needs of children and adolescents. As such, another purpose of the course is to critique existing policies, procedures, and practices and to discuss ways in which the child welfare delivery system could be more responsive to the needs of children and their families. Alternative responses and innovative programmes will be examined and students will be challenged to be creative in developing ideas which would lead to evolving the child welfare system in the direction of better meeting children's needs.
Law and Social Work SCWK4783A
This course is designed to familiarize social work students with the relationship between law and social work in selected areas. An overview of civil, criminal and family law will be provided with a focus on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Indian Act, the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the New Brunswick Human Rights Act, the Family Services Act (S.N.B.) and the Mental Health Act (S.N.B.). The course also examines the role of social work in the administration of justice and introduces students to basic legal concepts useful for social work practice.
Theory for SW Practice II SCWK4903A
This is a mandatory course for all post-degree BSW students. The course provides a base for professional practice by introducing the values and ethics of the profession, and theories relevant to social work practice with individuals, groups, and communities. Knowledge from the social sciences and other disciplines will be integrated with methods of intervention. Prerequisite: Theory for Social Work Practice I.
Theory for Social Work Pract.I SCWK5036A
This is a mandatory course for all post-degree BSW students. A central assumption of this course is that social work as a profession needs to be self-critical in order to guard against continuing and increasing oppression experienced by members of various groups as they access social welfare programmes and social work intervention. Therefore a critical analysis of social welfare, social services and social work practice (primarily in the Canadian context) will be a central focus in the course.
Theory for Social Work Pract.I SCWK5036A
This is a mandatory course for all post-degree BSW students. A central assumption of this course is that social work as a profession needs to be self-critical in order to guard against continuing and increasing oppression experienced by members of various groups as they access social welfare programmes and social work intervention. Therefore a critical analysis of social welfare, social services and social work practice (primarily in the Canadian context) will be a central focus in the course.
Generalist Scwk Pract. Skills SCWK5116A
This course is an introduction to the theory and skills of helping individuals and families. The course will focus on understanding the stages of the helping process, ethics, and the acquisition of specific skills in communicating, assessing problems, planning, contracting, implementing change, and terminating the process. In addition, the course will include theory and skills related to practice situations that arise in almost all social work contexts - family interviews, grief work, crisis intervention, and work with people from cultures, religions and orientation other than one's own. The skills of writing social work records will be emphasized.
Generalist Scwk Pract. Skills SCWK5116A
This course is an introduction to the theory and skills of helping individuals and families. The course will focus on understanding the stages of the helping process, ethics, and the acquisition of specific skills in communicating, assessing problems, planning, contracting, implementing change, and terminating the process. In addition, the course will include theory and skills related to practice situations that arise in almost all social work contexts - family interviews, grief work, crisis intervention, and work with people from cultures, religions and orientation other than one's own. The skills of writing social work records will be emphasized.
Organ.For Action - Diverse Grp SCWK5223MM
The pursuit of social justice is a core value of both social work education and social work practice. The purpose of this course is to teach students the historical context, the fundamental concepts, and the direct skills necessary for organizing and enacting social change efforts within diverse contexts and with diverse groups. Students will be exposed to various theories of social change, multiple modes of working for social change, and techniques for strategizing for maximum effectiveness in pursuing change efforts. Students will be expected to use their knowledge in an applied manner and will engage in hands on change efforts with diverse groups and in various diverse contexts. This course is to be offered in Semester III along with SCWK 5083 Field Instruction I (Social Action Placement). The evaluation method for this course is Pass/Fail.
Advanced Theory SCWK6013A
This course is an advanced theory and practice course for students enrolled in the MSW degree program. It critically analyzes social work practice including discourse, anti-oppressive and structural practice theories, and the nature of practice knowledge. The course also emphasizes the integration of theory and practice and an understanding of the structural contexts in which social work operates.
Adv. Theory for Soc. Pol. SCWK6043A
This course is designed to provide an in-depth and advanced understanding of Canadian social policy including: ideological and economics factors influencing policy; key structures, policies and issues in Canadian social policy; and how social workers can effect policy change. We will examine various paradigms in social policy analysis, introduce basic concepts and theories, explore specific areas of contemporary policy and real world aspects of policy analysis and development as well as critically examine the structural intersectionality of social policy issues.
