Senate Members

President (Chair) - Dr. Nauman Farooqi
Registrar (Secretary) - Ms. Maureen Barnes
Vice-President (Academic and Research) - Dr. Kim Fenwick

Associate Vice-President (Research) - Dr. Peter Toner
Dean of Social Sciences - Dr. Susan Machum
Dean of Humanities - Dr. André Loiselle
UNB Delegate - Dr. Carmen Poulin

Department Chairs, Program Directors and Subject Coordinators
Anthropology - Dr. Csilla Dallos 
Criminology and Criminal Justice - Dr. Dawne Clarke
Economics - Dr. Fariba Solati (Acting)
English - Dr. Matte Robinson
Fine Arts - Dr. Martin Kutnowski
Gerontology - Dr. Linda Caissie
Great Books - Dr. Matt Dinan
History - Dr. Brad Cross 
Human Rights - Dr. Christina Szurlej 
Journalism - Dr. Jamie Gillies 
Native Studies - Dr. André Loiselle (Acting)
Philosophy - Dr. Matthew Robinson 
Political Science - Dr. Shaun Narine 
Psychology - Dr. Sandra Thomson 
Religious Studies - Dr. Dawne Clarke (Acting) 
Romance Languages - Dr. Christian Mbarga (Acting)
School of Education - Dr. Gemma Porter (Acting)
School of Social Work - Dr. Marilyn Dupre
Sociology - Dr. Erin Fredericks  (Acting)

Board Members (Faculty)

Michael Dawson 
Matthew Hayes
Robin Vose

Board Member
Mr. Don Bosse

FAUST President

Dr. Jean Sauvageau (Acting)


Mr. Dennis Livingstone

Student Representatives  

STUSU President 

STUSU Vice-President (Education) 


  1. Regular meetings of Senate shall be held monthly during the academic year, and as necessary at other times;
  2. Regular meetings may be cancelled when there is insufficient business; the Chair shall determine when there is insufficient business;
  3. The secretary shall publish the annual schedule of regular meetings;
  4. Meetings shall not exceed three hours unless extended by a motion duly put and passed before expiry of the three hours;
  5. The secretary shall circulate an advance call for agenda items two weeks prior to the date of each meeting;
  6. The agenda and supporting documents shall be circulated one week in advance of the scheduled meeting;
  7. Business normally will be limited to those items that appear on the circulated agenda and that have supporting documentation circulated with the agenda and to those motions notice of which has been given at a previous meeting;
  8. Senate meetings are open to all members of the University community;
  9. Provision is hereby made for meetings or parts of meetings to be held in camera for due cause;
  10. Observers are not to speak or participate in discussions in Senate except when invited by the Chair.

Special Meetings

  1. The Chair may call special meetings of the Senate;
  2. The Chair is required to call a special meeting of Senate within one week of a request signed by ten members of Senate;
  3. Special meetings scheduled with less than one week's notice require a quorum of 50% of Senate members in order to proceed.

Order of Business 

The order of business shall usually follow this sequence:

  1. approval of agenda
  2. announcements
  3. minutes of the preceding meeting
  4. business arising from the minutes
  5. pending business
  6. reports
  7. new business
  8. President's report
  9. question period

Seretary and Records

  1. The minutes and all other Senate records shall be maintained by, and held in the custody of, the Secretary;
  2. The Secretary shall maintain a current record of Senate decisions in a policy handbook;
  3. The Secretary shall circulate the Senate minutes to all members of Senate within two weeks of the meeting.