Research & Eval. in Soc. Work SCWK6053A
This course prepares students to understand and critically use research in evaluating social work direct and indirect practice. In addition to critically reviewing the theoretical underpinnings of social work practice, there will be an emphasis on the integration of research and practice. Relevant qualitative methods for social work practice will be explored.
Social Work in Health Care SCWK6073A
This course introduces the multiple roles social workers play in health care delivery, and explores challenges faced by social workers in these settings. The course highlights a multidimensional approach to health, and describes the social determinants of health framework to link critical social work to health care. Legal and clinical issues social workers encounter within a complex and rapidly changing health care system will be explored. Students will have an opportunity to explore health care policies, as well as foundational clinical skills commonly used in hospitals, rehabilitation, family practice and long-term care.
Narrative Social Work SCWK6193A
This course introduces students to key elements of narrative theory and how these might be applied to both social work as a discipline and in social work practice. In three parts, the course covers narrative theory; the basics of narrative therapy; and, narrative in social work organizations and professional development. The course will build on students' experience of working in social work agencies through lectures, case studies, reflection, experiential exercises, and group work.
Introduction to Sociology SOCI1006A1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of sociology with particular reference to Canadian Society. This course examines theories and research concerning the nature of social order and conflict in industrial society; the relations between important structures or elements of society, including the economy, family, education, religion, complex organizations, racial and ethnic groups, and the dynamics of social change. Several major theoretical approaches in sociology are compared throughout the course.
Introduction to Sociology SOCI1006B1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of sociology with particular reference to Canadian Society. This course examines theories and research concerning the nature of social order and conflict in industrial society; the relations between important structures or elements of society, including the economy, family, education, religion, complex organizations, racial and ethnic groups, and the dynamics of social change. Several major theoretical approaches in sociology are compared throughout the course.
Introduction to Sociology SOCI1006C1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of sociology with particular reference to Canadian Society. This course examines theories and research concerning the nature of social order and conflict in industrial society; the relations between important structures or elements of society, including the economy, family, education, religion, complex organizations, racial and ethnic groups, and the dynamics of social change. Several major theoretical approaches in sociology are compared throughout the course.
Introduction to Sociology SOCI1006D1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of sociology with particular reference to Canadian Society. This course examines theories and research concerning the nature of social order and conflict in industrial society; the relations between important structures or elements of society, including the economy, family, education, religion, complex organizations, racial and ethnic groups, and the dynamics of social change. Several major theoretical approaches in sociology are compared throughout the course.
Introduction to Sociology SOCI1006E1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of sociology with particular reference to Canadian Society. This course examines theories and research concerning the nature of social order and conflict in industrial society; the relations between important structures or elements of society, including the economy, family, education, religion, complex organizations, racial and ethnic groups, and the dynamics of social change. Several major theoretical approaches in sociology are compared throughout the course.
Introduction to Sociology SOCI1006F1
A survey course that introduces students to the discipline of sociology with particular reference to Canadian Society. This course examines theories and research concerning the nature of social order and conflict in industrial society; the relations between important structures or elements of society, including the economy, family, education, religion, complex organizations, racial and ethnic groups, and the dynamics of social change. Several major theoretical approaches in sociology are compared throughout the course.
Research Design & Methods SOCI2013A
An introduction to the main research approaches used in sociology. The course includes practical experience in developing a research program by considering research question development, research design, methods of data collection, research ethics and data analysis. Of particular interest are the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches.
Classical Sociological Theory SOCI2033A
A study of the classical tradition in sociological thought focusing on those theorists whose ideas constitute the foundation of contemporary sociological analysis. This will include a consideration of the work of Marx, Weber, Durkheim, among others.
Deviance SOCI2313A
This course reviews theory and research with a focus on the social basis of deviance, deviance construction, and the consequences of social reactions to selected forms of deviance.
Sociology of Sport SOCI2563A
This course unpacks issues associated with sport in North America. Students are asked to critically engage with sport practices as they intersect various social phenomena including identity, nationalism, the body, colonialism, and the family. Students examine how power operates through the practices associated with sport and consider the potential, and consequences, of using sport for social change.
Sociology of Gender SOCI2613A
This course focuses on particular aspects of the social processes that shape, and are shaped by female and male social roles such as gender and power, gender and social structures of work, and feminist social movements.
Gender in the Global South SOCI2623A
This course will critically examine the role of women in the Third World. It will concentrate largely on the changes in these roles and their correspondence with the transition from traditional to new forms of economic organization, production, and power.
Sociology of Health SOCI2653A
This course explores health from a sociological perspective. The course focuses on the social determinants of health, inequalities in health and illness, health care provision, and the social construction of health and health practices.
Political Sociology SOCI3113A
The focus of this course is on the type of political system known as liberal democracy. Particular emphasis is placed on the historical genesis of liberal democracy, on its structural dynamics, and on the role of the working class within the system. The examination includes an analysis of the sources of stability and cleavage governing the development of liberal democracies. Finally, the functioning of liberal democracies is contrasted with that of communist political systems.
Animals & Society SOCI3293A
In Sociology we study human society. Humans, however, have always lived in relation to other non-human animals, and these relations and these animals have in fact been central to human society. In this course we will re-think what we mean by 'human society,' by showing how integral animals have always been to what we take to be 'human society.'
Research for Social Change SOCI3583A
This seminar course encourages students to explore how research can inform social justice and social change. Examining specific debates from the fields of feminist research, Indigenous methodologies, and critical race theory, students will gain new understandings in the various ways research can both reproduce and challenge operations of power and privilege. This course offers students the opportunity to engage in debates around these methodologies as they consider how to do research for social change.
Senior Seminar SOCI4013A
The senior seminar is a one-semester course, required for a Major degree in sociology, which is to be taken in the final year of study. The course is organized around substantive issues, with different sections devoted to different topics. The issues are addressed as puzzles or lines of inquiry that explore current concerns. Students are expected to bring the knowledge they have acquired of the competing traditions of sociological inquiry to bear on the theme. This course will be conducted as a seminar, with students taking responsibility for researching, presenting, and discussing material. Regular attendance and active participation will be emphasized. Enrolment limited to approximately 15 students in each section.
Honours Workshop SOCI4023A
This is a required course for Honours students in their final year. Enrolment is restricted to Honours students. The course is organized around two sets of activities: 1) workshops oriented to the development of knowledge and skills directly applicable to the process of thesis research, covering such topics as ethical decision-making in social research, practical problems in collecting and analyzing research material, writing in social research and 2) student presentations of thesis proposals, progress reports, and final results. Entry of non-Sociology students is with permission of instructor.
Advanced Sociological Theory SOCI4033A
A critical examination of selected orientations from contemporary sociological theory. The implications of these perspectives for both the nature of sociological inquiry and the prevailing models of society are considered. Prerequisites: SOCI 2033 and 3023.
Beginning Spanish SPAN1006A1
The beginner's course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. It represents the basic level in the learning of Spanish. Teaching methods and texts will vary from year to year and from instructor to instructor. The aims of the course are the acquisition of (1) listening comprehension, (2) basic vocabulary suitable for everyday conversations, (3) simple grammatical structures, and (4) a knowledge of reading and writing techniques. The basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are emphasized. In addition, each instructor will introduce the students to selected elements of Hispanic Culture. In addition, students are required to attend a one-hour compulsory monitor session per week.
Beginning Spanish SPAN1006B1
The beginner's course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. It represents the basic level in the learning of Spanish. Teaching methods and texts will vary from year to year and from instructor to instructor. The aims of the course are the acquisition of (1) listening comprehension, (2) basic vocabulary suitable for everyday conversations, (3) simple grammatical structures, and (4) a knowledge of reading and writing techniques. The basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are emphasized. In addition, each instructor will introduce the students to selected elements of Hispanic Culture. In addition, students are required to attend a one-hour compulsory monitor session per week.
Beginning Spanish SPAN1006C1
The beginner's course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. It represents the basic level in the learning of Spanish. Teaching methods and texts will vary from year to year and from instructor to instructor. The aims of the course are the acquisition of (1) listening comprehension, (2) basic vocabulary suitable for everyday conversations, (3) simple grammatical structures, and (4) a knowledge of reading and writing techniques. The basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are emphasized. In addition, each instructor will introduce the students to selected elements of Hispanic Culture. In addition, students are required to attend a one-hour compulsory monitor session per week.
Beginning Spanish SPAN1006D1
The beginner's course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. It represents the basic level in the learning of Spanish. Teaching methods and texts will vary from year to year and from instructor to instructor. The aims of the course are the acquisition of (1) listening comprehension, (2) basic vocabulary suitable for everyday conversations, (3) simple grammatical structures, and (4) a knowledge of reading and writing techniques. The basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are emphasized. In addition, each instructor will introduce the students to selected elements of Hispanic Culture. In addition, students are required to attend a one-hour compulsory monitor session per week.
Beginning Spanish SPAN1006Y
The beginner's course is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. It represents the basic level in the learning of Spanish. Teaching methods and texts will vary from year to year and from instructor to instructor. The aims of the course are the acquisition of (1) listening comprehension, (2) basic vocabulary suitable for everyday conversations, (3) simple grammatical structures, and (4) a knowledge of reading and writing techniques. The basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are emphasized. In addition, each instructor will introduce the students to selected elements of Hispanic Culture. In addition, students are required to attend a one-hour compulsory monitor session per week.
Intermediate Spanish I SPAN2013A
This course begins with a review of the first-year course and proceeds to include, in a progressive way, the new components of intermediate grammar. Conversation will be an essential part of the course. Vocabulary expansion will be developed through short readings. The practice of listening, speaking, writing, and reading will give students the opportunity to improve their use of the language. Audio-visual materials will reinforce the student's understanding of Hispanic Culture.
Oral Intense II SPAN2423A
This course is designed as a follow up to SPAN 2413 and will provide intense oral practice in Spanish. In addition to traditional oral practices, there will be small discussion groups and regular access to sound and video files on the WWW. News items, current newspapers, radio and television news will be accessed regularly on the WWW and specific news items will be followed in some detail. Prerequisite: SPAN 2413 or equivalent. In addition, students are required to attend a three-hour compulsory monitor session per week.
Advanced Reading I SPAN3313A
Students will develop their reading and analyses skills by an in-depth reading of selected Peninsular Spanish texts and in addition, they will improve their oral fluency studying the rhythms of Peninsular Spanish poetry. Oral and written expositions on specific topics which arise from their textual analyses will reinforce the accuracy of the use of Spanish language in all its forms.
Advanced Grammar I SPAN3513A
This course aims to build on the knowledge and communicative skills that students have previously acquired, in a limited form, with regards to the subjunctive tense. During the course of the semester, in-class activities will emphasize the practice of the present subjunctive tense. Some structural exercises and reading activities will be used; however, the course is based on communicative activities and projects that will reinforce grammar acquisition.
Span. Golden Age Cult. & Texts SPAN4023A
This course will include a close reading of selected, representative texts covering equally 1) Renaissance and Baroque poetry, 2) the Picaresque Novel, and 3) the Creation of the National Theatre. Emphasis will be placed on the evolution of the Spanish language as the seeming simplicity of the Renaissance changes to the intense complexity of the Baroque.
Intro Women's & Gender Studies WSGS2016A1
This is the introductory course to the interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies and Gender Studies. The basis of femininity, masculinity and women's inequality are examined in the context of wider social relations, including the historical subject, literary voice and the women's movement.
Intro Women's & Gender Studies WSGS2016Y1
This is the introductory course to the interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies and Gender Studies. The basis of femininity, masculinity and women's inequality are examined in the context of wider social relations, including the historical subject, literary voice and the women's movement.